Jews, often second class citizens in Israel – affirmative action for Arabs

Jews, often second class citizens in Israel – affirmative action for Arabs

Preferential treatment for Arabs over Jews under Zionism – democracy

Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition – Op-Eds – Israel …7 Feb 2002 … Affirmative Action ? the Israeli Edition. by Steven Plaut … to the Arab aggression against Israel supported by most Israeli Arab students, …

Israel: The Jewish affirmative action state
By Ariel Natan Pasko July 1, 2005
Recently there’s been a lot of talk about whether Israel should be a Jewish religious state, a Jewish and democratic state, a Jewish Zionist state, or a plain old everyday state for everyone who wants to be a citizen… The Israeli Arabs’ concept of a Jewish and democratic state means a state for all its citizens, rejecting Jewish affirmative action. They don’t want Israel to be a homeland for the Jewish People, which is an outright denial of Jewish history.

The Katzir Rule of the Israeli High CourtBy this, one of the two pillars , on which the Jewish state rests – Jewish … But the entire state of Israel is one giant piece of affirmative action …

Israel Government Action in the Arab Sector. (February 21, 2000) … and drawing up a cooperation framework involving the various government ministries. This program will include the raising of resources and promotion of investment, while applying an affirmative action policy in the areas of housing, employment, industry, transport, infrastructures, agriculture, and education in the non-Jewish sector.

Israel National Radio – Zionist Affirmative Action Audio: Zionist Affirmative Action. 12/7/2010 3:58:00 PM. A7 Radio’s “Behind the Scene” with David Bedein.

Affirming affirmative action
Social and economic inclusion of Arab society in Israel will contribute to creating true equality, the foundation stone for building a shared society – a declared, key goal of MK Avishay Braverman, the minister of minority affairs. Let’s hope the plan succeeds, and impels us to move in the right direction.
By Mohammad Darawshe
Last week the cabinet approved an investment of more than $210 million in the economic development of the Arab community over the next five years. This is considered the largest such investment ever in this population, and is intended to strengthen the economy through construction and expansion of industrial areas, creation of administrative institutions, development of professional and academic training programs, and improvement of the police force, as well as infrastructure, tourism, transportation and day-care services.

Israel a safe haven for Arabs – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews 27 Apr 2011 …
Op-ed: Israel is only place in Middle East where Arabs are entitled to full democratic rights
The Tunisian revolution began when a green grocer, Mohamed Bouazizi, self-immolated after suffering from severe police harassment. Through this brave, desperate act, he was transformed into the symbol of the new Arab revolution. Reflecting on Bouazizi’s ultimate act of protest, one can hardly conceive of what atmosphere and surroundings would compel an individual to resort to such an extreme Israel’s Arab citizens are also afforded affirmative action measures in educational institutions and government offices.,7340,L-4061229,00.html

Government approves affirmative action in civil service Government offices will be encouraged to recruit staff from ethnic minorities, especially Arabs.
12 March 06 18:42, Zeev Klein

Mazuz wants affirmative action for Arabs – Israel News, Ynetnews 17 Dec 2008 … News: After ultra-Orthodox block bill granting Arab sector …,7340,L-3640231,00.html

Zionism as Affirmative Action – The Israel Report April 2001 After the Arabs invaded Israel, most diplomats and military experts predicted its quick … is more accurately described in terms of affirmative action. …

2000 students owe university place to affirmative action – Haaretz …19 Nov 2009 … The affirmative action policy, which has been implemented at Israel’s universities for several years now, was intended to help academically …


All the while, a Jew is not allowed to reside in racist Apartheid Arab-Palestine.

Beware Palestinian apartheid
Op-ed: Palestinian leader Abbas seeks to adopt racist policy based on ethnic cleansing of Jews,7340,L-3929819,00.html

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