Posts Tagged ‘bulldozer’

Arab racism against Jews inside Israel: Arabs’ rampage in Acre

October 23, 2008

Arab racism against Jews inside Israel: Arabs’ rampage in Acre

[Oct 2008]…

the violence continued as Arabs heading back to their neighborhoods ran riot through Jewish areas of the city. Calling “Death to the Jews” and Allah hu akbar (“Allah is great”), the rioters vandalized hundreds of Jewish-owned shops and vehicles, and threw rocks at people on their way to or from Yom Kippur prayers.

Police arrest Acre Yom Kippur driver… Police on Monday arrested 48 year-old Jamal Taufik, the driver who entered Jewish east Acre on the evening of Yom Kippur and who is blamed by police for sparking a provocation that deteriorated into several nights of racial violence and rioting.

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Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

September 22, 2008

Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack. Ten people were wounded – one seriously, two moderately and seven lightly – on Monday night in a terror attack at a busy Jerusalem intersection. Rescue services said an Arab driver drove his car into a group of people at Zahal Square. The driver was shot and killed by citizens, according to Israel Radio and rescue services. The intersection is near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate.
Oh well, Just another “isolated’ incident of Arabs INSIDE Israel filled with anti Jewish racism out there to murder ANY Jew – man, woman, child, just like the 2 bulldozer terror attack cases, just like all terror attacks by Arab ‘Palestinians” that were ALL assisted by Israeli Arabs racists…

than… these racist savage Arabs will complain how they are “poor, poor second class” because Israeli Jews “dare” be afraid of the Arab Muslim [fake victims’] horrendous crimes against humanity.

So “unfair’ indeed…

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August 22, 2008


Arab MK: ‘Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews’ -Tibi

the construction worker was an Israeli-Arab who worked for an Israeli Arab. “He took the bulldozer, with which he fed his own wife and family, and used it to crush other families to death, simply for being Israeli Jews.”

Bulldozer attack raises fears of Arab ‘5th column’ Jul 3, 2008 … Yesterday’s bulldozer attack was claimed by an Israeli Arab group from … brutal acts of violence against Israeli Jews in recent years. …

[Arab racism against Jews even inside Israel] Fear of calling a terrorist a terrorist Ha’aretz, Israel – Jul 7, 2008 If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I’d like to know what is.

Islamic Movement head charged with incitement to racism, violence …Jan 30, 2008

5 Israeli Arabs Are Charged With Aiding Hamas … Mr. Mahzomah, an Israeli Arab who was convicted of terrorism in Israel, was sent to Lebanon in a prisoner …

Growing Threat from Homegrown Israeli Arab Terrorism – Defense …Jul 13, 2008 … ( It was cleared for publication Sunday morning that four Israeli Arabs were arrested more than a month ago on charges of …

[May 2007] (Another Israeli Arab leader charged) Azmi Bishara, the Arab member of the Israeli Knesset who is about to be charged with espionage and treason for aiding Hizbullah in the Second Lebanon War …

Israel News – Three Israeli Arabs Planning To Kidnap & Murder …Jun 2, 2008 … Three Israeli Arabs from Lod were arrested by the Shin Bet and Israel … will be charged with conspiring to commit a crime and aiding the enemy…

2003 Terrorism Review The involvement of Israeli Arabs in terrorist attacks included: … the Green Line and had also received financial aid from a Lebanese Hizballah terrorist. …

Police: We exposed (ARAB) al-Qaida cell (in Israel) Jerusalem Post Jul 9, 2008 … them of membership in a terrorist organization, aiding the enemy … This is not the first time that Israeli-Arabs have been charged …

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