Posts Tagged ‘Copts’

Some milestones in dateline: ‘Arab-Israeli conflict’ [updated Sep. 2011]

September 18, 2011

Some Milestones in Israel-Palestine dateline




The Mufti: Hebron massacre – leading riots 1 2with Hitlerleading an SS

Tactics: Incitement In genreral; textbooks. Human shields: 1
2 3

Factors: Arab immigrationArafatPLOHamasIranHezbollah

Ultimate Goal: Caliphate

Genocidal aims revealed: 192919481967Iranin sermonsHamasHezbollah

Propaganda: civilian casualtiesApartheid slur VS Apartheid in Arab-PalestinePallywood“humanitarians”


Only one Jew survived the 1660 massacre in Safed by Arabs, Jews had to buy off the attackers via borrowing money from rich Muslims at high interest which were extorted with threats of further attacks.


* First recorded attack –in modern era– on native Jews in Israel by Muslims, is the one in June 1834, Safed (the Plunder), the massacres and mass rapes went on for 33 days, (a provocateur, Muhammed Damoor, a self-proclaimed prophet, ‘prophesied’ the attack for which he agitated).
It was repeated in 1838.

* Egyptian soldiers massacred Jews in Hebron on the way of putting down a Muslim rebellion.
About the same time, Jewish houses and shops in Jerusalem were broken into and looted by local Muslim insurgents.

Throughout the 1830’s, the Jews found themselves caught between the ravages of the Egyptian soldiers and the multi-ethnic Muslim rebels who fought them.

* [Beginning, major wave of] Egyptian Arab immigration to Palestine.


First census in Jerusalem shows 7120 Jews, 5760 Muslims, 3390 Christians.


A pause in population growth. Desolation, majority of Palestine is vacant. [Arab migration would resume later on, as Zionists begin cultivating the deserted land].

Travelers, writers, including C. F. Volney in the 1700s, Alexander Keith in the 1800s, described Palestine as desolate, empty, waste land. Mark Twain, in “The Innocents Abroad,” 1867, wrote: “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes …desolate and unlovely…” (though Jews always had some continuous presence for thousands of years.)


First attack of Arabs on a Jewish settlement was in Petach Tikva (which was the first settlement in modern day Israel-Palestine), in March of 1886.


Incitement. the periodical Falastin – with its extremist Arab nationalist slant – was abolished by the Ottoman authorities because of its racist hate propaganda.


On Nov 2, 1917, The British issued the Balfour Declaration, promising a “National Home” for the Jews in Palestine.


Seeds of conflict:
Arabs attack Jews in Jerusalem & in Safed 1920-1921. Better known as “riots.”
During the year, 142 pogroms and 36 lesser riots occur against the Jews. It was carried out due to incitement by [later known as the Mufti] Haj Muhammad Amin al-Husseini who began accumulating wealth and power.
He was the de-facto “founder” of the Arab-Israeli conflict.


* All out Arab immigration (from Syria, Egypt, etc.) into the historic homeland of the Jews started mainly in the 1800’s, however, a significant upsurge occurred since 1922 as Zionists changed the face of the deserted land.
President Roosevelt [in criticizing British White Papers restricting Jewish immigration] concluded in 1939 that “Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period.”

From a speech by John W. McCormack of Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1939: “as 150000 Jews and an equal number of Arabs have entered the country since that time, and there are still large stretches of vacant land in the country capable of development and settlement by large population.”

* In July 1922, Churchill White Paper separates Transjordan from area designated for creation of Jewish homeland and links Jewish immigration to “economic capacity of the country.”

As a continuing policy of appeasing the Arabs, 75% of the area of Palestine was taken away from the Jews and the Emirate of Transjordan was created, later to become Jordan. First the British, then the Arabs banned the entry of Jews from the area. This put those communities of Arabs in Transjordan and even the Judean desert who were of Jewish ancestry in an awkward position.

* The British mandatory authorities disregarded al-Husseini’s record of instigation to violence against Jews and against Arabs [he was convicted by the British for his role in 1920’s rampage] who didn’t follow his dictating hateful line, and appointed him grand mufti in 1922.


First ‘Arab on Jews’ massacre in a clear attempt of annihilation, was the Hebron massacre in 1929, incited by the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini who called to “Kill the Jews everywhere. This pleases Allah.” That was the foundation of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The 1929 riots were accompanied by militant Arab slogans such as: ‘Palestine is our land and the Jews our dogs…’ among the details of the brutality, small children were tortured by their murderers before being murdered. Women raped. Old Rabbis were castrated with their students before being slain.

Arabs attacked Jews in Safed as well.
[The mufti ferociously opposed to any form of cooperation between Jews and Arabs, which the fledging Zionist movement was trying actively to promote.]

Ever since the 1920’s, bigotry has been fomented.
From a PEW poll as recent as 2009: 90% of Middle East views Jews unfavorably.]


In Oct. 1930, Passfield White Paper limits Jewish immigration to Palestine and forbids Jewish land purchases.
Arab immigration, on the other hand, flows into Jews’ historic land without interruption.


* For almost three years (1936-39) there was a general Arab uprising & “riots” led by al-Husseini, thousands of Arabs were killed by the British, Arabs murdered & beaten Jews.
Among the highlights are: On April 19, 1936, Arab rioters carried out the ‘Jaffa Massacre.’
In 1938, Arabs massacre Jews in Tiberias.
The Tiberias (today part of the State of Israel) massacre took place on October 2, 1938 during the 1936–1939 Arab “revolt” in ‘Palestine,’ as they went from village to village, while shouting ‘Death to the English.’
Arabs murdered twenty Jews –among them 11 children– in Tiberias after infiltrating the Kiryat Shmuel settlement.

* In May 1939, MacDonald White Paper strictly limits Jewish immigration and prohibits Jews from purchasing Arab land.

* Al-Husseini (Mufti) flees to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany.


The [non-Aryan, Arab] Mufti meets with Adolph Hitler (who –although– considered the Arabs, an inferior monkey-type “race,” yet managed to use him against the Jews) in 1941 [at times he’s called the ‘Fuhrer of the Arab world’], his parties & youth groups in Palestine are fascists, [since 1936, existed Nazi type “storm troopers” with the youth’s oath of: “Life — my right; independence — my aspiration; Arabism — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness.” The Palestine two Arab para-military groups: “Futuwwa” & “Najjadah” were active under the mufti at least up to 1947 — cited in a 1947 CIA report document] he plots in his pact with the nazi leader, to massacre Jews on a big scale.
In his post-World War II memoir the Mufti wrote: “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: The Jews are yours.”
He agitates –in that year– the Arabs, in Nazi oriented Iraq, to attack the Jews, many innocent Jews fall victims in the Farhud (pogrom in Baghdad), by the Arab-Islamic [Hitler-Youth group type] “futuwwa,” led attack.
Later on, in 1943, he will lead a Nazi SS [Bosnian] Muslim army [to commit crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing] against the Christian Serbs.


June 1947, Blutan (Bludan) Syria. Arab League formation. A collective Arab “Jihad” (holy war) invasion by Arab nations is being plotted, to wipe off the Jewish-Palestine, soon to be called (again) Israel.


* Arabs reject U.N. partition for a “two state solution” [even Haim Weizmann’s declaration of accepting a Jewish state even with the size of a tablecloth], the Zionists, however, agree, for the first time in (around) 2,000 Years, a Jewish (albeit non-religious, nor is its legal system Jewish) leadership is in its historic place back again.

* First attempt by the Arabs to ‘eradicate’ Israel, was right after its re-establishment (through the U.N.). The Mufti in 1947, when Israel was declared a state: “I declare a holy war, my Moslem brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all.” In 1948. Five Arab armies attacked, with Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab League announcing ahead, “This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.

* Arab leaders ‘create’ the Palestinian-refugee problem, by urging them to leave, as they are (bragging) about to ethnic cleanse the land out of the Jews.
Ever since, these persecuted victims of Arabs (“brothers”), have been used as nothing but a toy, in Arabs’ war against Israel.
[Arab-Palestinians willingness to play along, is one of their first self-inflicted wounds].

* Close to 1,000,000 Jews, indigenous to the Middle East (after Jews dwelling there for generations) are being expelled, as Arab racism grows. (The Jewish Nakba).

* Jordan occupies Jerusalem [May 28], divides the Holy city, expels ethnic-cleanses Jews, applies an ‘apartheid’ rule. It lasted till Israel’s victory which liberated and unified the city.


1952 saw the first phenomenon in what now would be called terrorism, the 1950’s 1960’s Arab fidayeen raids against Israeli citizens & property.
[Worth mentioning, that when encountered by Bedouin –instead of Zionist– guards, the infiltrators have not seen mercy, to say the least, ‘Arab brotherhood.’]
In October 1959, Arafat co-founds Fatah terror group, the “Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine.”


Amids backing and encouraging the Arab Fedayeen attacks, pan-Arab “leader,” Nasser of Egypt, surprises the world as he nationalizes the Suez canal, which was owned by British and French stockholders. While France and Britain had economic interest, Israel feared [again] to be overrun by Arab nations.


Ahmad Shukairy (the Mufti‘s aide during WW2 when they collaborated with the Nazis) begins the vilification of Israel at the United Nations, including (already then, yes that’s right, who said, anti-Israel slandering has anything to do with what Israel does or does not?) with an “apartheid” slur.
He was also [the only known personality on the world, at that time who] “protested” the A. Eichmann trial in that speech.

In 1962, he identifies himself with Nazi groups in Argentina.
He had a long history of propagandists tirade, and was already arrested in Lebanon for anti-Western incitement in the 1930s.


The beginning of the era of the Arab immigrants (or their children) adopting the title “Palestinians” as an exclusive name (instead of plain Arabs or S. Syrians) as a political “defintion,” with the creation of the

For example, Ahmad Shukairy (the first PLO chairman) in 1956 clarified to the U.N. that they are Arabs, not Palestinians, but by 1964 he & other leaders have changed and began claiming they are the real “Palestinians”…


January 1964: Creation of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), with Fatah as its main faction.
Fatah terror attacks started in January 1965, between 1965-1967: Numerous Fatah bomb attacks target Israeli villages, water pipes, railroads. Homes are destroyed and Israelis are killed. In July 1968: Fatah joins and becomes the dominant member of the PLO, an umbrella organization of Palestinian terrorist groups. On Feb. 4, 1969: Arafat is appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
On Oct. 21, 1996, Arafat said “We know only one word – jihad. jihad, jihad, jihad…”
In July 2000, Arafat rejected a peace settlement [leading to a “Palestinian” state] offered by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.


In 1967, Egypt’s pan-Arab leader Nasser declared, a few days before the six-day war, “Our main task is to destroy Israel.” Syria’s Assad: “It is time to embark on a war of annihilation.” Cairo Radio announced: “All Egypt is now prepared to plunge into total war which will put an end to Israel.” Radio Damascus exhorted: “Throw them into the sea.” Jordan’s king Hussein broadcast this to his army: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. Kill them with your arms, with your hands, with your nails and teeth.” Throughout the streets of Damascus, Cairo and Amman the frenzied mob marched chanting: “idhbah, idhbah, idhbah, idhbah al-yahud” – (slaughter, slaughter, slaughter the Jews!) A. Shukairy “predicted” that no Jews in Palestine will survive…
The world is stunned at the miracle of tiny Israel pushing off Goliath Arab attack.
It also resulted in a knee-jerk resentment in the Arab world.


July 1968: First act of air piracy against Israel; El Al airliner hijacked en route from Rome to Tel Aviv by PLO terrorists.


Terrorism organized, among the highlighted first attacks: The Avivim school bus massacre in 1970, which resulted in killing 12 (9 of whom were children), and wounding 24.
The chain of Arab-Islamic terror picks-up, with targeting Jews in the area or in the world.

* On September 7, 1970, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked three planes “to call special attention to the Palestinian problem.” – Dawning an era of international hijacking as a ‘Palestinian struggle.’

The PLO, from Jordan to Lebanon.
* The PLO is chased out of Jordan.
It will start stirring trouble in Lebanon, instead.
To avenge the expulsion from Jordan, the
PLO founded a secretive front group, Black September. Black September’s first victim was Jordanian Prime Minister.
Jordan massacres thousands of Arab Palestinians (Y.
Arafat claimed that Jordan killed between 10,000 to 25,000 in September 1970), for creating turmoil, attacking the government, hijacking airlines, etc.


The Olympics cold blooded massacre of Israel’s sports team in Munich 1972 by Arab Palestinian terrorists, marked a turning point in getting the world’s attention to Arab terrorism.

All in all, the Arab-Palestinian actions, since the late 1960’s-early 1970’s, already defined its path by anti-civilian warfare.


The same sentiments of ‘total annihilation of 1967’ echoes in 1973, (like: “Throw the Jews into the sea.”) the Yom Kippur war takes Israelis off guard, Israel suffers initially great losses but manages to regain it’s control/win over the Arabs, again, within the course of a few days.

Syrian Minister of Defense Mustafa Tlas told the Syrian National Assembly in December 1973 of the following example of “supreme valor” by Syrian troops:
There is the outstanding case of a recruit from Aleppo who murdered 28 Jewish soldiers all by himself, slaughtering them like sheep. All of his comrades in arms witnessed this. He butchered three of them with an ax and decapitated them….He struggled face to face with one of them and throwing down his ax managed to break his neck and devour his flesh in front of his comrades. This is a special case. Need I single it out to award him the Medal of the Republic. I will grant this medal to any soldier who succeeds in killing 28 Jews, and I will cover him with appreciation and honor his bravery.

October 16, 1973, OPEC Led by Saudi Arabia, announced the Arab oil embargo on western countries as a strategic part of the ‘Yom Kippur War,’ to use oil as a weapon.

As Arab nations boycotted Israel, corporations and nations had to agree to Arab demands and not do business with Israel, Arab dictators, terrorist nations/groups, extorted financial benefits or/and political concessions.

The collapse in the oil cartel in the 1980’s; the disunity in the Arab world; Israel’s well advanced high tech market & Israeli consumer market has, weakened somewhat the ‘Arab oil weapon.’


Racist Arabs’ first campaign, of instilling in world’s mind the idea that Zionism [which is about Jews’ return to their homeland] should be regarded as “racism,” in 1975, at the UN through the Arab nations’ lobby, and forcing African nations (who many are still ‘slaves’ to their market and power) to go along.

Ever since, the dreadful idea of shouting “racism” grew as a pattern at any defensive action Israel ever takes against Arab
racist attacks.

It relies heavily on an assuming image of a poor disadvantaged Arab-Palestinian being persecuted by a paler skinned Israeli.
Though, in reality, most Israelis are “brown,” children of those that have been chased out by bigoted Arabs, in middle-east countries since 1948.
Note: Today, in pluralistic multi-racial democratic Israel there are also a great number of black Ethiopian Jews, very visible in security employment. There are no Jews at all, inside ‘purely-Arab’ Palestinian zones, if there’s true ethnic cleansing in the area, it can be found on the Arab side, including in Arab-Palestine.


Palestinian Muslims (Arafat’s
PLO, Syrians and other Muslims), massacre 582 Christians in Damour Lebanon, in a very Islamic spirit of “Allah u Akbar!” and offering a “Holocaust to Muhammad.” It draws a payback by the Christian Phalanges in 1982 in Sabra Shatila (headed by Elie Hobeika, whose fiancee got murdered in Damour), that latter incident has been used in Arab anti-Israel propaganda to blame the Jews for Arab on Arab killings.

150,000 Christians were killed during the war with Muslims since 1975, the Arab Palestinians’ fault in it is major [backing Muslims against Christians].


* The Islamic revolution of January 1979 in Iran impacted the entire region, the oppressive Mullahcracy dictatorship set out to a Shiite expansionism with a vocal anti-western-ism spearheaded by proclaiming the U.S. as the “great Satan” and Israel as the “little one” [its off shoot] (more).

* In March 1979, after a great sacrifice by Israel’s Menachem Begin in giving ‘Yamit‘ to Egypt, uprooting its residents, almost two years after Egypt‘s Sadat came over (November 1977) for a visit in Jerusalem, a peace deal was signed between the two countries.
However, the ugly extreme anti-Jewish pro-violence incitement in Egypt never stopped.

Like every government in Israel’s history, he declared the desire to live in peace with all Arab states. Begin agreed to return to Egypt the strategically critical Sinai — 91 percent of the territory won by Israel during the Six-Day War — in exchange for Sadat’s promise to make peace.
By a strategic give away, giving over the land to Egypt, Israel’s risks included returning to vulnerable areas used by enemies as launching pads for attacks, in addition, it also relinquished direct control of its shipping lanes to and from Eilat, 1,000 miles of roadways, homes, factories, hotels, health facilities and agricultural villages.


On June 7, 1981 Israel carried out the daring air strike destroying Iraq’s nuclear reactor ‘Osirak‘ in an impressive operation, coded “Opera.”

This changed dramatically Saddam’s Iraqi status as a menace. The enormous impact on overall regional stability. As well as on coalition forces’ invasion of 2003.


After a long history of bloody attacks by Arab Palestinians based in Lebanon, Israel is forced to enter Lebanon [‘Peace for the Galilee‘] with an aim to destroy
PLO‘s military capability.
In August 21, 1982 PLO evacuated Lebanon.
Israel is [initially] welcomed by many in Lebanon as ‘liberators,’ as the Arab-Palestinians have been prompting more violence between Muslims and Christians.
Sadly enough, the Islamic Republic of Iran founds a militia “Party of Allah” Hezbollah, its goal, establishing a clearly Islamic (totalitarian, oppressive) Shia state in the entire area, with the eradication of Israel.
Hezbollah will use terrorism against Israel, and adopt a tactic of using
human shields in order to cause civilian casualties, 18 Years later, a group of ‘4 Mothers’ peace activists in Israel will force its government to withdraw from Lebanon.

Background: Hezbollah –asides from being an extended arm of Iran– is backed by Syria, it is largely funded through blood diamonds (in Africa), drug trafficking & other illegal activities (among Arabs) in Latin America, its bloody record in violence include: Bombing American & French peacekeepers in Lebanon & the US embassy in that country (1983), kidnapping & torture, bombing shopping centers in Paris (1985/1986), hijacking airlines, targeting Israeli civilians, stirring violence in Iraq, Afghanistan & Somalia. Its leader H. Nassrallah had an ‘honesty outburst’ in Oct. (published in Oct/23) 2002, when he said: “If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” (More).


First Arab-Palestinian “intifada,” attacking Israeli civilians in all methods possible, sending its youth throwing rocks [that kill] while, often armed adults hide behind these kids. Arab-Muslim Palestinian children are being indoctrinated into a death cult of Jihadism and Shahidism.

The use of children in the war –human bombs and human shields– becomes a routine. [‘Arafat‘s children’]

Palestinian propaganda becomes powerful, as adults shoot live ammunition behind little children’s shoulders, the TV picks up only the images of children throwing rocks VS Israeli soldiers firing back… a twisted around “David VS Goliath.” [When a picture is not worth a thousand words].

Official Arab-Palestinian TV & religious figures incite to violence, it demonizes Jews as “animals.” (“Supported” by radical Islamic theory of seeing Christians as pigs and Jews as apes).

[Examples of incitement: July 2000: “The Hour [of Resurrection] will not take place until you will fight the Jews and kill them” (Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiyah, member of the Palestinian Sharia [Islamic religious law] Rulings Council, and Director of Advanced Studies, the Islamic University, PA TV, July 28, 2000), October 2000: “Kill them all… we won’t leave a single Jew here.” (Young Girl, PA TV, Oct. 22, 2000), September 2004: “The Hour [of Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice!” (Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris, Head of Association for Memorizing the Quran, PA Ministry of Endowments & Religious Affairs, PA TV, September 10, 2004), January 2005: “…and the rock and the tree will say: Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” (Dr. Hassan Khater, founder of Al Quds Encyclopedia PA TV, January 10, 2005).

Palestinian TV – Suliman Sutari, before thousands of chanting fanatics. (July 8, 2005): “Annihilate the infidels and the polytheists. They’re [Allah’s] enemies and the enemies of the religion. Allah, count them and kill them to the last one, and don’t even leave one.” Little Girl on Palestinian T V: “But I march quickly toward my death.” Little boy on Palestinian T V: “… And we swear to take vengeful blood from our enemies for our killed and wounded.” Muslim cleric Muhsen Abu ‘Ita told Al-Aqsa TV: “The annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine. This will be followed by a greater blessing, Allah be praised, with the establishment of a Caliphate.” Sheikh Ibrahim Mudayris: “Kill A Jew –Go To Heaven” The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice!”
From a Fatah/PA TV Nazi-Like Sermon in 2010: “Fight The Jews & Kill Them — They Are Enemies Of Humanity & Allah”].

Palestinians (like
Hezbollah) “document” every defensive action by Israel, where the Arabs manage to cause civilian deaths, as “Israeli massacres.”


* Saddam Hussein, the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’ (nicknamed as such for his extraordinary record [in recent history] of mass-murder, mass-torture) invades Kuwait, the U.S. attacks Iraq, Saddam, in return, takes on Israel –for being U.S. ally– with a rain of scuds missiles, fear in Israel and abroad (as it’s still “fresh” – a merely 3 Years after the racist cruel pan-Arab leader gassed his Kurdish population). Miraculously there are no casualties.


* The Oslo agreement between Israel & the Arab-Palestinians proved to be typical of such negotiations where the demands & pressure is put solely on Israel – the one struggling against Arab initiated violence.
The result, not only did it slow down but it rather increased, Arab-Palestinian campaign of violence against Israeli civilians only stepped up mobilization, motivation rose, attacks intensified. Causing frustration among Israelis, Rabin is seen as endangering lives, which led a lone gunman to assassinate him later on.

* When the Oslo Agreements allowed the Palestinian Authority (PA) to print their own resources, it opted to use the Jordanian texts in their original forms. This was the start of the process of incitement. The starting mottos was rewriting history, de-legitimizing Israel’s right to exist, “Palestine” is part of pan-Islamic nation.

The hate industry, instilling flaming-hatred in the young, has become one of the foundations in their overall child-abuse crimes, in a culture of using its children as weapons, child soldiers.

[Textbooks of hate:
Some excerpts from the Arab racism & Islamic bigotry teaching: “The return of the Jews to Palestine and permitting them to establish a Jewish State contradicts history.” (Our Country Palestine from the introduction, pg. ix) – The book is dedicated to: “those who are battling for the expulsion of the enemy from our land!” (Our Country Palestine) – “There will be a Jihad and our country shall be freed. This is our story with the thieving conquerors. You must know, my boy, that Palestine is your grave responsibility.” (Our Arabic Language) – “Remember: The final and inevitable result will be the victory of the Muslims over the Jews.” (Our Arabic Language) – “The honorable soul has two objectives: Achieving death and honor.” (Abd al-Rahim Mahmud’s Song of the Martyr, Sixth Grade) – “The Martyr rejoices in the paradise that Allah has prepared for him.” (Islamic Education for Seventh Grade) – “The Jews claim that this is one of the places belonging to them and call it “The Western Wall”, but this is not so.” (Reader and Literary Texts for Eighth Grade) – “Racism: Mankind has suffered from this evil both in ancient as well as in modern times, for, indeed, Satan has, in the eyes of many people, made their evil actions appear beautiful.Such a people are the J–s.” (Islamic Education for Eighth Grade) – “Lessons to be learned. One must beware of the J–s, for they are treacherous and disloyal.” (Islamic Education for Ninth Grade) – “Subject for Composition: How are we going to liberate our stolen land? Make use of the following ideas: Arab unity, genuine faith in Allah, most modern weapons and ammunition, using oil and other precious natural resources as weapons in the battle for liberation.” (Our Arabic Language for Seventh Grade) – “Martyred Jihad fighters are the most honored people, after the Prophets.” (Reading And Literary Texts for Tenth Grade) – “The clearest examples of racist belief and racial discrimination in the world are Nazism and Zionism.” (The Contemporary History of the Arabs and the World).]


* July, 1994, The Iranian arm ‘
Hezbollah‘ bombs the civilian Jewish center in Argentina [AMIA, the terror group also attacked the embassy in that country 2 years prior], massacring 85 and wounding 300.
The Iranian Imam Mohsen Rabbani says (in Argentina, at the aftermath of the bombing): “Israel must disappear from the face of the Earth.”
The terror attack by Arab-Muslims on Jews in the diaspora, heightened the alert, internationally.

* Oct. 1994, Israel’s Y. Rabin signs a peace treaty with Jordan, the Palestinian-Arab masses inside Jordan (who make up 60% of Jordanians) and in Israel/Palestine area are angered, Hamas vows to continue its campaign of violence “anywhere in the world.”

[As with the “peace-treaty” with Egypt, anti-Jewish campaign, is relentless (


Second Intifada.
A planned renewal of another wave of bloody violent Intifada was in place, an opportunity to “let it out” came about when Sharon visited the Jewish temple mount, Muslims seized the opportunity to “protest” Sharon’s visit in “their holy place.”
All is fair play to be exploited for terrorism against Israelis. It’s own population: women, children. Even ambulances.

Arafat now had a “perfect” title, in order to galvanize global Islamic support, his people named it the “Al Aqsa Intifada.” The Al-Aqsa is of course the mosque, which Muslims build on top of the historic Jewish temple.
It was boosted up by a staged video, therein an Arab boy Muhammad al-Dura –who as exposed later on as being– shot by Arabs, was mistakenly pinned on Israel. Al-Dura becomes a symbol and an icon and motivates to more violence.

* The Ramallah brutal lynch of 2 Israelis –who lost their way– by Arab Palestinian masses and its police in public square, the sheer animalism of mutilating and “playing” with their body parts while screaming in inhuman ways, revealed the real face of mainstream Arab-Muslim Palestine.
They were describe by a British journalist eyewitness: “they were like animals.” The Italian crew who filmed the crime was threatened by
Arafat‘s people.

(Suicide) Genocide bombings rise, targeting ‘where civilians gather the most,’ to kill as many unarmed Jews as possible.

Among the perpetrators of terror attacks:
Hamas, (Iran’s) Islamic Jihad, Tanzim, Fatah’s Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade [still (2010) exist under Abu Mazen].

A rise of the use of children, use-of-civilians tactics “succeeds” in making Israel look bad.


* Demonization of Israel takes an open anti-Semitic tone at that infamous racist Arab control gathering in Durban in denouncing Zionism (an Arab writer described the Arabs as “racists cry racism“), the Arabs passed along anti Jewish hateful pamphlets at the United Nations.

First vicious successful propaganda of adopting the slur “apartheid” to Israel’s equal democratic state, it followed the above “racism” slur on Zionism.
Arab Palestinian Marwan Bishara published a book (in 2002) “Israel, peace or apartheid.”

The idea behind it was/is to equate any understandable action by Israeli security as “racist” and de-legitimizing its existence just as S. Africa was at the apartheid (segregation between blacks & whites) era, while in fact, there’s no separation between Jews and Arabs (who make up 25% of equal citizens) in Israel, and Jews are required to get through check points just as Arabs do, security tactics are regional, where terrorism is more frequent, nothing “racial.”
Not only are Arabs equal citizens in voting, being elected in government, but have often more rights than Israeli Jews, as they’re exempt from military services without having an effect on their equal benefits as Israeli Jews have, there’s also a policy of affirmative action to empower Arabs.

In 100% apartheid Arab-Palestine, no Jews are allowed to live in.
Not to mention the Arab, Islamic worlds, where real apartheid is rampant against minorities.
Worth reminding that it was A. Shukairy in 1961 at the UN who already came up with the “apartheid” false thesis.
A major boost got the “apartheid” slur, through a (2006) book by Jimmy Carter with a title almost identical to M. Bishara’s, Carter who was always pro Arabism and pro Islamism on the expense of the west, including in Iran, and has been blamed for the change in that country towards the current oppressive Islamic Republic regime resulting in so many crimes on the millions of its citizens since 1979.

Even though, Jimmy Carter himself admitted on CNN (Dec, 12, 2006): “I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis.” Yet he accepted Arab lobby’s money to write that hate book.

* Ordinary Arab Palestinians show their true face of “humanity” by celebrating –dancing, singing, giving out candies to children– the 9/11 Islamic massacre upon 3,000 innocent people in the U.S.


* The height of homicide bombers‘ frequency – between 2002-2005, striking from Tel Aviv to Naharia, from Jerusalem to Be’er Sheva, targeting mostly the innocent unarmed civilians, aboard crowded buses, at bus stops, markets, restaurants, cafeterias, family gatherings, crowds of children, etc. Leaving a long trail of blood of the innocent.
“Joy” on Arab-Palestine streets, dance & jubilation at every major bloody massacre the Arab-Muslims carry out.

Pallywood –the term coined due to Palestinian-Arabs’ fake images, fake “reports” industry– steps up with “advanced” lies.
As the Israeli army conducts its anti-terror action in Jenin, where bombers, attackers operate from, the humane IDF is risking its lives, the careful soldiers go from door to door in search of weapons and wanted individuals, all that doesn’t prevent the Palestine authority to stream false reports, of “hundreds” dead in a “massacre” that never was… some were caught faking a “funeral,” they’ve even added dead bodies from a cemetery to the Jenin site to inflate the numbers at the “massacre.”
After the facts [real casualties numbering 50 plus, mostly terrorists, not “
civilians“] were finally revealed, no Arab-Palestinian representative bothered to apologize, PA’s Saeb Erekat simply avoided the question by a [TV, ABC] reporter as to their claims of “500” dead…
On the contrary, the Arab-Palestine leadership have learned that it works pretty well: to lie, smear, before the facts come out, never ever paying for their anti-Israel falsification.
Thus, it will be repeated, again and again, by every Israeli action, to their advantage, still.


* Israel gives away Gaza to the Arab Palestinians, as it roots out Jews from their homes in a most dramatic (non violent) way, this causes not a moderation on the Arab side, on the contrary, Islamic Jihadi Hamas rises as “victorious,” again [like all Israel’s concessions], the Arab side’s taking Israel’s sacrifice for peace as “weakness.”

* The patron of
Hamas, Islamic Jihad & Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s president M. Ahmadinejad (1) calls for Israel to be wiped off map, (2) he also claims that he “denies” the holocaust and (3) pursues nuclear weapons.
In 2007, he said: ‘Israel, US will soon die.’

Note: Regarding Ahmadinejad’s use of Arab-Palestinians. Iran’s Islamic Republic is not very fond of the Arabs, in fact it has frictions with S. Arabia & it persecutes its Arab minority (true, the fascist regime oppresses all, but minorities are subject to extra “special treatment”).

* To get a sense of Arab racism in most “moderate” countries, a PEW poll found in 2005 that most Jordanians viewed Jews unfavorably, none has viewed Jews favorably.


Hezbollah attacks Israel [its missiles reach deep inside Israel], it “improves” Palestinian tactics of using civilians, by firing rockets upon Israeli civilians (in major Israeli cities/towns) from among populated density locations, then, cowardly escaping the area, causing Israelis to fire back. The intended Lebanese casualties cause an uproar in the Arab world, Hezbollah comes out as “heroes.”


Mainstream Arabs in Gaza go radical, vote for totalitarian Islamic party Hamas to become their “democratically elected government.”

A major gathering follows, where thousands of Arab-Palestinians (with a Hamas spokesman) declare they want an Islamic Caliphate.

[About ‘Caliphate’ (Khilafah):
The intention, endlessly repeated, is the establishment of a primitive, messianic caliphate — redeeming Islam and dominating the world.
For radical Islam’s goal is global conquest. The Caliphate: One nation, under Allah, with 1.5 billion Muslims …It would do away with national boundaries and stretch from Indonesia to Morocco.
The ‘Muslim brotherhood’ aims for it and its Islamists who assassinated Anwar el-Sadat in 1981 decorated their holding cages with banners proclaiming the “caliphate or death.”
It’s Al-Qaeda’s grand plan, as its chiefs revealed ‘world domination design’ to take over the world and turn it into an Islamic state the establishment of the “caliphate,” an Islamic super-state that would be ruled according to a Taliban-like version of Islamic totalitarian with strict ‘implementation of pure Islamic doctrine.’ Barak Obama (August, 2007): “They [Muslim extremists] kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.”

Christians, the tiny minority among the Arabs, who have been subject to persecution by the Islamic majority (Islamic apartheid?), especially since the reign of Y.
Arafat, saw a major rise in oppression with the ascend of Hamas, a number of Christian institutions and members have been attacked or/and threatened.

Hamas backgrounder:
The Jihadi party, has been involved in major anti Israel attacks, its charter calls for the destruction of Israel, its leaders often declare
(including on “moderate” Fatah TV) their desire to annihilate Jews, a sample video showed a Hamas-nick vowing to “drink the blood of the Jews.” In 2007 Hamas’ Mickey Mouse’ (“martyr”) character is teaching Kids to hate and kill, in 2008 On Hamas TV, a toy rabbit who vows to ‘eat Jews’ has being used by Hamas to encourage Palestinian children for violence. Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Sheik Ahmad Bahr from Hamas, declared during a Friday Sermon at a Sudan Mosque that America and Israel Will Be Annihilated and Called upon Allah to Kill the Jews and the Americans ‘to the Very Last One.’ (More.)

A 2007 Poll: 75% of (all) Palestinians do not think that Israel has the right to exist.

* Israel’s first Arab president. M. Whbee is briefly serving Israel’s acting president. Israel is indeed a multi-racial, multi-religious democracy.
Vs. Arab-Islamic apartheid systems, where all minorities are oppressed..


After 8 years of firing missiles into Israel by Arab-Palestinian leadership – Hamas, especially targeting children (programmed at certain hours when they go to/leave school) in Sderot, Israel decided it had enough, it kicks off ‘Cast lead.‘ Risking the lives of its soldiers in conducting operations against terrorists and weapons stock-piling inside Gaza, and warning the residents to evacuate (clear the way, and move to other areas) before hand. Yet, it was still condemned.
By now, Hamas is not shy in bragging of using children as human shields.


Flotilla jihad
Arab Muslim anti-Israel propaganda picks up steam,
as the current motto is to “make Jews look bad” so they can justify their hatred and create the foundation for their intended ultimate goal of genocide.

A supposed “peace activism” designed to help the
Hamas in Gaza who have been blockaded (after their continuous attacks on Israel’s civilians, in order to stop their weapon smuggling), has been organizing “aid ships” heading to Gaza and confront Israeli security, [incidentally, there are no “aid ships” heading towards the Egyptian border, though that country has the same blockade on the violent Gaza regime, for no one in the Arab-Islamic world cares about Arab-Palestinians, unless it can hurt Israel, a “sacred” goal by leaders, religious clerics, etc.], one such ship, the Flotilla had a major success in damning Israel’s image, after violently attacking the Israelis (who came aboard to check for weapons), 9 Muslims died, an uproar against Israel came about.
Later on, the true intentions of the Islamists on board were revealed, as they were filmed shouting: ‘kill the Jews for Allah’ and in an earlier defying radio exchange with the Israelis who warned them of entering Israeli territory the response from the Islamists aboard the ship was “Shut up! Go back to Auchwitz!We help the Arabs, Remember 9/11!”
There were also revelations that Islamists planned the entire event as “martyrdom.”

The Flotilla was organized by the radical Islamic Turkish group IHH, tied to terrorism, Turkish president Mr. Erdogan who’s representing the Islamic party (linked to the Flotilla), was looking for some time to break his country’s alliance with Israel. He also objected to UN’s sanctions against
Iran for not complying with regards to its nuclear program.
Radicalization of Turkey, in an already volatile region.
In 2011, the UN justified Israel’s action on the Flotilla as well as its blockade against Gaza’s Hamas. Which infuriated Turkey even more.


* September 9, 2011, Arab-Muslim mob in Cairo, Egypt attack the Israeli embassy while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” A CNN [which is never accused of being pro-Israel] reporter described them “they were animals.”
It was following an uprising that toppled the Mubarak regime (where by, at the celebration, hundreds of Arabs, in public, sexually attacked CBS reporter Lara Logan screaming “Jew, Jew!”) the rise of the ‘Muslim Brotherhood” and anti-Israel incitement. A BBC journalist also described how he was subject to anti-Semitism in that country, during this period.

* September 13. Maen Areikat
PLO‘s ambassador to the U.S. declares in Washington D.C. a future “Palestine” State should be “Jew free” (judenrein). This ethnic – religious cleansing (worse than Apartheid) plan causes a major uproar. Especially in light of the intentional REAL apartheid, Vs. Arab-Islamic constant use of the “apartheid slur” unjustifiably.

Note: “Palestinian” PM Mahmoud Abbas’ such racist declaration of a “Palestine” State free of Jews (not even ANY Jews under NATO!) in Cairo on July 28 2010, as well as in Doha on May 28, 2011, caused less of a stir. Particularly, since this 2011 publicized event took place within days before a “Palestinian” plan for a bid at the UN for a separated [all new] State.
Actually, this has always been “Palestinian” stand, A. Shukairy on June 1, 1967: “This is a fight for the homeland-it is either us or the. Israelis. There is no middle road. The Jews of Palestine will have to leave. We will facilitate their departure.”

In short, in 100 Words…

Israel [the multi-racial, equal democracy], its Jewish returnees to their historic homeland, face genocide campaign [at times “just” ethnic cleansing] by Arab-Muslims since the 1920’s. Whether by Arab immigrants, their children – called “Palestinians,” or by [apartheid, almost Judenrein] Arab/Muslim forces [exploiters of Arab-Palestinians] for: power, sheer anti-Jewish hatred [exemplified through dehumanization/incitement], or as part of an overall Jihad towards world domination.
Motivation: Islamic bigotry, Jihad, Arab racism.
The aggressors (Palestinians/Hezbollah) self-made “victims” falsify information/images, define lost battles, casualties resulting from Islamists using civilians (to make humane Israel look bad), as “massacres.”


The 3 ABC’s of Islamo-Arab VS Israel

A Annihilation. Al-Jihad. Arab-Racism. (Islamic) Apartheid.

B Bogus info/excuses/terminology. Bullying (“lobbying” w/threats) world organizations. Brainwashing (their kids & global propaganda).

C Crimes against humanity. Causing civilian deaths (of both sides). Cult of death.

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all

July 3, 2011

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all – Ha’aretz – July 1, 2011

By Amos Harel

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all
Even Arab analysts who witnessed the changes in the region up close recognize that forecasting the future is futile. But that doesn’t mean they don’t see recent events as a cause for elation… as Aluf Benn described in these pages a week ago: a weakening of the radical-Shi’ite axis if the Syrian regime is overthrown, Turkey distancing itself from Iran and Syria, and a continuation of Israel’s decent relations with Egypt.


March 9, 2011



Do Not Attend Racist Conference In Durban

[…] the World Conference Against Racism due to take place in Durban later this month will be a gathering of “hypocrites” intent only on condemning Israel in the name of “freedom of speech” while ignoring the myriad atrocities committed around the world.

Board of Deputies, do not attend the Racist Conference in Durban, for that is indeed the name of the dog.


“Robinson in Durban: I am a Jew”
Herb Keinon, Janine Zacharia
August 30, 2001
The Jerusalem Post
Waving a book of anti-Semitic cartoons distributed at the anti-racism conference in Durban, UN High Commissioner Mary Robinson – in a dramatic act of identification with the Jews vilified in the pamphlet – declared “I am a Jew” at an NGO dinner there Wednesday night.

Shimon Samuels, of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Paris, said that after he showed Robinson the booklet, she stood up, waved it and said, “This conference is aimed at achieving human dignity. My husband is a cartoonist, I love political cartoons, but when I see the racism in this cartoon booklet, of the Arab Lawyers’ Union, I must say that I am a Jew – for those victims are hurting. I know that you people will not understand easily, but you are my friends, so I tell you that I am a Jew, and I will not accept this fractiousness to torpedo the conference.”

Samuels, head of the Jewish caucus at the anti-racism conference, said that the booklet, which he said contained vile anti-Semitic cartoons, was handed out at registration, and that several of the Jewish groups in Durban had complained about it.
Meanwhile, less than 24 hours before the Israeli delegation’s plane to the UN anti-racism conference in Durban is scheduled to take off, no decision has yet been made on whether it will participate, or at what level.

“We’ll have to decide in the morning, because our last plane out is tomorrow evening,” one Foreign Ministry official scheduled to attend the conference said Wednesday night.

The US announced Wednesday it is dispatching Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Michael Southwick and a small delegation to South Africa to try to amend language in a proposed final communique that is offensive to Israel and Jews, before the conference opens tomorrow.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Southwick could leave Durban before the conference’s official opening, if the language singling out Israel is not taken out.

The State Department announced earlier this week that Secretary of State Colin Powell would not attend the conference because of the anti-Israel clauses.

President George W. Bush said last week that the US would not take part at all if the conference “picks on” or denigrates Israel for its treatment of Palestinians.

“We felt it was necessary for us to have representatives out there to do what the president asked us to do, and that’s to work to eliminate this language,” Boucher said Wednesday. “If we can do that, then we can make the further decisions on how we participate.” If Southwick remains, Israel will have to decide whether to send Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior or dispatch a lower-level official.

Some American Jewish leaders, who lobbied Powell not to attend, are said to have urged Melchior not to go.

One Foreign Ministry source said if a delegation is sent, it should be at a level that will enable it to be as effective as possible.

Attempts by the US to have the anti-Israel language taken out of the proposed resolutions have not yet yielded any fruit, Israeli officials said.

A source briefed on the US plans said UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan had persuaded Powell that the language – including clauses describing Zionism as a movement based on racial superiority and others describing Israeli actions as ethnic cleansing – could be struck from the document only if an American delegation were present to support such a move.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Manley said he still hasn’t decided whether to attend and that Canada has “very serious” concerns about a push to single out Israel.

Echoing earlier comments by Powell, Manley said, “The purpose of this conference should be to set a mark for countries to observe in trying to eradicate racist practices. It shouldn’t be targeted at any countries. The text such as it is that I’ve seen goes much too far in singling out one country, in this case Israel.”

According to a report received by the Foreign Ministry, a group from the World Union of Jewish Students, which set up a booth Wednesday at the non-governmental organization part of the conference, was confronted by Palestinian students chanting anti-Israeli slogans.

According to the ministry, the Jewish students sang: “All we are saying is give peace a chance.” The Palestinians responded by chanting, “We will redeem Palestine through blood and fire.” This was only one of many complaints registered by Jewish groups about harassment at the conference, though conference director Moshe More said no serious incidents have been reported so far.

“I feel besieged, there’s anti-Semitism and hate literature at the world racism conference. It couldn’t get much worse,” said Anne Bayefsky, a professor from New York’s Columbia University Law School. “Some of the Jewish delegates are hiding their accreditation badge because it identifies them as from Israel or as Jewish. Some are considering leaving Durban altogether.” More said “protesters can express their views, but we have a strong contingent of police. There have been no physical attacks on anyone.” Stacy Burdett, representing the Anti-Defamation League, said some of the 200 Jewish representatives in Durban were shocked by their treatment, and felt unfairly singled out.

Pamphlets circulated at the NGO meeting caricatured Jews, and posters carried slogans overlapping the Star of David with the swastika. Many pro-Palestinian delegates wore T-shirts with a slogan equating Israel with apartheid and colonialism, and calling it an occupying power that kills civilians. “There is a real sense of hostility toward Jewish people,” said Karen Pollock, director of the London-based Holocaust Education Trust. “We are being intimidated.” The South African police have said that the safety of the 7,000 delegates attending the meeting is a high priority, and more than 3,000 police and soldiers have been deployed.

2001 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents
Patterns of Prejudice in Canada
by David Matas
Senior Legal Counsel, B’nai Brith Canada, delegate to the World Conference Against Racism and Rapporteur for the Jewish Caucus in Durban

The world meetings in Durban, South Africa this past summer were supposed to be meetings against racism. Yet, they turned out to be forums for racism.

There were two overlapping meetings, a non-governmental Forum, August 28 to September 1, 2001 and an inter-governmental World Conference Against Racism, August 31 to September 8, 2001. The meetings became venues for attacks against the Jewish community, a focus for global antisemitism. The concluding documents of both meetings were troubling reflections of this anti-Jewish reality.

Canadian non-governmental organizations were present in Durban in large numbers. Many of those attending were financed by the Government of Canada. A number of non-governmental follow-up meetings to Durban have been held in Canada.

Canadian delegates of the Jewish faith were subjected to a daily diet of antisemitic abuse and harassment, while antisemitic pamphlets such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as well as T-shirts and posters with racist slogans, were openly distributed under the very eyes of the organizers. I have already described the antisemitism endemic at Durban in a previous report.

Many Canadian human rights activists were appalled by what happened at Durban and said so…

The Big Lie and the Media War Against Israel: From Inversion of the Truth to Inversion of Reality

by Dr. Joel Fishman Published March 2007 Jewish Political Studies Review 19:1-2 (Spring 2007)
The significance of Durban is yet to be appreciated fully, particularly because the malicious intentions of its sponsors-Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, which are supposedly at peace with Israel, and those of Iran-have not been fully acknowledged. Their excesses even surpassed Resolution 3379. At one time, those who advocated reinstatement of the original “Zionism is racism” resolution argued that opposing Zionism was not anti-Semitic. Now, after Durban, all pretenses vanished. Anti-Semitism in the name of Palestinian justice became acceptable. A condition of “convergence,” to use Jeffrey Herf’s term, had been reached. That is, Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism merged, probably for the first time since the Nazi era.

According to Anne Bayefsky and Rabbis Cooper and Brackman, some of the propositions which found expression at Durban were:

  • Denial of anti-Semitism as a human rights issue of our time.
  • Acceptance of anti-Semitism in the name of fighting racism.
  • “Antisemitism is not a manifestation of contemporary racism.”
  • Recognition of the Palestinian people as victims of Israeli racism.
  • Expropriation of the term Holocaust.
  • Approval of terrorism-or “armed struggle”-as a means to combat racism.
  • Exclusion and isolation of the Jewish state in the name of multiculturalism

by A Bayefsky – 2002

Sep 9, 2010 … racism of an anti-racism world conference and the future anti-racism …..

The UN World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, South Africa
(August 31-September 8, 2001)
By Elihai Braun

The United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance met in Durban, South Africa from August 31 to September 8, 2001. The UN General Assembly authorized the conference in Resolution 52/111 in 1997, aiming to explore effective methods to eradicate racial discrimination and to promote awareness in the global struggle against intolerance.

Yet the noble goals of the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism were undermined by hateful anti-Jewish rhetoric and anti-Israel political agendas, prompting both Israel and the United States to withdraw their delegations from the conference. Participants revived the scurrilous charge that “Zionism is Racism” and used false and hostile allegations to delegitimize Israel.

In the weeks prior to the conference, the United States had warned organizers that it would withdraw from Durban if the early anti-Jewish charges and the condemnations of Israel remained unchallenged. After four days of fruitless negotiations, the U.S. delegation withdrew on September 3, midway through the conference, unable to turn the focus of the conference back to its original goals. The aim to combat discrimination and intolerance worldwide was ironically superceded by a bigoted campaign to single out one nation for criticism.

The September 3 statement of withdrawal of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell read:

Today I have instructed our representatives at the World Conference Against Racism to return home. I have taken this decision with regret, because of the importance of the international fight against racism and the contribution that the Conference could have made to it. But, following discussions today by our team in Durban and others who are working for a successful conference, I am convinced that will not be possible. I know that you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language, some of which is a throwback to the days of “Zionism equals racism;” or supports the idea that we have made too much of the Holocaust; or suggests that apartheid exists in Israel; or that singles out only one country in the world–Israel–for censure and abuse.

Copies of the anti-Semitic work, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were sold on conference grounds; anti-Israel protesters jeered participants chanting “Zionism is racism, Israel is apartheid,” and “You have Palestinian blood on your hands”; fliers depicting Hitler with the question, “What if I had won?” circulated among conference attendees. The answer: “There would be NO Israel and NO Palestinian bloodshed.”

On September 3, in the Israeli official proclamation, delivered by Head of the Israeli Delegation Ambassador Mordecai Yedid, Deputy Foreign Minister Rabbi Michael Melchior wrote:

Racism, in all its forms, is one of the most widespread and pernicious evils, depriving millions of hope and fundamental rights. It might have been hoped that this first Conference of the 21st century would have taken up the challenge of, if not eradicating racism, at least disarming it: But instead humanity is being sacrificed to a political agenda. … Can there be a greater irony than the fact that a conference convened to combat the scourge of racism should give rise to the most racist declaration in a major international organization since the Second World War?

In addition to the UN government conference against racism, Durban simultaneously headed a UN conference of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The NGO conference, according to the UN, aimed to publicize the “voices of the victims.” In this forum, the Jewish Caucus proposed that Holocaust denial and anti-Jewish violence caused by Jewish support for Israel be labeled forms of anti-Semitism. The proposal was almost unanimously defeated. Anne Bayefsky, a NGO participant, and a representative of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, commented. “The only group that voted for it was the Jews. Of all the ‘voices of the victims’ put into the resolution, only one voice was deleted – the Jewish voice.”

Bayefsky reported, “Like all Jewish participants, I felt concern for my safety. The Jewish Center in Durban was forced to close because of threats of violence.” During an NGO discussion on Palestinian issues, representatives of human rights organizations asked Bayefsky to leave: “They explained to me that as a representative of a Jewish organization, I was biased and couldn’t be counted on to act in the interest of general human rights.”

The representatives at the NGO conference removed a key paragraph on anti-Semitism by unanimous vote, prompting a Jewish Caucus walk out. The removed paragraph read:

We are concerned with the prevalence of Anti-Zionism and attempts to delegitimize the State of Israel through wildly inaccurate charges of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and apartheid, as a virulent contemporary form of anti-Semitism leading to firebombing of synagogues, armed assaults against Jews, incitements to killing, and the murder of innocent Jews, for their support for the existence of the State of Israel, the assertion of the right to self determination of the Jewish people and the attempts, through the State of Israel, to preserve their cultural and religious identity.

Soon after the American and Israeli pullout, the Jewish Caucus formally withdrew from the NGO conference.

The final resolution of the NGO conference, which was overwhelmingly adopted, called Israel “a racist apartheid state,” guilty of the “systematic perpetration of racist crimes including war crimes, acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing … and state terror against the Palestinian people.”

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, called the allegations accusing Israel of war crimes “inappropriate and unacceptable,” but did not reject the document. She mentioned that the NGO resolution included constructive proposals on hate crimes, indigenous peoples, and caste issues. In traditional UN practice, the Secretary-General of the conference officially “recommends” the NGO resolution to the government conference, but Robinson said she “could not recommend the document to the government delegates in its entirety.”

Major human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Lawyers for Human Rights, and Physicians for Human Rights also expressed criticism of the anti-Jewish language of the NGO resolution, but raised their concerns two days after the conclusion of the NGO conference. Overall, they endorsed the resolution. Amnesty International said, “Although not accepting or condoning some of the language used within the NGO Declaration, Amnesty International accepts the declaration as a largely positive document which gives a voice to all the victims of racism wherever it occurs.”

The UN government conference, stalled over references to the Middle East situation, concluded on September 8, a full day past its scheduled end date, with an adoption of a “compromise” proposal between the European Union and the Arab countries. The chair of the conference, South African Foreign Minister Zuma, asked delegates to leave complex Middle East issues aside and to “focus on not doing anything to cause this conference to collapse.”

But Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Shara insisted on adding language explicitly condemning Israel’s “foreign occupation.” Brazil proposed a “motion of no action” suggesting that conference not address issues on which it would not agree. The “motion of no action” was approved by a vote of 51-38. Arab and Muslim states voted against the proposal.

The final declaration of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance included the following passages relevant to Israel:

63. We are concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign occupation. We recognize the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State and we recognize the right to security for all States in the region, including Israel, and call upon all States to support the peace process and bring it to an early conclusion;

64. We call for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region in which all peoples shall co-exist and enjoy equality, justice and internationally recognized human rights, and security;

65. We recognize the right of refugees to return voluntarily to their homes and properties in dignity and safety, and urge all States to facilitate such return;

151. As for the situation in the Middle East, calls for the end of violence and the swift resumption of negotiations, respect for international human rights and humanitarian law, respect for the principle of self-determination and the end of all suffering, thus allowing Israel and the Palestinians to resume the peace process, and to develop and prosper in security and freedom.

Trading in slavery: UN Racist Conference

in Durban Sep 8, 2001 … But in Durban it became clear that anti-racism has shrivelled into the modern world’s most acceptable form of racism — anti-white. …

Demonization in Durban: The World Conference Against RacismFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View
Related Intolerance (WCAR), held in Durban, South Africa, to de- monize Israel. Powerful voices at the conference sought to brand. Israel as a racist state, …

UN World Conference Against RacismStatements by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan,President George Bush and others expose the anti-Semitic nature of the Zionism as Racism formulation.

Racists cry racism at U.N. conference … At the Durban debacle, racists cried racism and anti-Semites paraded their bigotry while condemning Israeli …

CULTURE OF HATE–JIHAD RACISM ACROSS THE WORLD – The Durban World Conference Against Racism where the culture of hate was … This Arabization and Islamization of the Bible thus robs not only the Jews …

Arab Regimes, Not Israel, Are Guilty of Racism – Opinion – Arutz Sheva At the conference on racism, in Durban, Arab delegates and their allies accused Israel of racism and … Black Africans are also the victims of Arab racism. …

UN World Conference Against Racism But the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist campaign is not uninformed bigotry, it is conscious politics. …Further, this fact of world politics creates altogether …

There They Go Again, Those Arab Racists… No, as Arabs, they are part of the greater Arab Nation…

There They Go Again, Those Arab Racists By Ariel Natan Pasko
Jul 5, 2004

There they go again. The story is so old already. Arab militia or Arab army or Arab terrorist attacks non-Arab. Or was that Muslim fanatic attacks non-Muslim? This time it’s happening in Sudan.
While we’re sitting and talking probably a few hundred more black Africans in Sudan have starved to death, or been brutally killed, raped, enslaved, or simply pushed off their land by 7th century Arab imperialist invaders, or more rightly “Arab Settlers”.
Oh yes, that’s right “Arab settlers”…
Like the ones Saddam Hussein brought into Kurdistan – i.e. the Kurdish areas of northern Iraq in the 1970’s – to displace the indigenous Kurds, during his forced Arabization campaign. Forcibly relocating many Kurds from the Kurdish heartland in the north, he razed all Kurdish villages along a 1,300-kilometer stretch of the border with Iran.
Now Sudan is doing the same thing.
While Arab militiamen known as the Janjaweed, rape, slaughter and drive out over a million black Africans from their homes in western Sudan… The Janjaweed have killed about 30,000 people and left some 2 million in desperate need of aid, or there will be humanitarian disaster. The Janjaweed has been described as an Arab Islamic group that has targeted mostly black Christians. According to some reports, the Sudanese government itself armed and paid the militia of Arab raiders, and authorized them to slaughter and drive out members of the Zaghawa, Masalit and Fur tribes…

A typical UN do-goody, Egeland seems to have overlooked the fact that the Sudanese government might have deliberately caused this problem. It’s a typical Arab/Muslim land grab. It’s happened in Iraq, it’s happened in Lebanon with Syria occupying Lebanon and persecuting the Christians there, and it’s happened in Israel, where 7th century Arab imperialist invaders and 20th century Arab squatters have tried to displace the indigenous Jewish population.
Arab Settlers, and they’re violent at that…
Describing the pogrom-like atmosphere, one woman told how the Janjaweed entered the village. She said, “The Janjaweed shouted, ‘We will not allow blacks here. We will not let Zaghawa here. This land is only for Arabs.'”…

Non-Arab and Non-Muslim minorities live throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Contrary to the propaganda that the region is Arab/Muslim, these minorities are remnants of the indigenous peoples, before the great Arab imperialist wars of the 7th century, and “Islamicization process” that followed. Non-Arab Muslims like the Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran; the Berbers – known as Amazighes – in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, have all resisted Arabization for over 1,000 years. Non-Muslims like the Assyrian Christians in Iraq – who argue that they are not Arabs – the Copts in Egypt, Christian Lebanese – many who claim not to be Arab but Phoenician – the Christians in Sudan, and other Christians throughout the region, have been persecuted minorities, since the rise of Islam. Others like the Druze and Jews have also been persecuted by Arab/Muslim regimes throughout history…”
“Only Israel, the Jewish State, has fully liberated itself – in the political sense – from this Arab/Muslim oppression, although it still suffers from physical violence against her people. Israel should take the lead – in it’s foreign policy – to support democratization and regime change throughout the region. Israel shouldn’t wait until countries of the region reform, but should pro-actively support the legitimate aspirations of the oppressed minorities of North Africa and the Middle East, and build alliances with them.”…

I haven’t yet mentioned the so-called “Palestinians,” and I won’t beyond saying, that they are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Aren’t they an oppressed minority? No, as Arabs, they are part of the greater Arab Nation who since the 7th century has conquered, oppressed, and occupied everyone else in the Middle East and North Africa. As radical Muslims, everyone can see that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other terror groups are continuing down the same path as Bin Laden. In fact, not long before his assassination, Hamas “spiritual leader” Sheikh Yassin had begun speaking about the “Global Jihad” in Bin Laden and al-Qaeda type terms. Hezbollah has also been working in the “Palestinian” administered territories for a while already, as evidenced by Israel’s recent capture of a Hezbollah cell in Gaza. So, they are part of the regional oppression network, not the future liberty and freedom alliance that Israel should work to build with other minorities in the area.

Like that Arab murderer in Sudan who said, “This land is only for Arabs,” the late Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi said not long before his demise, “We will continue with our holy war and resistance until every last criminal Zionist is evicted from this land. By G-d we will not leave one Jew alive in Palestine. We will fight them with all the strength we have. This is our land, not the Jews.” Most of the so-called “Palestinians” agreed with him…
Arab racism marches on…

Anti-Semitism [and the conflict & on ‘anti-Zionism]
…Zionism is no more than self-determination for the Jewish people. Regrettably, opponents of Zionism suggest that of all people on this earth only Jews are not entitled to self-determination. They portray the Jewish nation as perpetrators of some ongoing evil. Their tune has its obvious historical forbears.

When one selects out a particular people as ineligible for the right of self-determination, one is engaging in active racism. An anti-Zionist is someone who opposes self-determination for the Jewish people. The anti-Zionist would not be racist if the idea being pursued was opposition to self-determination for all peoples, but truth be told, they oppose it only for Jews. They are engaging in racism against Jews, and the name for such racism is anti-Semitism.
But distinguish these from the critics of Israeli policies who genuinely address harsh realities and suggest better ways to achieve Israel’s goal of peaceful coexistence with her neighbours, including a new Palestinian state, without the overhanging threat of daily terrorism.

Israel of course is the only operative democracy in the Middle East. It is the only nation in the region whose very declaration of independence guarantees rights for Arab and Jew alike. Both Hebrew and Arabic are official languages. Both Jew and Arab can and do own property, operate businesses, enjoy healthcare and public education, and importantly exercise the right to vote. Unsurprisingly, Mr Heywood-Smith failed to note these realities, and omitted also to mention that that there are Arab members of the Israeli Parliament.
Now contrast Israel with the Arab nations which surround it. They exclude the rights of Jews to practice their religion, to live freely and to enjoy basic rights.

To this day the Palestinian leadership has suggested that while all Palestinian Arabs should be allowed to live within the borders of Israel, no Jews should be allowed to live within the borders of a new state of Palestine. Israel offers equity, and her neighbours offer exclusion in return. In an Orwellian twist, Mr Heywood-Smith reverses the democrat and the demagogue.

In the course of many decades of conflict, both Jews and Palestinian Arabs were variously displaced and expelled. The harsh reality was that close to equal numbers of refugees left Arab countries to live in Israel, and left Israel to live in Arab countries. In the first few years after Israel’s birth as a nation, Arab countries expelled or displaced their Jewish populations.

Hundreds of thousands of Jews, many of whom had no particular desire to move to the newborn Jewish state, were forced to go. Israel was required to provide planes and ships to transport them from Iraq, Yemen and North Africa. These expulsions were retaliation for the displacement of Arabs from the Jewish portion of the British Mandate of Palestine.

The reason that there is no ongoing claim in relation to the Jewish refugees who fled from Arab lands is that Israel resettled them. Palestinian Arabs who fled, and their descendants, have not enjoyed any similar benefit. Their Arab brethren have refused to accept responsibility to settle them.
Both Jews and Arabs lived in the British Mandate of Palestine and numerous partition proposals were put forward to accommodate both Indigenous groups. Mr Heywood-Smith’s further submission that Israel removed the Indigenous inhabitants of Palestine from their lands in 1948, suggests that Jews were not Indigenous inhabitants of the land before it became Israel. This is another falsehood, used to make Jews the “other”. The Jewish claim for equal rights and indeed emancipation is twisted into a claim of inequality and exclusion. This tool of propaganda also has its obvious historical forbears…

Arab Racism

One of the accusations which the various Arab countries (including Egypt and Jordan which have peace treaties with Israel) often make against Israel is that “Zionism is racism”. Defining Zionism, the national liberation movement of jews, the victims of racism, as racism is particularly cynical, yet it seems that the Arabs have succeeded to convince the leaders of some nations, themselves victims of racism, to support this vicious accusation. The latest attempt to define Zionism as racism was at the 2001 UNESCO conference which was held in Durban, South Africa. The resolution which was initiated by Arab countries enjoyed the support of most participants.

 Especially painful was the support of such African leaders as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Some Western countries, however, notably Australia and Canada, objected and accused the conference of hypocrisy. The Canadian delegation, for example, issued the following statement: “Canada is still here today only because we wanted to have our voice decry the attempts at this Conference to de-legitimize the State of Israel and to dishonor the history and suffering of the Jewish people. We believe, and we have said in the clearest possible terms, that it was inappropriate – wrong – to address the Palestinian-Israel conflict in this forum. We have said, and will continue to say, that anything – any process, any declaration, any language – presented in any forum that does not serve to advance a negotiated peace that will bring security, dignity and respect to the people of the region is – and will be – unacceptable to Canada.”

It was for that reason that both Israel and the United States under the leadership of Secretary Colin Powell, himself no stranger to racism, pulled their delegations from the conference. The final text adopted by the conference drops all direct criticism of Israel, but does recognize the Palestinians’ right to self-determination and expresses concern at their plight under foreigh occupation.
That was only the latest attempt to define Zionism as racism. In November 1975, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 declared that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination” In December 1991, the General Assembly rescinded this resolution through Resolution 4686.

All those years the Arab countries continued to promote this false notion. It is therefore of interest to check how different things are on the other side of the fence, namely in the Arab countries. Even though there are many blacks who live in those countries the question whether they are subject to racism was academic for a long time and one had to resort to circumstantial evidence in order to answer it. One well-known fact is that most Arabs refer to blacks as “Abed” which means “slave” in Arabic. This seems to say something about the situation of racism in the Arab world. Today, due to the recent events in Darfur and the active role that the Arab Janjaweed play in the slaughter of black Africans there, this question has become more urgent and relevant than ever before. It is time for the UN and the whole world to fight it NOW

Antisemitism And Racism Equating Zionism with racism and Nazism is not a new motif in the Arab …

[‘Palestinian’ Arab racism even among its “moderates”] Canadian MP: Mahmoud Abbas Purveys Anti-Jewish Incitement Israel – …He also met with PA officials and told them that “hate breeds hate.” Saying that Hamas, with “their charter with its genocidal objective, anti-Semitic …

Durban & Islamo Arab Apartheid

The Bigotry of Jihad, They stand ? admirably ? ever-prepared to expose that bigotry to the light … the prejudice that animates anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiment


A Tyrants Club

The U.N. Human Rights Commission is worse than a joke.


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST

[The Wall Street Journal]

Among those who value liberty and justice, the United Nations’ choice of Libya to chair this year’s session of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights has been widely described as a defeat. By some lights it’s a defeat for the U.S.–which protested giving this post to an emissary of terror-sponsoring tyrant Moammar Gadhafi. By U.S. standards it’s a
defeat for the Human Rights Commission and the entire system of international justice the U.N. pretends to promote. All of which sounds bad, but comfortably abstract; just one more round of folly at the U.N.
It is a betrayal of millions upon millions of people living under governments so brutal–from North Korea to Turkmenistan to Iraq–that most citizens do not dare to demand the freedoms that belong by right to all human beings.

It is absurd, in fact, to describe the exaltation on Monday of Libya’s Ambassador Najat al-Hajjaji to head of the Human Rights Commission as the product of a “vote.” That implies there was some sort of democratic process at work… Among the 33 governments that voted in favor of Libya were almost certainly the rulers of such civic sinkholes as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Cuba and Zimbabwe. Like the despots in Syria, Vietnam and China, these are folks who do not have the guts to face a genuine system of democracy back home..

It’s much worse than that. Putting Libya in a spot to set the U.N. agenda on human rights is not simply a defeat of justice and human dignity. It is a betrayal.

Go ahead! Compare real Arab racism with Israel
Let’s compare Arab racism with bogus anti-Arab racism charges on Israel
Dec. 2007
Report Details “Racism
Arutz Sheva, Israel – Dec 9, 2007
Similarly, the demand that Arab government ministers and MKs must pledge allegiance to the Jewish State is considered “racist,”…

OK, I don’t know about you, but I think I had enough of Arab racists and Israel’s radical left’s beating Israel up with charges of “racism”.
Let’s make a run down on racism, who is who, who is what.

Israelis overwhelmingly 1) give a right for one more Arab state, and 2) give Arab ‘Palestinians’ a right to exist though 3) not a real democracy by any standard.
Arabs are [thus far] mostly racist and 1) do NOT give the 2) only one Jewish state a right to exist, even though in fact it is a 3) free democracy and equal to all.
Israeli Arabs are at least 20% of its population, many achieve high roles in Israel’s democratic pluralistic society, (ironically the Arab members of Israel’s government use it to stab Israel in the back and still demonetizing it for being “discriminatory”, imagine that) the number of Jews in [racist ethnic cleansing] Arab “Palestinian” called area = exactly zero!
There’s not one Arab Islamic terror attack on innocent Israelis that does not involve help from Israeli “loyal” Arabs, that seek attacks on Israeli Jews out of pure racism.
Arab racism enslaves & commits most horrific genocide in Sudan, Chad, etc. humanitarian Israel accepts African refugees.
There’s not one minority (including indigenous) that it’s exempt from oppression, discrimination in all of the racist Arab world: Kurds in syria, Iraq etc., Al Akhdam in Yemen, Berbers in [Arab] North Africa, indigenous Nubians in Egypt, the Copts in Egypt, Asians in Arabia…
Arabism Equals Racism … Those were the days of the United Nations’ infamous Zionism Equals Racism resolution. Arab and pro-Arab professors were already …


Durban Alert, August 27, 2007 Aug 27, 2007 …This surge in racism adopted new forms

Israeli Arab explodes Mideast ‘lies’
Lebanese woman says she discovered freedom in Jewish state
“As a Middle Easterner brought up on this patent ‘Israel is a racist state’ propaganda, I discovered it is total hate-inspired nonsense,” she said.” I’ve seen with my own eyes what kind of society Israel is. I consider Israel to be one of the most multi-racial and multi-cultural countries in the world. There are no racial restrictions on becoming a citizen of Israel like there are in many Arab countries. Remember, Jews can’t live in the neighboring Arab Kingdom of Jordan or in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”
She explained that more than 100 different countries of the world are represented in the population of Israel.
“Consider how the Israeli government spent tens of millions of dollars airlifting more than 40,000 black Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1984 and 1991,” she said. “Since 2001 Israel has reached out to help others taking in non-Jewish refugees from Lebanon, the Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Liberia, Congo and even Bosnian Muslims. How many such refugees have the 22 states in the Arab league taken in? The Arab world won’t even give Palestinian refugees citizenship in their host countries.”
She added that more than 1 million Arabs are full Israel citizens, that an Arab sits on the Supreme Court of Israel, that there are Arab political parties expressing views inimical to the state of Israel sitting in the Knesset, that women are equal partners in Israel and have complete human rights.
“Show me an Arab nation with a Jew in its government,” she challenged. “Show me an Arab country with half as many Jewish citizens as Israel has Arab citizens. I’ll borrow some of your academic freedom now and say that Arab nations are the real racist and oppressive states.”

Palestinian Arab Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens

“Double Standard”

By Mindelle Jacobs [Feb. 2007]
A United Nations anti-racism panel is once again examining the human rights records of various countries and Israel, of course, is being characterized as particularly malevolent.
Last week, Israel was before the committee to answer to allegations of discrimination against its Arab citizens in areas such as education and housing, and the disparities in incarceration rates between Jews and Arabs.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also questioned Israel about accusations that the Jewish state doesn’t sufficiently protect sites considered holy by other religions.
This issue was prompted by a report to the committee by an Israel-based NGO called Adalah, which promotes the rights of Israeli Arabs.
Since 1948, about 250 non-Jewish places of worship have either been destroyed or made inaccessible because of neglect or security concerns, according to Adalah.
Some were razed because of development in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv corridor and others have simply been left to crumble because of lack of funding, the NGO asserted.
“Jewish sites take high priority, Christian sites come second and Islamic sites a distant last,” Adalah declared.

[P.S. This ‘Adalah’ organization is basically an anti-Jewish Arab racist group that has its hands full mainly in constantly decrying Israelis’ preocupation of terror [painting it] as “racism”.
The Arab racism of playing Israelis’ fear of Arab terror as “racism”

The group also complained that tourism officials promote the city of Safed as the centre of Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah, even though the city also has a Muslim past.
Well, the Ottoman Empire is long gone and Israel is a Jewish country. It would be peculiar if it didn’t use Safed’s ancient link to the Kabbalah to draw visitors.
As for the destruction of non-Jewish places of worship, I suspect most were sacrificed for the sake of urbanization. ..
But let’s keep things in perspective. All citizens of Israel have full civil and political rights, including freedom of religion. Israel isn’t perfect but it is at least striving to improve.
And Israel has the rule of law to keep the country on its toes. Elsewhere in the Middle East, however, it’s racism as usual typically state-sanctioned.
In Saudia Arabia, for instance, all citizens must be Muslim and the public practice of other religions is banned.

Non-Muslims who gather in homes for religious practices are supposed to be protected. However, this right isn’t always respected, according to the U.S. Department of State’s 2006 International Religious Freedom Report.
In compensation cases, male Jews or Christians only get half of what male Muslims receive. Other men are granted one-sixteenth of the amount a Muslim gets.
And the government, which observes Sunni Islam, doesn’t finance the construction or maintenance of Shia mosques.

In Egypt, non-Muslims need a presidential decree to build churches and synagogues and the neighbouring Muslim community must give its approval.
The construction and repair of churches is typically delayed for years.
Israel’s missteps are mild in comparison, says Aurel Braun, professor of international relations at the University of Toronto.
“Among the tricks here,” he says, “is to set up a standard that no one can meet and then hold Israel alone to that standard.”

Israelis aren’t ‘racist’ – they’re worried

Only Racism Motivates anti Israel “racism” charges Constant campaign by racist Arabs
Anti Israel facsism: Holding Israel to a standarad, NO COUNTRY can.
Just after pluralistic multi racial Israel has nominated it’s Arab minister… [end of 2007].
No matter what Israel does — the very democratic Israel that is enabling for Arab-advocacy & Arab propagandists to flourish, such groups that have a job of ‘silencing real tracism, hatred & terrorism by Arabs inside/outside of Israel’, via crying ‘racism’ on ANYTHING, good hearted Israel that faces imminent danger from a sea of fascism, Islamofascism or plain Arab racism, usually both combined — it just can never “satisfy” the charges of “racism”.
The Arab racists know that, which is why they know they can go on & on & on about it.
“Palestinian” Arabs: If you dare defend yourself, I will call you a “racist”.
How can one expect to survive fascist Arabs inside Israel that conspire to slaughter innocent non-Arab Israelis?
How can anyone criticize indisputable vital needed security measures in the war on terror?
Why is it that a checkpoint on Jews is quite OK but a checkpoint for Arabs have to be connected to “racism”? Is this double standard not racist?
Last but not least, Don’t forget the good ol’ Arab occupied UN that jumps on any “racism” charge, old or new, the body that would never voice anything on real racism by the entire Arab world on ALL it’s minorities, without any explanation of ‘fighting terrorists’ insight.


UN Plans Another Durban Racism Conference for 2009 – Eye on the UN
The resolution and the decision adopted December 8, 2006 now bring the total number of bodies born from the racist and anti-semitic Durban Conference to …

Will Durban II be a replay of racist Durban I? – Aug 4, 2008 … Is the United Nations’ follow-up to the racist 2001 Durban World Conference Against Racism headed for the same fate? 

UN’s Durban II Conference Against Racism?

By: Sam Harari, The Bulletin
Email to a friendPost a CommentPrinter-friendly The Durban World Conference against Racism, organized by the United Nations and held in South Africa in 2001, was driven by noble and just ideals. Its stated hope was to achieve recognition and prevention of crimes related to intolerance, racial discrimination and xenophobia.
To the dismay of the many who shared the spirit of the conference’s goal, the debate degenerated into a festival of overt bigotry. According to the Canadian government, it spiraled into “a circus of intolerance.”
And now, in anticipation of Durban II planned for 2009 in Geneva, human rights advocates and government officials alike predict it will be just more of the same.
Some Background
The first Durban conference’s condemnation of Western European colonialism became tainted when it omitted mention of far more recent colonial crimes, including that of Armenia, and China’s ongoing repression of Tibet.
Arab and Islamic states attempted to impose an agenda declaring Palestinian victimhood at the hands of Israeli “colonialism and oppression.”
Further, they attempted to equate modern Zionism, the belief in Jewish self-determination in their ancestral homeland, with racism.

The Sudanese Minister of Justice displayed perhaps the most overt example of the hypocrisy of the conference; representing a country guilty of ongoing slavery and genocide, the minister demanded reparations for historical slavery.
French philosopher and writer Pascal Bruckner put it best when he said, “It was like a cannibal suddenly calling for vegetarianism.”
At the NGO forum, hatred for Jews (and by extension for the U.S.) was not veiled behind politics.
Anti-Semitic cartoons were circulated. Copies of Mein Kampf and the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were handed out. A mob screaming, “You are killers,” shut down the only session on anti-Semitism, one of the most ancient and virulent forms of intolerance. A number of delegates were physically threatened, amidst calls of “Death to the Jews.”
Australia and Canada issued statements condemning the conference’s hypocrisy. The Israeli and U.S. delegations walked out….

The U.N.’s Racist Conference On Racism – Dec 4, 2008 … Billed as an effort to fight racism, that Durban conclave focused instead on … is chaired by a Libyan ambassador, Najat Al-Hajjaji.

Smith should avoid racist conference | The Australian
Feb 26, 2009 … THE 120th anniversary of Hitler’s birth falls on April 20, which coincidentally is the day nations will gather in Geneva under the banner of the UN to discuss ways of dealing with the growth of racism.
The Durban Review Conference was established to evaluate the progress made towards the goals set by the first World Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa, in August 2001.

It was a worthy topic that should have made for a worthy conference in which to debate how the world should react to the pernicious forces of racial and religious hatred, cancers that ruin the lives and security of millions of people. But as so often happens with the world body, the exhilarating promise proved to be very different from the deadening reality.

DurbanI was a notorious hate-filled gathering that devolved into one of the most racist and prejudiced meetings in the UN’s history. Its anti-Semitism and anti-Israel agenda and hysterical crowds of extremists still send shudders of horror through the corridors of human rights organisations. This is why many nations, especially from the West, are considering boycotting Durban II which, like Durban I, is likely to become a platform for anti-Semitism and anti-Western xenophobia and hatred.

Like its predecessor, Durban II has been appropriated by nations that have scant regard for human rights, and whose anti-Western and anti-Israel stance has made the UN Human Rights Council into a forum for the evils it was created to oppose.

EU threatens pullout from racism conference  
March 16 2009 at 08:07PM 
Brussels – The European Union on Monday threatened to pull out of an upcoming United Nations conference on racism unless a controversial draft declaration, deemed anti-Semitic, is changed.
“The main voices were very sceptical about the directions of the papers prepared,” said Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency.
The EU is seeking to remove at least five paragraphs from the draft declaration relating to the situation in the Palestinian territories, such as an assertion that “in order to consolidate the Israeli occupation, (Palestinians) have been subjected to unlawful collective punishment, torture.”
Schwarzenberg, speaking to reporters after presiding over a meeting of EU foreign ministers, said the EU would “probably” send its own suggestions for the draft.
Italy has already pulled out of the conference
“If the conference will be in line with that then we will stay, otherwise there is a strong call to withdraw,” he said.
Italy has already pulled out of the April 20-24 conference in Geneva, “complaining of unacceptable, aggressive and anti-Semitic phrases,” while Britain has said it will not attend unless there is a “change in direction” to the draft declaration.
Israel, Canada and the United States have also vowed to boycott this year’s gathering, dubbed “Durban II”.
The inaugural racism conference, held Durban in September 2001, saw a walkout by Israeli and US delegates in protest against a bid by Arab nations to adopt a resolution equating Zionism with racism.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is among those calling for a unified EU withdrawal from the talks unless the preparatory papers are substantially modified.
The documents “suggest that this is not simply dealing with racism, but that the conference could be diverted by the taking of one-sided positions on the Middle East conflict, or to condemn some European and American positions regarding the Arab-Muslim world,” he said after the Brussels meeting.
“I would plead for us to withdraw from this conference if in the coming hours and days we don’t get a substantial modification of these documents,” he said. – Sapa-AFP
EU ultimatum to the OIC: Change your tune on Durban II or we won’t … EuropeNews
Italy pulls out of UN racism conference The Associated Press
Italy says no to Durban II
Jewish Telegraphic Agency – ‎Mar 5, 2009‎
He said the statements in question “must be eliminated,” and that Italy would not participate unless the draft document was changed. …
Australia ready to boycott Durban II
Jewish Telegraphic Agency – [March 17, 2009] … (JTA) — Australia said it will boycott the Durban II anti-racism conference unless the heavily anti-Israel conference draft document is changed. …

FM: Ahmadinejad’s attendance proves ‘Durban II’ racist – Israel …Apr 19, 2009 … FM: Ahmadinejad’s attendance proves ‘Durban II’ racist. Lieberman calls on nations to join boycott of UN conference on race as Israeli, …,7340,L-3703246,00.html

Criticism of Israel dropped from Durban II draft resolution
Ha’aretz – March 17, 2009
Initial draft resolutions for the United Nations Durban II summit branded Israel as an occupying state that carries out racist policies. …

U.S. to boycott Durban 2 conference on racism – Haaretz Daily …Feb 27, 2009 … U.S. House Speaker: Obama handled Egypt crisis ‘as well as possible’ (AP) … Against Racism in Geneva from April 20-25, known as Durban 2, …

Obama: Durban II risks ‘hypocritical’ Israel hatred – Haaretz …Apr 19, 2009 … Obama: Durban II risks ‘hypocritical’ Israel hatred. Lieberman: Ahmadinejad invite shows summit’s true nature; New Zealand, Germany to …

A few points about the racist UN – Durban "anti-racism" conference

[April, 2009]

Why Western countries tend to boycott it.

1) Since Muslim nations (OIC & Iran) push to criminalize criticism of Islamists’ bigotry, doesn’t it mean that anything being said in that conference is the opposite of tolerance and of truth?

2) How can the UN avoid the largest practitioner of racism, which is Arabism (against: Kurds, Berbers, Africans, Jews, Assyrians, Asians, etc.), but focuses on the so called "anti-Arab racism"?
[ Arabism is racism! ]

3) When will Arab racists & Islamic bigots let go of the UN and stop hijacking it with it’s lobbies (silencing Arab racist genocide in Darfur, yet daming innocent Israelis who merely try to survive)?

4) Why is Arab terror singling out Jews not racist?

5) Why is the essence of the entire "conflict’" in the M.E. not a form of bigotry by Arab Muslims who can’t "accept" the non Arab non Muslim pluralistic democratic Israel?

6) Are Jews living, or even allowed to live in racist "Palestinian" controlled territories (Judenrein – ethnic cleaning)?

7) When will lefty radicals (Meretz/B’Tzelem) talk about preferential treatments to Arabs OVER Jews inside Israel, like in Hebron and in other cases?

8] Why are (Arab Palestinian or Hezbollah) the ones using its own kids as cannon fodders considered "innocent victims"?

9) Is Israel battling just terrorism or an ARAB MUSLIM CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE since the 1920’s?

10) How more racist can the Durban-conference get, If the two oppressive regimes: Libya & Iran are the "stars"?
Libya – whose Muamar Qaddafi ,besides his own persecution of non-Arabs, especially blacks in his country, who describe themselves as living like: slaves or animals, the one of the champions in today’s racist Arabization, and Arabist racism push against Africa [whose "vision" has been compared to Hitler’s "lebensraum"], in: Chad, Nigeria, etc., ultimately his crimes in the Sudan region helped in leading the current Al-Bashir’s genocide on Millions of Africans (financed mainly by Libya and S. Arabia).
Iran, the regime of Islamic bigotry’s oppression on its own population with an added special persecution on all on-Muslims: Christians, Baha’i, Jews, etc. or on non-"pure-Persians" like: Ahwazi – Arabs, Kurds, Azeris, Baluchis, etc. now under the leadership of: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [EichmannJihad – the Islamic Hitler] who plays as if he "denies" the holocaust only in order to prepare for (his wishful) the second, "wiping off Israel".

Thus, the shame of the UN, kidnapped by the epitome of intolerance today, the infamous twin fascism: Arab racism, as in Gadhafi, and Islamic bigotry as in Amadinejad, are going to be "preaching" (and determine) to the world on tolerance.


Walkout at UN conference after Iran president calls Israel ‘racist [Apr 20, 2009]

Philippe Naughton British delegates joined a dramatic diplomatic walkout today when President Ahmadinejad of Iran told a major UN conference against racism that the state of Israel had been founded “on the pretext of Jewish suffering” during the Second World War.

Around 20 delegates, including envoys from the UK, France, and Finland stood up and left the room at what was considered an anti-Semitic remark by the Iranian leader, who has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

Nine Western countries including Israel and the United States had already decided to boycott the conference entirely because its draft declaration endorsed the conclusions of an anti-racism conference in South Africa eight years ago in which Islamic nations pushed through a text equating Zionism with racism.

Even before the walkout, Mr Ahmadinejad’s speech had been interrupted by three protesters dressed as clowns who where quickly bundled from the vast conference room at the Palais des Nations by guards.

Later, other protesters shouted down from the balcony as the Iranian president carried on his address…

Durban II Conference: Ahmadinejad Anti-Israel Tirade Spurs Western …Apr 20, 2009 … The United Nations Durban II anti-racism conference in Geneva this week hit … the speech as an “intolerable appeal for racist hatred” and calling for “an …. Britain walks out as Ahmadinejad calls Israel ‘racist’ …

BBC NEWS | Europe | Walkout at Iran leader’s speech
Apr 20, 2009 … Diplomats walk out of a UN anti-racism conference during a speech by … all forms of hate speech, against all perversion of this message. … UN Durban Review Conference.

Diplomats walk out as Ahmadinejad rails against Israel in UN


Israel Fears Another ‘Anti-Semitic’  UN Conference on Racism
Dec 27, 2010 … “The Durban Conference of 2001, with its anti-Semitic undertones and … “Israel is part of the international struggle against racism. …

Israel plans to boycott UN Durban III conference
Dec 25, 2010 … “The Durban Conference of 2001, with its anti-Semitic undertones and displays of hatred for Israel and the Jewish world, left us with scars …


Libyan Membership Under Fire As U.N. Human Rights Council Gets Poor Grades
Thursday, September 16, 2010
By Patrick Goodenough
( – Four months after the world’s governments elected Libya to the U.N.’s top human rights body, victims of Libyan abuses joined human rights advocates Thursday in appealing for Muammar Gaddafi’s regime to be expelled.

U.N. Suspends Libya From Human Rights Council – Huffington Post
Mar 2, 2011 UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly suspended Libya from its top human rights body as governments worldwide pressured Muammar Gaddafi to halt the deadly crackdown on his people.


The 192 U.N. member nations voted by consensus on the council’s recommendation to suspend Libya’s membership on the U.N’s top human rights body for committing “gross and systematic violations of human rights.” General Assembly President Joseph Deiss called for the vote and signaled its adoption by consensus by banging his wooden gavel.

The resolution sponsored by Arab and African states also expressed “deep concern” about the human rights situation in Libya.

It is the first time any country has been suspended from the 47-member council since it was formed in 2006. Based in Geneva, the council is charged with strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe.

Why the UN is a joke 
Wizbang (blog) – ‎Feb 24, 2011‎
During the selection of its officers for 2003, Ambassador Najat Al-Hajjaji was elected Chairperson of the Geneva-based Commission on Human Rights by a secret ballot of 33 countries in favour, with three opposed and 17 abstentions. …

The Last Circle in Libya 
Toward Freedom – Rene Wadlow – ‎Mar 2, 2011‎
In fact, the then Libyan Ambassador, Najat al-Hajjaji, a former wife of one of the Qaddafi sons had chaired the Commission on Human Rights in 2003. There is now discussion of expelling Libya from the Human Rights Council, however the Libyan …

Watchdog Group Demands Removal Of Libyan Human Rights Investigator…
U.N. Watch, an organization that monitors the world body, says Libyan envoy Najat Al-Hajjaji should be the ‘last person’ investigating human rights abuses, as Libyan jets drop bombs on rebel forces in her homeland. A watchdog group is asking the U.N. to immediately remove a Libyan envoy from her post as an investigator on human rights violations by mercenaries, saying that as a mouthpiece for a regime that’s “deploying hired guns to massacre its own people” it’s “outrageous” to have her in that position.

But it’s not the first time Al-Hajjaji’s been in a controversial post.

In 2003 she was elected president of the Human Rights Commission against objections from human rights groups and the U.S.

“It is not appropriate for a nation under U.N. sanctions — a nation with the horrible human rights record that Libya has — to be chairman of this commission,” then U.S. ambassador, Kevin Moley, said at the time.

As someone who “whitewashed the crimes of the Qaddafi regime” for more than a decade, “she also shouldn’t have been the head of the world conference on racism, the Durban II conference, which she chaired for two years,” Neuer added.

But Neuer said it would be hard to imagine a position that would be more of an “obscene irony” than her current one.

“Everybody knew she was sitting on this mercenary group and no one said a thing…and the question is why not?”

In a letter sent Monday to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, U.N. rights commissioner Navi Pillay, and UNHRC president Sihasak Phuangketkeow, U.N. Watch demanded that the officials take immediate action to expel Al-Hajjaji.

Exposed: Qaddafi rep is UN council’s “expert on mercenaries”

Wirbel um Ghadhafi-Vertraute in Genf 
Tages-Anzeiger Online – ‎Mar 8, 2011‎
Najat al-Hajjaji, eine langjährige Vertraute des libyschen Machthabers, sitzt ausgerechnet in einer UNO-Arbeitsgruppe, die den Söldnereinsatz bekämpft. Die Diplomatin ist keine unbekannte Person. Ghadhafis Frau in Genf: Die libysche Diplomatin Najat …

Op-Ed: UN human rights chief must be held accountable
[March 8, 2011]

The “moderate” fascist ‘Muslim Brotherhood’

February 2, 2011

The “moderate” fascist ‘Muslim Brotherhood’

• (a) The ‘core’ of today’s violent Islamic fundamentalism *.

• (b) Inspired by (European) Fascism. Racist *.

• (c) Hitler admirer * – Distributor of Mein Kampf in Arabic *.

• (d) Domination plan *.

• (e) Anti-Christian agitator in Egypt *.

• (f) The 9/11 attack – connection *.


In 1928, Hassan al-Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a rigidly conservative and highly secretive Egyptian-based organization dedicated to resurrecting a Muslim empire. According to al-Banna, “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” Al-Banna also gave the group the motto it still uses today: “God is our purpose, the Prophet our leader, the Quran our constitution, jihad our way and dying for God our supreme objective.” The 9/11 Commission Report describes the Brotherhood’s influence on Osama bin Laden, stating that “Bin Laden relies heavily on the Egyptian writer Sayyid Qutb.” Qutb is one of the most influential, early Brotherhood theoreticians. The 9/11 Commission Report also describes the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman: “In speeches and writings, the sightless Rahman, often called the “Blind Sheikh,” preached the message of Sayyid Qutb’s Milestones, characterizing the United States as the oppressor of Muslims worldwide and asserting that it was their religious duty to fight against God’s enemies. An FBI informant learned of a plan to bomb major New York landmarks, including the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Disrupting this “landmarks plot,” the FBI in June 1993 arrested Rahman and various confederates.” he_counterterrorism_blog/2005/08/the_muslim_brot.html

How Egypt Molded Modern Radical Islam
Zvi Mazel

[Vol. 4, No. 18

16 February 2005]


When we speak of radical Islam, we are referring to a number of organizations that have engraved on their banner their intent to implement the rule of Islam within their country, and also to impose Islam on the world at large. At first this involved the Muslim Brotherhood, and later the jihadists separated off from the Brotherhood.

The basic ideology of political Islam – which was later adopted by all radical groups – finds its origin within Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna in the city of Ismailia, on the banks of Suez Canal. It began as a kind of youth club where the Sheikh used to preach about the need to introduce moral and social reform into Egypt and the Arab world. Basically, it was a reaction to British occupation and the penetration of Western values into Arab society. The larger background was the collapse of the Ottoman Empire – the last Muslim empire – a few years before, and the abolition of the caliphate by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1922, who sought to build a secular state on the ruins of the empire.

In the beginning, al-Banna’s brand of Islam seemed peaceful. However, this did not last long since at the core of his belief stood the universality of Islam and its inclusiveness: religion and state are one. This required restoration of the caliphate – the creation of an Islamic state comprised of all Muslim countries, ruled by an Islamic government, based on shari’a, the religious law of the Koran.

Another disturbing characteristic of the Muslim Brotherhood is its xenophobic nature, which translates into anti-Semitism and anti-Christian preaching and activity.

In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood soon became involved in politics and turned to violence. During the 1940s it established a special apparatus – al-Tanzim al-Has – that initiated a campaign of terror against the government and assassinated a number of political personalities, among them two prime ministers. It soon became the most powerful extra-political force in Egypt, threatening the regime and wrecking havoc in the country.

This campaign of terror is considered one of the important factors that led to the Free Officers revolution in 1952, thus putting an end to the only liberal experience in Egypt’s history, initiated by the Wafd party. Later the Muslim Brotherhood became disappointed in Nasser’s socialist and secular policy; it turned against him and tried to kill him in 1954 but failed. Nasser’s reaction was brutal, declaring the organization illegal, arresting 60,000 people and putting them into camps. Its leaders were tried and condemned to death, thus ending the first chapter of radical Islam in Egypt.

The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967 – by Fouad Ajami – 1992 (page 135)
Fascism found an expression in the Young Egypt party, which was a parody of the fascist movement that swept Europe in the 1930s and 1940s; the Muslim Brotherhood thrived at a time of crisis and continues to survive at the present…

The Muslim Brotherhood: the enemy in its own words

Center for Security Policy | Jan 31, 2011

By Frank Gaffney, Jr.

As Egypt lurches towards the end of Hosni Mubarak’s regime, one way or another – by "an orderly transition to democratic rule" (as Hillary Clinton delicately puts it), through violent overthrow or simply through the demise of the ailing 82-year-old president – much is unclear. One thing that should not be is that the Muslim Brotherhood is our enemy, and whatever role it plays in Egypt’s future will be to our detriment.

Such clarity is readily available since the Brotherhood (MB or in Arabic, Ikhwan) has told us as much. Consider, for example, the mission statement for the MB found in one of its secret documents entitled "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America":

The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.

As a blue-ribbon group of national security experts convened by the Center for Security Policy, "Team B II" noted in their new best-seller Shariah: The Threat to America, the incompatability of the Ikhwan’s agenda with our interests has been evident from its inception:

The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928. Its express purpose was two-fold: (1) to implement shariah worldwide, and (2) to re-establish the global Islamic State (caliphate).  Therefore, al Qaeda and the MB have the same objectives.  They differ only in the timing and tactics involved in realizing them.

We also know how the Brotherhood plans to pull off our destruction.  Another MB document, this one undated, is called "Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan."  It describes a five-installment program for achieving the triumph of shariah – together with a status report on the realization of several of the phases’ goals:

Phase One: Discreet and secret establishment of leadership.

Phase Two: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities. It [the MB] greatly succeeded in implementing this stage.  It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government.

Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media.  Currently in progress.

Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach.  It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour.  It has noticeable activities in this regard.

Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.

If any further evidence were needed of the threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood, consider the comments on October 6, 2010 by Mohamed Badie, the Ikwan’s virulent promoter of shariah who was installed as its leader ("Supreme Guide") last year.  According to a translation provided by the indispensable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Badie declared: 

[Today, the United States] is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and it is on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan. [All] its warplanes, missiles and modern military technology were defeated by the will of the peoples, as long as [these peoples] insisted on resistance. Its wealth will not avail it once Allah has had his say, as happened with [powerful] nations in the past.  The U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise.

Barry Rubin, one of the most astute observers of the Middle East, warned within days that this speech represented a "declaration of war" by the Brotherhood, with it "adopting a view almost identical to al Qaeda’s" but coming from "a group with 100 times more activists than al Qaeda."

At first blush, it seems incredible that the sort of clarity about the Brotherhood’s intentions that the foregoing provide seems to be eluding many in official Washington and the policy elite.  On closer inspection, however, the muddle-headedness that has many describing the Ikhwan as "non-violent," "democratic" and desirable candidates for a coalition to replace Mubarak’s dictatorship is, to use an old Soviet expression, "no accident, comrade."

In fact, the aforementioned MB "Explanatory Memorandum" provides a list of "Our Organizations and the Organizations of Our Friends" that includes virtually every prominent Muslim-American organization in business at that time.  What is incredible, therefore, is that many of these same Muslim Brotherhood fronts are used by the U.S. government for "outreach" to the Muslim community and policy advice.  The nation’s top intelligence official, James Clapper, has actually characterized the resulting "dialogue with the Muslim community" as "a source of advice, counsel, and wisdom."

As a result, one other thing should be frighteningly clear:  We are having our policies towards Egypt’s succession – and the tsunami it is accelerating elsewhere in the region influenced, shaped and probably subverted by the Muslim Brotherhood’s American operatives.  If we let our enemies call the shots, there is no doubt who will wind up taking the bullet.

Danger: Tariq Ramadan is coming to the US For starters, he is the grandson of Hassan Al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist terrorist organization born in Egypt in 1928… article_id=3523

The Muslim Brotherhood “Project” by …Since its formation, the Muslim Brotherhood has advocated the use of terrorism as a means of advancing its agenda of global Islamic domination. … asp ?ID=22415

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Egyptian Brethren appear in court Senior Muslim brotherhood figure Khayrat al-Shatir … Defendants pleaded not guilty to charges including terrorism and money laundering and the trial was …

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Analysis: THE ROOTS OF JIHAD IN EGYPT:
The origins of Bin Laden’s concept of jihad can be traced back to two early 20th century figures, who started powerful Islamic revivalist movements in response to colonialism and its aftermath.
Pakistan and Egypt – both Muslim countries with a strong intellectual tradition – produced the movements and ideology that would transform the concept of jihad in the modern world.
In Egypt, Hassan al-Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood and in Pakistan, Syed Abul Ala Maududi’s Jamaat Islami sought to restore the Islamic ideal of the union of religion and state.
They blamed the western idea of the separation of religion and politics for the decline of Muslim societies.
This, they believed, could only be corrected through a return to Islam in its traditional form, in which society was governed by a strict code of Islamic law.
Al-Banna and Maudoudi breathed new life into the concept of jihad as a holy war to end the foreign occupation of Muslim lands.


In the 1950s Sayed Qutb, a prominent member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, took the arguments of al-Banna and Maududi a stage further.
For Qutb, all non-Muslims were infidels – even the so-called “people of the book”, the Christians and Jews – and he predicted an eventual clash of civilisations between Islam and the west.
Qutb was executed by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1966.
According to Dr Azzam Tamimi, director of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought in London, Qutb’s writings in response to Nasser’s persecution of the Muslim Brotherhood, “acquired wide acceptance throughout the Arab world, especially after his execution and more so following the defeat of the Arabs in the 1967 war with Israel”.
Qutb and Maududi inspired a whole generation of Islamists, including Ayatollah Khomeini, who developed a Persian version of their works in the 1970s. 178.stm

Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi: ‘There is No Dialogue between Us and the Jews Except by the Sword and the Rifle’

[July 27, 2004 Special Dispatch No.753]

Pakistan Christian Post

Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966), the Egyptian ideologue of modern Islamism and a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was one of the first to combine the two strands. His writings have been read by millions of Muslims around the world and have been a major influence in the development of contemporary Muslim anti-Semitism. Qutb used racist stereotypes and forgeries of Western anti-Semitism such as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (translated into Arabic and widely distributed in the Muslim world). As a result, Islamism today sees itself involved in a cosmic struggle against “the Jews” which has to fought to the bitter end: “Therefore the struggle between Islam and the Jews continues in force and will continue, because the Jews will be satisfied only with the destruction of this religion (Islam).” For Qutb, modern-day Jews are identical to their forefathers at the time of Muhammad, who “confronted Islam with Enmity from the moment that the Islamic state was established in Medina. They plotted against the Muslim Community from the first day it became a Community.” [9] Since then, says Qutb, all Jews have always been wicked enemies of Islam, and contemporary
Following Qutb, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist movements came to identify all Jews as inherently and genetically evil, disregarding any distinctions between different types of Jews: Jews are evil in whatever guise they appear.

Khomeini, leader of the Iranian Revolution and Supreme Guardian of the Islamic Republic of Iran until his death in1989, also had anti-Semitic attitudes and did his best to spread them around the Shi’a world: “Since its inception, Islam was afflicted with the Jews when they started their counter-activity by distorting the reputation of Islam, by assaulting it and by slandering it. This has continued to our present day.”

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia names ‘terrorist’ groups Russia names 17 groups it regards as “terrorist organisations”, … The list also includes: the Muslim Brotherhood…

Antisemitism: the longest hatred Robert S. Wistrich – 1994 – 341 pages – [Page 226]
…Brotherhood advocated a war of Arabism and Jihad against the British and the Jews.

Muslim Brotherhood (1) — ADL Terrorist Symbol Database, Terrorist groups use symbols that express their goals and violent ideologies. By examining the distinct symbols used by terrorists… erhood_ 1.asp

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Conquest of Europe – Middle East Quarterly. the Muslim Brotherhood’s ultimate goal may not be simply “to help Muslims be the best citizens they can be,” but rather to extend Islamic law throughout Europe and the United States.

In 1928, an Islamic scholar named Hassan Al Banna founded an organization in Egypt called the Muslim Brotherhood. Born out of the extreme Muslim right wing’s desire to counter the ideology of modernization, the Brotherhood’s platform included a strict interpretation of the Koran that glorified suicidal violence to rid the world of Judaism. Along with Al Banna, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj-al Amin Al-Husseini was also an enormously influencial Muslim leader of the time. Together, the two created a powerful and popular Islamist party by classically appealing to fundamentalist Islamic principals while blaming the world’s problems on the Jews.

Contemporary Islamist Ideology Authorizing Genocidal Murder
January 27, 2004
Contemporary Islamism, however, holds that Islam is now under attack, and therefore Jihad is now a war of defense, and as such has become not only a collective duty but an individual duty without restrictions or limitations. That is, to the Islamists, Jihad is a total, all-encompassing duty to be carried out by all Muslims men and women, young and old. All infidels, without exception, are to be fought and annihilated, and no weapons or types of warfare are barred. Furthermore, according to them, current Muslim rulers allied with the West are considered apostates and infidels.
One major ideological influence in Islamist thought was Sayyid Qutb. Qutb, an Egyptian, was the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. He was convicted of treason for plotting to assassinate Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Nasser and was executed in 1966. He wrote extensively on a wide range of Islamic issues. According to Qutb, “There are two parties in all the world: the Party of Allah and the Party of Satan the Party of Allah which stands under the banner of Allah and bears his insignia, and the Party of Satan, which includes every community, group, race, and individual that does not stand under the banner of Allah.”

Hamas, Gaza and Muslim Brotherhood’s project…
Initially Hamas claimed to be involved with “charities”, and as it was opposed to Yasser Arafat’s PLO, it gained some support from Israel. idcategory=35&idSub=185&idArticle=10400

Al-Qaeda & the Muslim Brotherhood: United by Strategy, Divided by …For the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam cannot be separated from governance or …. He clarifies his position by claiming that terrorism is not a criminal act, … le.php?articleid=2369939

On a website devoted to Ramadhan, the Muslim Brotherhood posted a series of articles by Dr. Ahmad ‘Abd Al-Khaleq about Al-Walaa Wa’l-Baraa, an Islamic doctrine which, in its fundamentalist interpretation, stipulates absolute allegiance to the community of Muslims and total rejection of non-Muslims and of Muslims who have strayed from the path of Islam.
In his articles, the writer argues that according to this principle, a Muslim can come closer to Allah by hating all non-Muslims – Christians, Jews, atheists, or polytheists – and by waging jihad against them in every possible manner.

The Battle within Syria: An Interview with Muslim Brotherhood Leader Ali Bayanouni … p? articleid=2369769

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Propaganda Offensive Indeed, the U.S.- designated terrorist organization Hamas, which is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, took over the Palestinian Authority in … e_muslim_brotherhoods_propag.html

Muslim Brotherhood – Egypt They start to perform terrorist attacks inside Egypt. ” December: The Muslim Brotherhood is banned by the authorities. .

The British, Muslim Terrorism and September 11, This led to the assassination of Sadat, by members of Islamic Jihad, an offshoot group of the Muslim Brotherhood, on October 6, 1981. …

The Muslim Brotherhood, also called Muslim Brethren (… jamiat al-Ikhwan al-muslimun, literally Society of Muslim Brothers) is an Islamic organization with a political approach to Islam. It was founded in 1928 by Hassan al Banna in Egypt after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

The Muslim Brotherhood opposes secular tendencies of Islamic nations and wants return to the precepts of the Qur’an, and rejection of Western influences. They also reject extreme Sufism. They organize events from prayer meetings to sport clubs for socializing.
The organization’s motto is as follows: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”.
An important aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood ideology is the sanctioning of Jihad such as the 2004 fatwa issued by Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi making it a religious obligation of Muslims to abduct and kill U.S. citizens in Iraq.

Family Security Matters, The Muslim Brotherhood’s Long- Standing War On The West.
The Muslim Brotherhood, which from 1948 until the 1970s engaged in assassinations and terrorism in Egypt, has indoctrinated many who went on to commit acts of terror. id=1040982

The muslim brotherhood in france Increasingly, the Muslim Brotherhood is making France their ….. Islam in France, International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, May 10, 2004

The Koran: Suicide playbook …
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria, which according to Safa has helped the Palestinians against the Israelis, has this as its slogan:
“The Koran is our constitution, the prophet is our guide; Death for the glory of Allah is our greatest ambition.”

A Short Critique of Islamic Fundamentalism Around the late 1920s the Moslem Brotherhood was formed by Arabist thinkers such as Hassan al-Banna…

“Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11,” Matthias Kֳ¼ntzel, Telos Press Publishing, 2007, (ISBN 0914386360, 9780914386360, 180 pages), pp. 20-24

Paramilitary rallies by the pro-fascist Young Egypt movement founded in 1933, the Young Men’s Muslim Association (YMMA) and the Muslim Brotherhood increasingly dominant the street-scene, announcing…

Anti-Jewish Jihad

In October 1933, when the Jewish-led anti-German boycott movement was still going strong, the Cairo Nazi group discussed the reasons for the failure of their anti-Jewish campaign to date. How could “the broad masses” be awakened to an understanding of the “Jewish threat?” In their report to the Foreign Office in Berlin they drew the conclusion that the value of publicity campaigns “for the creation of an anti- Jewish mood among the Arab population is relatively small” and that “we must therefore focus far more on the point where real conflicts of interest between Arabs and Jews exist: Palestine. The conflict between Arabs and Jews there must be transplanted to Egypt.”..

p. 21
In April 1936 the Mufti called for an Arab general strike… “Arab revolt of 1936-39.”

This strike gave the Muslim Brothers the green light to launch their first fanatical solidarity campaign, in which the idea of jihad was linked to the clashes in Palestine. Only now did the Brotherhood become a mass organization, growing between 1936 and 1938 from 800 to 200,000 members.

In May 1936 the Muslim Brothers called for a boycott of the Business of Egyptian Jews. The Central Comittee for Aid to Palestine established by Al-Banna developed into the Brotherhood’s stronghold and the centre of its new mission. Pro-Palestinian fund-raising and anti-Jewish boycott campaigns, leafleting and demonstrations were now organized. In mosques, schools and workplaces the Brotherhood worked out the believers with the legend that the Jews and British wished to destroy the holy places of Jerusalem and tear up the Koran
and trample it underfoot. Yet initially these activities encountered strong opposition precisely among the Egyptian religious establisment…
met with a lot of resistance on the part of the mosque imams, who tried to stop them physically or have (p. 22) them taken to the police station… the Al-Azhar mosque-university, whose rector, Mustafa al-Maragi, forbade his Palestinian students from indulging in any anti-Jewish …

p. 23
The Muslim Brothers’ campaign struck a different note. “On violent student demonstrations in Cairo, Alexandria and Tanta in April and May 1938 calls such as “down with the Jews”, “Jews out of Egypt and Palestine” rang out…… Leaflets reiterated calls for a boycott of Jewish shops and business.” At the same time its newspaper, al-Nadhir, ran a regular column with the title “the threat of the Jews in Egypt” in which the names and addresses of Jewish business propritetors and the owners of allegedly Jewish newspapers all over the world were published and all evil – from Communism to brothels – was attributed to the “Jewish threat.”

An Appeal was made to young Egyptians to wear and consume only Islamic products and to prepare themselves in all parts of Egypt for jihad in defence of the Al-Aqsa mosque. Al-Nadhir called on children to give up their presents “for Palestine,” while their mothers were to sacrifice their very selves. “I shall carry my life in my own hands and offer it as a sacrifice on the altar in defence of the Holy Place in order to win the honour of jihad” boasted one female fanatic in the paper. In 1939 the first bombs were placed in a Cairo synagogue and Jewish private homes.

These anti-Jewish excesses were by then supported by other Islamist organizations such as the Young Men’s Muslims Association (YMMA)..

p. 24
This burgeoning Islamist movement was subsidized with German funds. As Brynjar Lia recounts in his monograph on the Muslim Brotherhood…

Inspired by Fascism

How Islam Plans to Change the World – Page 25 – William Wagner – (Kregel Publications) 2004 (ISBN 0825439655) – 287 pages – Preview
A little-known fact today is that the Muslim Brotherhood grew in Egypt in the 1920s as an imitation of European fascism, which it self was a revolt against modernity. In Italy and Germany they were known by their black or brown shirts. In Egypt they had green shirts, which symbolized the Muslim Brotherhood. Fascism failed in Europe but survived in Egypt and spread to other parts of the Islamic world. The influence of this radical movement is still very powerful in Egypt. It became fiercely anti-Western in the 1940s and 1950s under the direction of Sayd Qutb, an Egyptian fundamentalist. This movement was credited with many assassinations, including that of Anwar Sadat.

The Swastika and the Crescent | Southern Poverty Law Center

Intelligence Report, Spring 2002, Issue Number: 105

By Martin A. Lee


Back to the Beginning

The roots of the Muslim Brotherhood — and, in many ways, the Nazi-Muslim axis — go back to the organization’s formation in Egypt in 1928.

Marking the start of modern political Islam, or what is often referred to as “Islamic fundamentalism,” the Brotherhood from the outset envisioned a time when an Islamic state would prevail in Egypt and other Arab countries, where the organization quickly established local branches.

The growth of the Muslim Brotherhood coincided with the rise of fascist movements in Europe — a parallel noted by Muhammad Sa’id al-‘Ashmawy, former chief justice of Egypt’s High Criminal Court.

Al-‘Ashmawy decried “the perversion of Islam” and “the fascistic ideology” that infuses the world view of the Brothers, “their total (if not totalitarian) way of life … [and] their fantastical reading of the Koran.”

Youssef Nada, current board chairman of Al Taqwa, had joined the armed branch of the Muslim Brotherhood as a young man in Egypt during World War II. Nada and several of his cohorts in the Sunni Muslim fraternity were recruited by German military intelligence, which sought to undermine British colonial rule in the land of the sphinx.

Hassan al-Banna, the Egyptian schoolteacher who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, also collaborated with spies of the Third Reich.

Advocating a pan-Islamic insurgency in British-controlled Palestine, the Brotherhood proclaimed their support for the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, in the late 1930s.

The Grand Mufti, the preeminent religious figure among Palestinian Muslims, was the most notable Arab leader to seek an alliance with Nazi Germany, which was eager to extend its influence in the Middle East.

Although he loathed Arabs (he once described them as “lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped”), Hitler understood that he and the Mufti shared the same rivals — the British, the Jews and the Communists.

Indicative of the old Arab adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” they met in Berlin, where the Mufti lived in exile during the war.

The Mufti agreed to help organize a special Muslim division of the Waffen SS. Powerful radio transmitters were put at the Mufti’s disposal so that his pro-Axis propaganda could be heard throughout the Arab world…,1

The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda 4 Oct 2004 …

Here’s how you can find all of the missing secrets about the Muslim Brotherhood — and you can do this, too. I said, “Bob, go to your computer and type in two words into the search part. Type the word “Banna,” B-a-n-n-a. He said, “Yeah.” Type in “Nazi.” Bob typed the two words in, and out came 30 to 40 articles from around the world. He read them and called me back and said, “Oh my gosh, what have we done?”

What I’m doing today is doing what I’m doing now: I’m educating a new generation in the CIA that the Muslim Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western intelligence that evolved over time into what we today know as al-Qaeda.

Here’s how the story began. In the 1920’s there was a young Egyptian named al Bana. And al Bana formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Bana was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler and wrote to him frequently. So persistent was he in his admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930’s, al-Bana and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi intelligence.

The Arab Nazis had much in common with the new Nazi doctrines. They hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as the fifth Parliament, an army inside Egypt.

When war broke out, the Muslim Brotherhood promised in writing that they would rise up and help General Rommell and make sure that no English or American soldier was left alive in Cairo or Alexandria.

The Muslim Brotherhood began to expand in scope and influence during World War II. They even had a Palestinian section headed by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the great bigots of all time. Here, too, was a man — The grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the Muslim Brotherhood representative for Palestine. These were undoubtedly Arab Nazis. The Grand Mufti, for example, went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the “Handjar” Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler’s new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arab peninsula from then on to Africa — grand dreams.

Muslim Brothers (MB) Manifesto, Is a Fascist, Supremacist, Nazi and exclusionist Ideology

Last Updated Sunday, 22 November 2009

Asia Times Online :: Islamism Facsism Terrorism
Links between neo-Nazis and the radical ideology of Islamism have surfaced since the terrorism of September 11, 2001 – an event that was celebrated by both groups. But fascism and Islamism have an 80-year history of collaboration based on shared ideas, practices and perceived common enemies.

Substitute religious for racial purity, and most ideological and organizational precepts of Nazism are essentially identical to the later precepts of the Muslim Brotherhood. Marc Erikson traces the Brotherhood’s collaboration with fascism from the present-day brains behind al-Qaeda to the era of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II.

Islamic Terrorism’s Links To Nazi Fascism
5 Jul 2007 … “Islamism, or fascism with an Islamic face, was born with and of the Muslim Brotherhood. It proved (and improved) its fascist core …

Muslim Brotherhood & Nazism

Encyclopedia of modern worldwide extremists and extremist groups – Page 40 – Stephen E. Atkins – 2004 – 404 pages – Preview
The Muslim Brotherhood continued to grow during World War II, reaching a membership of nearly 500000 in 1945. Al-Banna was always vague about his political goals, but he expressed his admiration for Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler and …

The Muslim Brotherhood
Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. During the 1930s, the Brotherhood became more political in nature and an officially …

Dec 17, 2008 … When World War II broke out, al-Banna worked to firm up his alliances with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, …

Yad Vashem studies: Volume 37, Part 1 – Page 125 – Yad ב¹¿a-shem, rashut ha-zikaron la-Shoֺ¼ah ב¹¿ela-gevurah – 2009 – Preview
In 1928, the cleric Hassan al-Banna had established the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. It formed the core cell of modern Islamic fundamentalism… The driving factor behind this upsurge was mobilization for the Arab uprising in Palestine, as passages of the Koran hostile to Jews were interwoven with antisemitic formulations of struggle from the Third Reich, and the hatred of the Jews was transformed into jihad, “holy war.” The consequence was boycott campaigns and violent demonstrations under the slogan, “Jews out of Egypt and Palestine!” In October 1938, a conference of Islamic parliamentarians “for the defense of Palestine” was held in Cairo; antisemitic tractates were distributed, including the Arabic versions of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Issues in Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: Selections From CQ Researcher, CQ Researcher, [Pine Forge Press] 2009 [ISBN 1412980372, 9781412980371] – Page 158
The Nazis funded the burgeoning growth of Muslim fundamentalism, helping the radical Muslim Brotherhood distribute Arabic translations of Mein Kampf, …

The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle Over God, Truth, and Power – Page 237, Melanie Phillips – 2010 – 280 pages – Preview
…During the war, the Muslim Brotherhood distributed Mein Kampf in Arabic throughout Palestine, along with German money and weapons to help the Arab revolt against Jewish immigration from Nazi-occupied Europe. Husseini also supported the Nazis via …

The Muslim Brotherhood, The Nazis and Al-Qa’ida, Al-Qa’ida is the product of an Arab fascist group that was set up in the 1920s, …. and we left this army of Arab fascists in the field of Afghanistan. …

Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic-domination plan

Muslim Brotherhood’s papers detail plan to seize U.S. | News for …Sep 17, 2007 … Group’s takeover plot emerges in Holy Land case ….
the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists’ ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.
A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.
[…] The goal of the Palestinian Committee, which trial documents indicate existed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, was to raise money in the U.S. to fund Hamas.
This was to be accomplished by forming a complex network of seemingly benign Muslim organizations whose real job, according to the government, was to spread militant propaganda and raise money.
The Muslim Brotherhood created some American Muslim groups and sought influence in others, many of which are listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case.
On the list are several prominent groups, including the Islamic Society of North America, the North American Islamic Trust and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). All have protested their inclusion on the list.

Muslim Brotherhood Poised for Power in Egypt – HUMAN EVENTS 31 Jan 2011 …
The Muslim Brotherhood is also an international organization. According to a captured internal document made public during the trial of the Hamas-supporting Islamic charity, the Holy Land Foundation, in 2007, its goal in the United States is “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

At this time in history, with Islamic fascist tyranny threatening to over take the Middle East, Obama’s actions could not have been more ill-conceived and irresponsible or more directly responsible for the Egyptian Revolution and the needless destruction or more contrary to the interests of America.


Human Rights Internet reporter: Volume 8, Human Rights Internet – 1982 – p. 244
Egypt’s nine million Christians, some 20 percent of the nation’s population, are in imminent danger of being cut off … who were former members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since then the persecution of the Copts has continued unabated.

Dateline Jerusalem – Page 53 – Zola Levitt – 2005 – 214 pages – Preview
Coptic acceptance of this subservient status should not, however, be attributed to a lack of courage. Copts represent only 10 percent of … The virulently anti-Christian and anti-Jewish Muslim Brotherhood was founded there in 1928,

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Copts

Written by Magdi Khalil

Friday, April 21, 2006

Many have recently wondered about the evident concern of the Copts over the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory of 88 seats in the last parliamentary elections in Egypt. Why, exactly, are the Copts so upset, and would they stand against democracy if it works in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Actually, the Copts are not the only ones to have serious misgivings about this latest development in Egypt’s political life; women, liberals, civil society supporters, leftists, and other advocates of democracy share the same sentiment. The champions of civil society are haunted by the nightmarish vision of a religious government, and it goes without saying that the Copts, as a religious minority, are particularly concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda with regard to the creation of an Islamic state and Islamic nationalism.

In response to these concerns, the Muslim Brotherhood claims that it does not seek to establish a religious state, but rather a “civil state with an Islamic framework” or an “Islamic democracy.” I am challenging to learn, however, if there is any person out there who can pinpoint the exact definition of those ambiguous terms, give accurate details as to what an Islamic democracy entails, or what it means to have a civil state with an Islamic framework.

Most importantly, the Muslim Brotherhood’s history, actions, website statements, and newspaper articles confirm the intent to establish a state that has a religious nature and not a civil one. To illustrate:

• Mustafa Mashour, the former supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, was quoted as saying “Whoever stands against the Muslim Brotherhood is also standing against God and His Prophet.” The implication here is that Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood are on an equal standing or are one and the same. The same feeling is reflected in the statement made by Hassan Hanafi: “What is so terrifying about the Muslim Brotherhood? The Western media is ruining their image in the same pattern it has been ruining the image of Islam and Muslims.” (Al-Arabi, No. 989)

• Essam Al Erian: “The Muslim Brotherhood believes that a comprehensive reform will not have the power to inspire real public participation unless it is resting on an Islamic foundation… We seek to build an Islamic civilization under an umbrella of faith in God and in the after-life, a civilization that would re-establish man’s psychological balance and restore his lost soul.” (Al-Hayat, November 30, 2005). I wonder who told Mr. Erian that our souls are lost, and who can possibly determine the meaning of loss and restoration?

• The current supreme guide, Mohammed Mahdi Akef, responded to the civil society advocates’ request for a constitutional amendment which would provide for a civil framework for the state by saying: “This is a futile and foolish request, and we will say no more about it, except to call on the people to protect their own faith.” His deputy, Mohammed Habib, commented by saying, “This request crosses a line that shouldn’t even be touched, because just touching it can trigger a civil war in Egypt.”

• A spectacle that needs no comments: Members of Egypt’s Parliament from the Muslim Brotherhood standing in line to kiss the hand of the supreme guide!

• Mustafa Mashour’s declaration: “For now we accept the principle of party plurality, but when we will have an Islamic rule we will either accept or reject this principle” (in Refaat Al-Said’s Against Islamization). The clear reference to an “Islamic rule,” or in other words, a “religious state,” is proof enough that our fears are well founded.

• Mohammed Mahdi Akef’s statement: “The public opinion is ruled by Shari’a. We should not forget that the Egyptian Constitution states that ‘the Islamic law is the principal source of legislation’” (Akher Saa, July 20, 2005).

• According to Mohammed Habib, even the separation of powers should be guided and inspired by the rules of Islamic Shari’a (Asharq Al-Awsat, November 27, 2005).

• The Muslim Brotherhood’s main slogan is “Islam is the Solution,” a mysterious slogan that excludes “infidels” such as the Christians and the Jews. The Brotherhood’s flag pictures two swords and the Qur’an and a Qur’anic verse which states: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies.” (Spoils of War Surah – El-Ghanaem: 60)

• Their proclaimed purpose is to “restore the Islamic Caliphate (Islamic political system and rule). Their former supreme guide, Mustafa Mashour, has frankly stated: “We will not give up our mission to restore the lost Islamic Caliphate.” (Asharq Al-Awsat, August 9, 2002)

• The professional syndicates in Egypt bear the mark of the Muslim Brotherhood’s intrusion. For example, the solemn Hippocratic Oath was replaced by a Muslim oath in the Physicians’ Syndicate; hard-earned Egyptian money is being donated to the “brothers” in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya and Kashmir; and the syndicates’ funds are wasted on Islamic projects that belong to the Muslim Brotherhood.

When it is so obvious that public affairs have been turned into “holy” affairs, and the debate revolves around religious credentials and how to best abide by Islam’s rule, it seems pointless to expect that their promised state would be a civil state.

When asked about the program of action for this alleged civil state, the Muslim Brotherhood usually refers to the reform initiative issued in March 2004 in the Journalists’ Syndicate, and which is posted on the Muslim Brotherhood’s website. A study of the initiative leads to the undeniable conclusion that this document is, in fact, a proposal for an Islamic state.

It plainly states: “Our mission is to implement a comprehensive reform in order to uphold God’s law which is good for both secular and religious affairs.” It goes on to state that “Our only hope, if we wish to achieve any type of progress, is to go back to our faith, and to apply the Shari’a,” clearly confirming “our mission is to build a Muslim individual, a Muslim family, a Muslim government, and an Islamic rule to lead other Islamic states.”

The document touches briefly on what we can expect if that mission is accomplished:

– Regarding the media: “The media will be cleansed of anything that disagrees with the decrees of Islam.”

– Regarding the economy: “We believe in an economic system that is derived from Islam… usury should be outlawed as a source of funding.”

– Regarding politics: “The state should have a democratic system that is compatible with Islam, and within Islamic boundaries.”

– Regarding the social system: “The zakah (alms) institutions should be in charge of the distribution of income.”

– Regarding education: “To increase the number of kuttab (a rudimentary religious school) and nurseries, and the focus of education should be on learning the Qur’an by heart.”

– Regarding women: “Women should only hold the kind of posts that would preserve their virtue.”

– Regarding culture: “Our culture has to be derived from Islamic sources.” This would also impact television: “Improper drama and offensive television shows should be banned.”

The notion of a civil state is nowhere to be found in the sole document offered by the Muslim Brotherhood.

I have yet to meet anyone who knows what Islamic democracy means. As Ragaa ben Salama says: “If we have no doubt that a Muslim can live within a democracy, and remain a practicing believer, can we say the same about democracy surviving an Islamic label? Democracy basically means the supremacy of the people, a rule by the people for the people, so can we call democrats those who opt for an Islamic state which, according to Rashid al-Ghanoushi, is ruled by the highest legislative authority issued by God, the Qur’an and Sunna (the Prophet’s traditions)?

How will we proceed in finding a middle ground between the Holy Texts and human rights principles, and do we have viable suggestions in that respect?

It seems that with that type of “democracy” we will only be trading one tyranny for another, to live under the rule of Shari’a is to experience the greatest level of tyranny, because every tiny detail in human life, whether public or private, is subject to the haram and halal (permissible and forbidden) rules (Middle East Transparent, December 21, 2004).

As we can see, the notion of a religious state is a scary one for all, particularly for the Copts, who have not, throughout the history of Islam, enjoyed equal treatment as full citizens while living under a religious Islamic state.

I have met Muslim Brotherhood leaders more than once in the course of television interviews, and it did not take me long to realize that we come from two different worlds and spoke different languages: our civil perspective versus their religious perspective. However, they have been strangely determined to force this delusion of a “common civil ground” on their audience by using a plethora of mysterious expressions and misleading theories. Needless to say, the “delusion” can only work until you discuss the details of their proposals, then their religious orientation will ultimately reveal itself.

The problem with the Muslim Brotherhood is that they are hard to pin down, with their elusive style, word play, taqiyya, contradictory statements, and double language. They are all-set to accommodate different clients: The West and Americans, the Copts, women, liberals, as well as Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. To this moment they refuse to condemn the writings of Said Kutb, the philosopher of terror and violence.

Meanwhile, the Copts have particular reasons to fear the Muslim Brotherhood:

First: The Muslim Brotherhood’s racist declarations against the Copts.

• A famous fatwa (a legal pronouncement in Islam) prohibited the construction of new churches in Egypt. The fatwa was published in Al-Dawaa magazine, which speaks for the Muslim Brotherhood, in December 1980, and was issued by Mohammed Al-Khatib who was, and still is, a member of the guidance council of the Muslim Brotherhood movement. Twenty-five years later, the Muslim Brotherhood still acknowledges the validity of this fatwa.

• Another outrageous fatwa issued by Mustafa Mashhour stated that: “Islamic law, Shari’a, is the principal point of reference (authority) for governance. Copts must pay the jizyah instead of joining the army, lest they ally themselves with the enemy, if that enemy happens to be a Christian country” (Al-Ahram Weekly 13 April 1997). A calculated change was later made by Mashhour, who still would not deny the validity of his statement. Recently, on 22 December 2005, Mohammed Akef used the same tactic to contain the angry responses to his statement about the holocaust being a “myth,” but he neither denied the statement nor offered an apology.

• In an interview with the newspaper Azzaman, Mohammed Habib said: “The Muslim Brotherhood rejects any constitution based on secular and civil laws, and as a consequence the Copts can not take on the form of a political entity in this country. When the movement will come to power, it will replace the current constitution with an Islamic one, according to which a non-Muslim will not be allowed to hold a senior post, whether in the state or the army, because this right should be exclusively granted to Muslims. If the Egyptians decide to elect a Copt for the presidential post, we will issue a protest against such an action, on the basis that this choice should be ours” (Azzaman, May 17, 2005).

On another occasion he stated that the Copts should submit to Islamic law like the rest of Egyptians” (Mona Al-Tahawi, Asharq Al-Awsat, August 18, 2005). Later, when it became obvious that his statements provoked an angry reaction, he wrote an article in Asharq Al-Awsat where he stated: “We consider the Copts as citizens who are entitled to the full rights of citizenship, and consequently they have the full right to hold all sorts of public positions except for the presidential post.” (Asharq Al-Awsat, November 27, 2005)

The danger here lies in the reasoning behind such statements: the presidential post is considered welaya kobra (major governance) and in this case a non-Muslim is not allowed to govern a Muslim, which completely shatters the basic notion of citizenship. It is a given that a non-Muslim Egyptian will have serious obstacles to be elected president. But, the problem is if an obstacle is based on a religious rule advocated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

While Habib seems to be adjusting his original statement, he is in fact joining his fellows in making a tactical change, given that this principle applies not only to the presidential post but to all senior official posts, as previously mentioned by another Islamist, Dr. Neemat Ahmed Fouad: “Those who are making a big issue out of the fact that there are no Christian governors in Egypt forget that the governor is ruling his governorate on behalf of the president, who is Egypt’s ruler…the same logic and same criteria are applicable” (Al-Ahram, August 4, 1992).

This explains Milad Hanna’s prediction: “The Muslim Brotherhood will resort to taqiyya (deceit). They will claim that they believe in citizenship, but I know that the principle of their religious ideology has more power than the intentions of its followers” (Asharq Al-Awsat, November 27, 2005).

• In an interview with Sameh Fawzi in 1996, Mamoun Al-Hudaibi answered the question about whether the Copts were considered citizens or dhimmi by replying that they were both. When pressed for a specific answer, he clearly states: “They are dhimmi” (Al-Hayat, November 30, 2005).

Second: While the Muslim Brotherhood’s statements and declarations inspire concern, what they have left unsaid is as much a source of concern as what they actually said.

In the reform document, their only one to date, there was not even an allusion to the issue of citizenship, no specific details about other issues, and much general talk. For instance, in talking about their vision, Mohammed Habib says: “To have open and strong relations with the Arab and Islamic regimes, and to achieve a high level of cooperation in the economic, cultural, information and defense fields” (Asharq Al-Awsat, November 27, 2005). He avoided mentioning Egypt’s international relations, and its relation with Israel. They have followed that same pattern in dealing–or rather in not dealing–with critical issues, intent on hiding pertinent political and moral details.

Third: The Muslim Brotherhood’s discourse bears a religious and superior tone, with constant references to the “other,” often in a belittling and hurtful manner. Their frequent use of terms such as infidels, crusades, the triumph of the Islamic nation, and the armies of Muslims is guaranteed to antagonize Christians.

The discourse can turn downright hostile, as Hassan Al-Banna was quoted to literally say: “it is necessary to kill ahl el-ketab (Christians and Jews), and God will give a double recompense for those who fight them.” Al-Banna also tackled the issues of employment for non-Muslims in a haughty tone: “It is alright to employ non-Muslims, but only when it is necessary, and in posts that do not deal with matters of public governance” (Messages of Hassan Al-Banna, The Legitimate Printing, 1990, p. 280 & 394 – Samir Morkos, Middle East Transparent, December 24, 2005).

At best, the Muslim Brotherhood resorts to vague conciliatory statements such as the famous quote which states: “They (Christians) have the same rights as we do and the same duties as we do.” Yet, there is no way to reconcile the theory of peaceful coexistence on the basis of equality and citizenship and the prospect of a religious majority imposing its rules and perspective on the minority–in that case, we are no longer talking about a citizenship status but about dhimmi status.”

Fourth: The Muslim Brotherhood and their allies insist that the Coptic population amounts to only 6% of Egypt’s total population, in spite of a recent official declaration by Osama Al-Baz that the Copts constitute 12.5% of Egypt’s population, and despite the fact that other organizations have estimated the number of Copts to be 15 millions, i.e., 20% of the population. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood claims that the Shi’a amount to 30% of the total population of Iraq, while it is a well-known fact that they constitute 50-60% of the population (Mona Al-Tahawi, Asharq Al-Awsat, 8 Aug 2005). This purposeful twisting of numbers and percentages is a strategy used by the Muslim Brotherhood to deny the rights of their opponents, and on this point, they are worse in deceit compared to the current Egyptian regime.

Finally: Egyptian liberals, advocates of democracy, and the national movement strive towards the achievement of “national integration” for all elements of society, but the Muslim Brotherhood has in mind for the Copts a sort of “religious assimilation,” and there is a large difference between the two. Islamization is the first enemy of national integration, it pushes for the religious assimilation of the Coptic minority through a gradual desertion of their faith, or at the very least through a loss of their cultural and religious identity as it melts into the majority’s Islamic culture.

Evidently, Hassan Al-Banna and his followers have managed to sabotage the good work of the national movement. The Muslim Brotherhood is constantly praising the Copts who have accepted the idea of religious assimilation such as Rafik Habib, who promotes this idea among the Copts; Gamal Asaad, a candidate who adopted the slogan “Islam is the Solution” in his parliamentary campaign; and Hani Labib, who accepted a membership in the labor party under the same slogan, and whose books bear prefaces written by Islamic fundamentalists Tarek el-Beshri and Selim el-Awa. According to the Muslim Brotherhood, those Copts represent a commended Coptic ideal.

About the Writer: Magdi Khalil is a political analyst, researcher, author, and executive editor of the Egyptian weekly Watani International. He is also a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, London, a free-lance writer for several Arabic language newspapers, and a frequent contributor to Middle East broadcast news TV. Mr. Khalil has also published three books and written numerous research papers on citizenship rights, civil society, and the situation of minorities in the Middle East…


‘Muslim Brotherhood’ & 911




Muhammad Atta

1990: Mohamed Atta Joins Muslim Brotherhood Linked Group


Atta studies architecture in the Engineering Faculty at Cairo University. According to his peers, he is an average student. In 1990, Atta joins the Engineers Syndicate, which is one of three professional associations controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, although he later says that he was not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood


Mohamed Atta – Debunk911myths Mohamed Atta was born in small village in Kafr el-Sheik in northern Egypt in 1968, … At that time, Muslim Brotherhood was influential at the university. …


While in engineering school, Atta came under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement aimed at creating an Islamic state and curbing Western influence.


who recruited 9/11 leader Mohamed Atta
Posted: December 10, 2006
1:00 am Eastern
ֲ© 2008
WASHINGTON With suggestions the U.S. negotiate with Syria and Iran dominating the news, Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin reports Washington has already been talking quietly to a Syrian dissident group linked directly to the 9/11 hijackers and their sponsors in al-Qaida.
The group is the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, known for its association with al-Qaida and allied with former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein….
Spanish investigators linked al-Qaida leader Imad Eddit Barakat Yarkas in Madrid with fellow Syrian Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammad Haydar Zammar in Hamburg.
Along with Barakat, Spanish authorities arrested five other al-Qaida members of Syrian descent. Yarkas and Zammar knew the Egyptian, Mohamed Atta, reputed leader of the 9-11 hijackers.
Investigators report that Zammar not only had created the Hamburg al-Qaida cell but recruited Atta as well.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed


Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Affiliation, 9-11 plotters. Affiliation, Muslim Brotherhood5. Full Given Name, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Nationality, Pakistani. Nationality, Kuwaiti …


The Biography Channel – Notorious Crime Profiles Khalid Sheikh …Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was raised in Kuwait and joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 16.  …


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: make me a martyr for 9/11 -[Jun 6, 2008] … He claims to have joined the Muslim Brotherhood at 16 and to have fallen …


9/11 suspects ask to confess but postpone pleas

(AFP) – Dec 8, 2008

GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba (AFP) — Self-proclaimed architect of the September 11 attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-defendants said Monday they would confess to terror charges that could bring the death penalty but postponed their guilty pleas.


Score one for the Muslim Brotherhood.
SPECIAL REPORT: The Bush administration has decided that calling the enemy by his name is too risky, too politically incorrect, or oddly, somehow too laudatory…
The U.S. government seems to think that declaring such links don’t exist will make it so. Score one for the Muslim Brotherhood.
As Walid Phares describes in his post-9/11 three-book series on the meaning…
What motivates the international Islamic jihad movement is a literal textual interpretation of doctrinal Islam as laid out in the Koran, hadith, and Sunna plus centuries of Islamic scholarship and consensus on the concept of just war. Within this construct, it is true that words such as jihad, mujahedin, and Caliphate carry intensely positive and honorable connotations for the Muslim jihadis but hardly for the rest of us, their intended targets for subjugation within the totalitarian system that Sharia would impose.
In any case, use or non-use by infidels of the very terms by which jihadis identify themselves, to the extent that it might even be noticed, cannot possibly confer any additional measure of legitimacy on what has been for the mujahedin a centuries-old campaign of duty to spread their faith.
What Americans need to understand is that Islamic jihadis, whether part of a formal terrorist organization such as al-Qaida or the Muslim Brotherhood, or merely ideologically driven by the actions and proclamations of such groups, are internally motivated by what they believe is a divine mandate to fight and kill until the entire world comes under the sway of Dar al-Islam (where Sharia law prevails). The only relevance for this enemy that the choice of descriptive words may have is in the area of psychological operations.
If the jihadi enemy can achieve such a state of muddled confusion among the top administrative, legislative, and military leadership of its primary enemy (the United States of America) that we no longer even permit ourselves to utter the name of those sworn to our destruction, then truly they are winning the “War of Ideas.”
From a series of excellent recent media pieces, as well as extensive documentation entered into evidence in last year’s Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial, we now know the extent of Muslim Brotherhood activity throughout our society.
Muslim Brotherhood organizations such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), all three listed by the Department of Justice as unindicted co-conspirators, have achieved unprecedented access to the Department of Defense and even the White House.
But aware now of the enemy’s stealth and cunning in seeking to influence U.S. national security policy, the nation is obligated to reject his agenda an agenda that prioritizes concealment until it is too late of the true nature of their campaign of conquest, whether by Dawa (persuasion, including by way of deception) or terrorist attack.

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide: Bin Laden is a Jihad Fighter, Special Dispatch Series – No. 2001 – July 25, 2008

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JORDYPTIANS A.K.A. ARAB “PALESTINIANS” – The term Jordyptian came about to draw the attention to the true identity & origin of the –migrant settlers– Arab Palestinians

June 7, 2010


The term Jordyptian came about to draw the attention to the true identity & origin of the –migrant settlers– Arab Palestinians



The term Jordyptian – Substitute name for “Palestinian,” based on the fact that most modern-day self-identified “Palestinians” are descended from Arabs who emigrated from either Jordan or Egypt, (though, many of today’s Palestinians’ grandparents are from Arab Syria [1] as well), and the fact that there never has been an actual independent nation called “Palestine” nor an identified ethnicity called “Palestinian” until recently in political history. Jordyptian is a contraction of Jordanian and Egyptian. [2]


It’s a term coined about the mythical “Palestinians” being compared falsely to ‘native Americans.’ [3]. Much relied on “color” and perception, that these brown people are from the area [4], which is true, they are from the middle east, just not from Judea, Israel, Palestine, but from Arabia more percisely.

Speaking of “color,” over 50% of Israelis are of middle eastern “brown,” omplexion.

The general historic phenomenon of Arab invasion settling outside of Arabia

Millions upon millions of non-Arabs became refugees because of the Arabs. Many of these people fled to America, Great Britain, Germany, and elsewhere. They’re not claiming or trying to return to those “Arab” lands. [5]

For example, in the neighbouring country, Egyptians today by-in-large aren’t natives either, the indigenous Coptic Christians are the original inhabitants, the ones oppressed under the Arabs, who have invaed that country.

So is Morocco, overwhelmed by Arab settlers upon the indigenous Berbers [6], who suffer racism from the Arabs as well.

Dispelling a myth of “native” Palestinians

It is pointing to the true identity of the so-called Palestinians. The current myth is that these Arabs were long established in “Palestine”, until the Jews came and “displaced” them. The fact is, that recent Arab immigration into the Land of Israel displaced the Jews. That the massive increase in Arab population was very recent is attested by the ruling of the United Nations: That any Arab who had lived in the Holy Land for two years and then left in 1948 qualifies as a “Palestinian refugee”. [7] [8] [9] [10]

Arab immigrants’ children, grand-children now called “Palestinians”

The massive evidence of huge waves of Arab immigration into a neglected desolated land of Palestine Israel, the (main) roots and origin of today’s Arab Palestinians. [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [7] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]

In fact, President Roosevelt concluded in 1939 that “Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period.” [29] The huge flow of Arab immigration was permitted while only Jewish immigration was restricted. [1]

Separate extinct non-Arab ancient nations: Philistines, Caananites & undisputed Jews’ original home and roots in Israel-Palestine

Considering the etymology of the name ‘Palestine’ will be instructive. The word ‘Palestinian’ comes from a Semitic radical p-l-sh or p-l-s, which, in Hebrew, means: to burrow into; to open through; to penetrate; to invade. The root exists in a number of other extant and extinct Semitic languages. In Aramaic-Syraic it means to break through; to dig. In Akkadian palashu meant to dig through, while pilshu meant ‘hole’. In Ethiopian the pejorative term “Falashas” means ‘invaders’ or ’emigrants’. The term fallasa in Arabic means he cleft; he split. (See: A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English,’ by Ernest Klein, Carta Jerusalem, 1987 by The Beatrice & Arthur Minden Foundation and the University of Haifa). The Semitic radical p-l-s or p-l-sh is the etymological base of the name of those who were called “Plishtim” (Philistines) in the Hebrew Bible. The area they inhabited, Pleshet, was the coastal strip south of Yaffo (Jaffa). They were probably people of Greek extraction, called the “Sea Peoples” who invaded the area sometime around 1300 – 1100 BCE (See: ‘Toldor The History of The Jewish People and the Nations of the World,’ compiled and prepared by Abraham Lebanon, Jerusalem 1985). The Plishtim are not, at any rate, the ancestors of the modern-day Arabs who refer to themselves as “Palestinians.” [30]

The word plesheth meant migratory referring to the migration of the Philistines into the sea coast of Israel. So the Palestinians of 3000 years ago were, in fact, the Philistines. The Philistines were not native to Israel, in fact, as their name implies, they came from somewhere else. Most scholars agree that they came from the Greek Islands, most likely Crete. Obviously, they did not speak Arabic and they were not Semitic like the Jews and Arabs. The Arabs came from guess where?–Arabia. [11]

The Canaanites disappeared from the face of the earth three millennia ago…
Even the Palestinians themselves have acknowledged their association with the region came long after the Jews… Over the last 2,000 years, there have been massive invasions that killed off most of the local people (e.g., the Crusades), migrations, the plague, and other manmade or natural disasters. The entire local population was replaced many times over. During the British mandate alone, more than 100,000 Arabs emigrated from neighboring countries and are today considered Palestinians.

By contrast, no serious historian questions the more than 3,000-year-old Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, or the modern Jewish people’s relation to the ancient Hebrews.

“…[the Palestinian Arabs’] basic sense of corporate historic identity was, at different levels, Muslim or Arab or – for some – Syrian; it is significant that even by the end of the Mandate in 1948, after thirty years of separate Palestinian political existence, there were virtually no books in Arabic on the history of Palestine..”[12] Jews are indigenous to the Palestine region and have lived there continuously for over 3,000 years Zionists hoped to live in friendship and cooperation with the Arab population and believed that restoring the land would benefit everyone. Many Arabs welcomed this development, which also attracted Arab immigrants. An estimated 25 percent to 37 percent of immigrants to pre-state Israel were Arabs, not Jews


Some examples of Jordyptian being used. [32] [33] [3] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42]


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Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]

May 8, 2009

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]
eretzyisroel ^

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world

One key element missing from the discussion is the question of non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world. The Arab nationalists have succeeded in establishing some 23 non-democratic, ethnically (Arab) and religiously (Islam) defined nation-states in over 1 million square miles of territory, often at the expense of non-Arabs, such as the Kurds (Muslims, non-Arabs), Assyrians (Christians, non-Arabs), Copts (Christians, non-Arabs), southern Sudanese (Christian and pagan non-Arabs), Maronite Lebanese (Christian and mostly identified with their Phoenician ancestors) and Mizrahi Jews. Arab nationalist ideology claims all this territory exclusively as “Arab” despite the legitimate claims of non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims to ancient homelands long ago arabized with the spread of Islam, often through conquest.

I believe that the Arab opposition to the existence of non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel is based on the ideological motivations which led to the persecution of non-Arab minorities. The Assyrians suffered massacre and expulsion by the Arab nationalists of Iraq in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kurds have been persecuted and have suffered terribly for their struggle to establish an independent Kurdistan (at the hands of the Turks and Iranians as well, but that is another story.)

Arab nationalist ideology, and its Islamicist couterpart, cannot and will not tolerate non-Arab and non-Islamic peoples organizing themselves into their own independent nation states. Indeed, I have seen on Islamicist web sites the goal of “regaining” Spain in the name of Islam.

I believe that we need to place Israel’s struggle to survive into this context. Any non-Arab/non-Islamic state in the region must rely on strength (political, moral, spiritual and military) if it wants to survive in the Middle East. In this context can we thus place Israel’s demand for security. It is not security for the sake of security, not seucirty for the sake of oppressing another people, but security for the sake of survival against two racist and exclusivist ideologies (Arabism and Islamicism) which have succeeded in repressing the just struggles for national self-determination of most non-Arab peoples in the Middle East.

To this end, I highly recommend looking at the following web sites:

Assyrian Democratic MovementAssyrian International News Agency


The World Lebanese Organization

Maronite Research Council

Kudistan web

Israel – National Liberation of the aboriginal Jews from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism

April 28, 2009

Israel – National Liberation of the aboriginal Jews from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism

…Israel as the result of the national liberation movement of the region’s aboriginal Jews.
Liberation of the aboriginal Jews (and anyone else lucky enough to find refuge within Israel’s borders) from the twin fascisms of pan-Arabism and Islamism which have oppressed and even eliminated so many of the region’s aboriginal ethnic groups.
Israel’s aboriginal Jews were not unique in accepting outside help (and even immigration) in their liberation struggle.
Lebanon’s Maronites, Egypt’s Copts, Iraq and Turkey’s Kurds, and Iran’s Zoroastrians have all sought and received outside help in their liberation struggles, each group according to its own circumstances.