Posts Tagged ‘Al Qaeda’

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]

May 8, 2009

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]
eretzyisroel ^

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world

One key element missing from the discussion is the question of non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world. The Arab nationalists have succeeded in establishing some 23 non-democratic, ethnically (Arab) and religiously (Islam) defined nation-states in over 1 million square miles of territory, often at the expense of non-Arabs, such as the Kurds (Muslims, non-Arabs), Assyrians (Christians, non-Arabs), Copts (Christians, non-Arabs), southern Sudanese (Christian and pagan non-Arabs), Maronite Lebanese (Christian and mostly identified with their Phoenician ancestors) and Mizrahi Jews. Arab nationalist ideology claims all this territory exclusively as “Arab” despite the legitimate claims of non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims to ancient homelands long ago arabized with the spread of Islam, often through conquest.

I believe that the Arab opposition to the existence of non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel is based on the ideological motivations which led to the persecution of non-Arab minorities. The Assyrians suffered massacre and expulsion by the Arab nationalists of Iraq in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kurds have been persecuted and have suffered terribly for their struggle to establish an independent Kurdistan (at the hands of the Turks and Iranians as well, but that is another story.)

Arab nationalist ideology, and its Islamicist couterpart, cannot and will not tolerate non-Arab and non-Islamic peoples organizing themselves into their own independent nation states. Indeed, I have seen on Islamicist web sites the goal of “regaining” Spain in the name of Islam.

I believe that we need to place Israel’s struggle to survive into this context. Any non-Arab/non-Islamic state in the region must rely on strength (political, moral, spiritual and military) if it wants to survive in the Middle East. In this context can we thus place Israel’s demand for security. It is not security for the sake of security, not seucirty for the sake of oppressing another people, but security for the sake of survival against two racist and exclusivist ideologies (Arabism and Islamicism) which have succeeded in repressing the just struggles for national self-determination of most non-Arab peoples in the Middle East.

To this end, I highly recommend looking at the following web sites:

Assyrian Democratic MovementAssyrian International News Agency


The World Lebanese Organization

Maronite Research Council

Kudistan web

Making the world ‘Judenstaatrein’ (Islamic Genocidal Anti Semitism)

March 2, 2009

Making the world ‘Judenstaatrein’ (Islamic Genocidal Anti Semitism)
jpost ^ | 02, 23, 09

Making the world ‘Judenstaatrein’


Feb 23, 2009

Some 125 parliamentarians gathered together last week for the historic founding conference of the Interparliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism (ICCA), brought together by a new sophisticated, globalizing, virulent and even lethal anti-Semitism reminiscent of the atmospherics of the 1930s, and without parallel or precedent since the end of World War II.

The new anti-Jewishness overlaps with classical anti-Semitism but is distinguishable from it. It found early juridical, and even institutional, expression in the UN’s “Zionism is racism” resolution – which the late US senator Daniel Moynihan said “gave the abomination of anti-Semitism the appearance of international legal sanction” – but has gone dramatically beyond it. This new anti-Semitism almost needs a new vocabulary to define it; however, it can best be identified using a rights-based juridical perspective.

In a word, classical or traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, denial of or assault upon the rights of Jews to live as equal members of whatever host society they inhabit. The new anti-Semitism involves the discrimination against the right of the Jewish people to live as an equal member of the family of nations – the denial of and assault upon the Jewish people’s right even to live – with Israel as the “collective Jew among the nations.”

As the closing “London Declaration” of the ICCA conference affirmed: “We are alarmed at the resurrection of the old language of prejudice and its modern manifestations – in rhetoric and political action – against Jews, Jewish belief and practice and the State of Israel.”

Observing the complex intersections between the old and the new anti-Semitism, and the impact of the new on the old, Per Ahlmark, former leader of the Swedish Liberal Party and deputy prime minister of Sweden, pithily concluded: “Compared to most previous anti-Jewish outbreaks, this [new anti-Semitism] is often less directed against individual Jews. It attacks primarily the collective Jews, the State of Israel. And then such attacks start a chain reaction of assaults on individual Jews and Jewish institutions… In the past, the most dangerous anti-Semites were those who wanted to make the world Judenrein, ‘free of Jews.’ Today, the most dangerous anti-Semites might be those who want to make the world Judenstaatrein, ‘free of a Jewish state.’

Genocidal Anti-Semitism

The first modality of the new anti-Semitism – and the most lethal type – is what I would call genocidal anti-Semitism. This is not a term that I use lightly or easily. In particular, I am referring to the Genocide Convention’s prohibition against the “direct and public incitement to genocide.” If anti-Semitism is the most enduring of hatreds and genocide is the most horrific of crimes, then the convergence of this genocidal intent embedded in anti-Semitic ideology is the most toxic of combinations.


There are three manifestations of this genocidal anti-Semitism. The first is the state-sanctioned – indeed state-orchestrated – genocidal anti-Semitism of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran, dramatized by the parading in the streets of Teheran of a Shihab-3 missile draped in the emblem “wipe Israel off the Map,” while demonizing both the State of Israel as a “cancerous tumor to be excised” and the Jewish people as “evil incarnate.”

A second manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is in the covenants and charters, platforms and policies of such terrorist movements and militias as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah and al-Qaida, which not only call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews wherever they may be, but also for the perpetration of acts of terror in furtherance of that objective.

The third manifestation of this genocidal anti-Semitism is the religious fatwas or execution writs, where these genocidal calls in mosques and media are held out as religious obligations – where Jews and Judaism are characterized as the perfidious enemy of Islam, and Israel becomes the Salmon Rushdie of the nations.

In a word, Israel is the only state in the world – and the Jews the only people in the world – that are the object of a standing set of threats by governmental, religious and terrorist bodies seeking their destruction. The London Declaration – again in a significant clarion call – recognized that “where there is incitement to genocide signatories [to the Genocide Convention] automatically have an obligation to act.” This promise must now be acted upon.

Ideological Anti-Semitism

Ideological anti-Semitism is a much more sophisticated and arguably a more pernicious expression of the new anti-Semitism. It finds expression not in any genocidal incitement against Jews and Israel, or overt racist denial of the Jewish people and Israel’s right to be; rather, ideological anti-Semitism disguises itself as part of the struggle against racism.

The first manifestation of this ideological anti-Semitism was its institutional and juridical anchorage in the “Zionism is racism” resolution at the UN. Notwithstanding the fact that the there was a formal repeal of this resolution, Zionism as racism remains alive and well in the global arena, particularly in the campus cultures of North America and Europe, as confirmed by the recent British All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism.

The second manifestation is the indictment of Israel as an apartheid state. This involves more than the simple indictment; it also involves the call for the dismantling of Israel as an apartheid state as evidenced by the events at the 2001 UN World Conference against Racism in Durban.

The third manifestation of ideological anti-Semitism involves the characterization of Israel not only as an apartheid state – and one that must be dismantled as part of the struggle against racism – but as a Nazi one.

And so it is then that Israel is delegitimized, if not demonized, by the ascription to it of the two most scurrilous indictments of 20th-century racism – Nazism and apartheid – the embodiment of all evil. These very labels of Zionism and Israel as “racist, apartheid and Nazi” supply the criminal indictment. No further debate is required. The conviction that this triple racism warrants the dismantling of Israel as a moral obligation has been secured. For who would deny that a “racist, apartheid, Nazi” state should not have any right to exist today? What is more, this characterization allows for terrorist “resistance” to be deemed justifiable – after all, such a situation is portrayed as nothing other than occupation et résistance, where resistance against a racist, apartheid, Nazi occupying state is legitimate, if not mandatory.

Legalized Anti-Semitism

If ideological anti-Semitism seeks to mask itself under the banner of anti-racism, legalized anti-Semitism is even more sophisticated and insidious. Here, anti-Semitism simultaneously seeks to mask itself under the banner of human rights, to invoke the authority of international law and to operate under the protective cover of the UN. In a word – and in an inversion of human rights, language and law – the singling out of Israel and the Jewish people for differential and discriminatory treatment in the international arena is “legalized.”

But one example of legalized anti-Semitism occurred annually for more than 35 years at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. This influential body consistently began its annual session with Israel being the only country singled out for country-specific indictment – even before the deliberations started – the whole in breach of the UN’s own procedures and principles. In this Alice in Wonderland situation, the conviction and sentence were pronounced even before the hearings commenced. Some 30 percent of all the resolutions passed at the commission were indictments of Israel.

After the commission was replaced in June 2006 by the UN Human Rights Council, the new body proceeded to condemn one member state – Israel – in 80% of its 25 country-specific resolutions, while the major human rights violators of our time enjoyed exculpatory immunity. Indeed, five special sessions, two fact-finding missions and a high level commission of inquiry have been devoted to a single purpose: the singling out of Israel.

This week’s ICCA conference and London Declaration unequivocally condemned this “legalized” anti-Semitism, calling out that “governments and the UN should resolve that never again will the institutions of the international community and the dialogue of nations states be abused to try to establish any legitimacy for anti-Semitism, including the singling out of Israel for discriminatory treatment in the international arena, and we will never witness – or be party to – another gathering like Durban in 2001.”

The Resurgence of Global Anti-Semitism: Evidentiary Data

The data unsurprisingly confirm that anti-Semitic incidents are very much on the rise. Still, the available figures only show half the picture – they demonstrate an increase in this old/new anti-Semitism by concentrating on the traditional anti-Semitic paradigm targeting individual Jews and Jewish institutions, while failing to consider the new anti-Semitic paradigm targeting Israel as the Jew among nations and the fallout from it for traditional anti-Semitism. But the rise in traditional anti-Semitism is bound up with the rise in the new anti-Semitism, insidiously buoyed by a climate receptive to attacks on Jews because of the attacks on the Jewish state. Indeed, reports illustrate both an upsurge in violence and related anti-Semitic crimes corresponding with the 2006 Second Lebanon War and the recent Israel-Hamas war, which delegates to the ICCA conference characterized as a “pandemic.”


It is this global escalation and intensification of anti-Semitism that underpins – indeed, necessitates – the establishment of the ICCA to confront and combat this oldest and most enduring of hatreds. Silence is not an option. The time has come not only to sound the alarm – but to act. For as history has taught us only too well: While it may begin with Jews, it does not end with Jews. Anti-Semitism is the canary in the mine shaft of evil, and it threatens us all.

The writer is a Canadian MP and former minister of justice and attorney-general. He is professor of law (on leave) at McGill University who has written extensively on matters of hate, racism and human rights. He is a co-founder of the Interparliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism with UK MP John Mann.

Islamists define “zionism” anyone who stands up FOR life & against MASSACRES

December 16, 2008

Islamic Pakistani TV channel blames the Islamic massacre on “Indian (hindu) zionists”

Pak TV channel says 26/11 hatched by Hindu Zionists – how/3785654.cms

There you go, the usual Islamic follow-up crime, after committing the massacre – (on top of everything) blaming the victims!

What the heck is an “hindu zionist” anyway??? then again, Who said Islamofascism makes sense?

The truth — however — is that the Islamists consider ANY anti terrorists pro-security, pro-survival, pro-life acting “entity” as “zionists”, that’s IslamiPedia for “Zionism”.

Palestinians & Al-Qaeda) Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash

October 6, 2008

(Palestinians & Al-Qaeda) Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash

Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash 16 Sep 2008 By Reuters Eleven Palestinians, including a pro-al Qaida militant and a child, were killed yesterday in overnight gunbattles in the Gaza Strip…

(Palestinians & Al-Qaeda) Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash

October 6, 2008

(Palestinians & Al-Qaeda) Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash

Pro-al Qaida gunman among 11 dead in Gaza Strip clash 16 Sep 2008 By Reuters Eleven Palestinians, including a pro-al Qaida militant and a child, were killed yesterday in overnight gunbattles in the Gaza Strip…

Al Qaeda in Iraq learned quite quickly from the Palestinian Islamists “experts” in exploiting kids. [Islamofascism’s “improved methods”]

August 30, 2008

Al Qaeda in Iraq learned quite quickly from the Palestinian Islamists “experts” in exploiting kids. [Islamofascism’s “improved methods”]

Drugged girl, 15, a reluctant bomb martyr



About ‘Palestinianism’ – Exploiting their kids for their Death cult

A Palestinian Home Video American Media Will Never Air ode/13040

Palestinian claims on the extent of damage in Jenin do not pass the test of … Palestinian terror organizations exploit innocent children as a front for …

Below are a number of examples of Palestinian Arab women suicide bombers and …. to exploit her western looks and smuggle a suicide bomber into Jerusalem. …

2003 Palestinian Authority Textbook Calls for Jihad and Martyrdom. … in people’s minds and they abandon Jihad while the enemy desires [to exploit] them… …

Palestinians exploit children for terror – March 2004Palestinian Arab children absorb these values at home, from the games they play, in the mosques, from television (which frequently shows programs of … or+terror+-+March+2004.htm

PALESTINIANS CYNICALLY EXPLOIT KIDS IN ARAFAT’S ‘CHILDREN’S CRUSADE’ Not so the Palestinians, who with a medieval sense of the value of their kids’ lives, and a 21st-century sense of public relations, send their young out …

Palestinian Exploitation of ChildrenPressure must be brought to bear on the Palestinians to stop this activity immediately. 1. Guiding principle: Terrorist organizations exploit the innocent …

The exploitation of children for terrorist purposes – The guiding principle: Terrorist organizations exploit the innocent appearance … In many cases, Palestinian children dress up as a “shaheed” (martyr) with …

echnorati –


August 14, 2008


August 13, 2008

Bomb attack in Lebanon Kills 18 soldiers and civilians.

Why, “freedom from oppression of course”… Still think they deserve a state? to do what with it exactly???

Roadside bomb kills at least 18 in Lebanon

It was the worst attack on the army since last summer, when it fought a 16-week battle with al- Qaeda-inspired militant group Fatah al-Islam, losing 170 soldiers.

The gunmen, of Lebanese, Palestinian and other Arab nationalities, were holed up in the Nahr El-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, just north of Tripoli. Fatah al-Islam leader Shaker al-Abssi and other fighters slipped away during the battle and remain on the loose.

Tripoli is a mostly Sunni city that has in recent weeks witnessed sectarian clashes between Sunnis and minority Alawites, an offshoot Shiite sect that is aligned with Hezbollah and other pro-Syrian factions.

It was also the scene last year of fierce battles between the Lebanese army and a militant Palestinian faction, Fatah al-Islam, which is suspected of ties to Al Qaeda. Though the militants were routed, some of their leaders escaped and have issued various statements over the past year threatening to stage attacks. They claimed responsibility for killing a Lebanese soldier in the area in May.

Among the victims of the bombing were nine off-duty Lebanese army soldiers, making Fatah al-Islam a leading suspect. A statement issued by the Lebanese army also attributed the “terrorist attack” to the “sharp political bickering” that has continued in the country since the peace deal, a reminder that the underlying problems plaguing Lebanon have still not been resolved.,0,4902802.story

“Refugee” camps or TERROR camps? Fighting Against Palestinian Terror Refugee Camps or Terror Bases? Where do the Arab terror suicide bombers come from, where are they trained to kill innocent woman and children? …

Fatah al-Islam statement warns of impending attacks on Western schools… Lebanese forces battling Islamic militants inside Lebanon will be resupplied by a shipment of U.S. military ammunition

I “love” it when terror-apologetic Arabists’ [anti-Israel bigots] use of their invented “brutalized” idea, this is of course a terrible attempt of rewriting history, as if these ‘Palestinian’ Arabs were not always about violence from the beginning.