Posts Tagged ‘janjaweed’

Hope for freedom from REAL Apartheid (Sudan)

January 11, 2011

World eagerly awaits for S. Sudan to separate from ‘Arab Islamic Racist Apartheid’ in the north

Sudan’s Referendum: Will Africa’s Largest Country Split in Two?‎
The Women’s International Perspective – Reem Abbas – (Jan. 2011)
His vision was for a “New Sudan” – formulated along the lines of post-apartheid South Africa.

Battle for peace in Sudan: an analysis of the Abuja conferences, 1992-1993 – Page 33
Steven Wöndu, Ann Mosely Lesch – 2000 – 247 pages
‘Racial and religious apartheid … [is the central problem] in the Sudan’ [1:19 Nhial Deng] and ‘racial and religious … [3:43-44 Deng Alor] The North looked to the Arab-Islamic world whereas the South reacted by turning towards black …

Burden of Nationality: memoirs of an African aidworker/journalist, 1970s-1990s – Page 65 – Jacob J. Akol – 2006 – 288 pages
The current population of the Sudan is estimated at close to 30 million, of which one third is in Southern Sudan, … there is no more apartheid in Africa, while in reality the Islamic Fundamentalism in Sudan is worse than apartheid. …

The long road to peace: encounters with the people of Southern Sudan – Page 9 – Mathew Haumann – 2000 – 138 pages – Preview
(Next to the SPLA radio, the BBC news is fairly popular in Sudan; it gives John a view of international affairs.) But John wonders why one never hears anything about apartheid in Sudan? Here black southerners have no rights at all,..

Sanction Sudan like apartheid South Africa, Tutu says | Reuters 5 Jun 2007 … BRUSSELS, June 5 (Reuters) – The international community should press Sudan to end the conflict in Darfur with the same kinds of sanctions …

Uganda/Sudan: The slow, violent death of apartheid in Sudan …19 Sep 2006 … By the time you read this article, the fate of the long-suffering people of Darfur will most likely have been decided at an emergency …

[PDF] South Sudan, an introduction
By Chinweizu
A presentation to the Nigeria-South Sudan Friendship Association (NISSFA), in Lagos, 26 MAR 2008

Sudan is the microcosm of Black Africa’s unacknowledged Arab problem, a problem of racism, colonialism, enslavement and an Arab agenda of cultural, political and territorial expansion at the expense of Black Africa. It would take a fat book to adequately explain these matters; however, the brief answers to the 11 questions below attempt to throw preliminary light on the situation of the Afro-Sudanese.

Q1: What is the basic problem in Sudan?
In Sudan, Black Africans (The Afro-Sudanese in South Sudan, Darfur, Nubia, etc) are fighting against an Arab settler minority regime, ruling from Khartoum. They are fighting against a racist, Arab supremacist rule that is worse, much worse, than Apartheid. The Sudan situation has many of the features of Apartheid and, to make things worse, the raiding of black African villages by Arabs who sell black captives into slavery in Northern Sudan and other parts of the Arab world, is still going on there today in the 21st century. Slave raiding was not even part of the loathsome evils of Apartheid.
The South Sudanese, after a 50years war of liberation (1955-2005)—the longest war in Africa– finally got Khartoum to sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, CPA, in 2005. The CPA has the backing of the International Community. It grants the South Sudanese limited autonomy through the Government of South Sudan, and provides for a Self-Determination referendum in 2011. The referendum will give the people of South Sudan the chance to decide whether South Sudan will remain within Sudan or secede and become independent.
In a replay of how Khartoum unilaterally abrogated the 1972 Addis Ababa peace accord that ended the Anya-Anya phase of the Afro-Arab race war in Sudan, [an accord that, like the CPA, also granted regional autonomy to South Sudan], Khartoum is determined to kill the CPA, and is maneuvering to resume war on South Sudan and prevent the referendum.

[PDF] Is Sudan not an Apartheid State?


Non-interference was used by South Africa’s Apartheid regime to counter UN … Have the military rulers not sought to make Sudan an. Arab and Islamic state? …

The Apartheid Propaganda 28 Aug 2004 … Beyond exposing the absurdity of the charges against Israel, it is time to put Arab and Islamic racism – as shown in Sudan and elsewhere …

Ex-minister speaks out against Sudan’s al-Bashir6 Mar 2009 … Al-Bashir has defiantly rejected the court summons, but Cotler said armed intervention under UN aegis should be envisaged to bring him to justice. Short of that, he suggested measures such as blockading Sudanese ports and jamming the country’s communications facilities.

“We must give notice that we will no longer stand idly by while the killing of innocent civilians unfolds.”

Cotler also deplored the labelling of Israel as an apartheid state by organizers of Israel Apartheid Week activities this week, calling it an example of newly rampant anti-Semitism
… “Yes, there should be criticism of any state’s policies, but we don’t have Sudan apartheid weeks or Iran apartheid weeks, so why an Israel …

Video: A ‘lost boy’ of Sudan returns to rebuild his homeland

January 7, 2011

On Sunday, the people of Southern Sudan will begin voting on whether to remain part of a unified Sudan or become an independent state. Sudan, Africa’s largest nation, is an oil-rich country run by Islamist Arabs. What happens there matters to all of us for strategic and humanitarian reasons. Here’s what you need to know:

For generations, southern Sudan has been dominated by the Islamist-run government in Khartoum, which has sought to impose Sharia law on the south’s Christians and animists.

Religion is one of the main causes of two bloody civil wars that have killed two million southern Sudanese. Another point of contention: control of Sudan’s oil reserves that lie mostly in the south and along the border with the north. If, as expected, the south votes to secede, many fear another wave of violence, despite assurances from Sudan’s president, Omar al Bashir, that he will accept the results of the election: “If the south secedes, we will welcome it.”

But can Bashir be trusted? He has been indicted as a war criminal for his brutal military campaign against rebels and civilians in Darfur. That fighting, which began in 2003, has left 300,000 dead. Need to Know sent producer George Lerner to southern Sudan to report on one former refugee’s efforts to help rebuild his homeland in anticipation of a vote for independence.

The Winston Foundation, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS.


More on Fascism in the Arab world – Pan-Arabism, etc.

January 30, 2009
Fascism in the Arab world – Pan-Arabism, etc. (Part 4)
Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege… by Elizabeth Thompson – 2000 – History – 402 pages
…pan Syrianism… pan Arabism… najjada… Lebanese…The fascist nature of the groups
The Baath Party and FascismThe Ba’ath Party and Fascism. (Leadership Cult). …
Unity has taken the form of a pan- Arabism that envisions the elimination of artificial boundaries fixed by imperial powers after the First World War and the foundation of a single Arab State. The nationalism of the Ba’ath calls for an unquestioning faith: a questioning of reason, a doubting of Party policy, is considered the work of the enemy and its network of agents.
Islamic Fascism built on hate, racism …Islamic fascists incinerate dozens in Madrid, and claim they have a right to do …. to both sharia and the pan-Arabist thug.
Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity… Eric Davis – 2005 – History – 385 pages
A number of ex-Sharifians incorporated Pan-Arabism into the platforms of clique-based political parties, such as Yasin … in the al-Muthanna Club, whose members, heavily influenced by European fascism, formed the core of new radicals for the civilian-military Pan-Arab coalition led by Yunis al-Sab’awi and Salah al-Din al-Sabbagh.