Posts Tagged ‘Civilwar’

February 4, 2010

Anti-Israel apartheid: The bigoted campaign to de-legitimize multi-racial & full democratic state of Israel by (lying) branding it as “apartheid” – originated at the bigoted Arab Muslim society

What drives this “belief” on a society where Arabs can vote and get to high office, where all colors & races have equal rights?

More troubling how one can not ´see´ the originators of this racist label – coming from the real Apartheid Arab-Muslim states where Jews are either not allowed in (like racist ethnic cleansed “Palestine” authority) & Christians are (real) second class citizens facing persecution, where the natives of the Arab countries (such as the indigenous: Berbers, Copts, Nubians,) or Africans (ranging from slavery & even genocide or at least plain racism, accepted discrimination, etc.), or Asians (especially those in the gulf states, many as slaves) or the Kurds have been/are victims of the Arab-Islamic supremacy & bigotry.

If this bigoted campaign to exclude Jews’ legitimacy to their historic homeland, to isolate Israel from all international bodies, or to tarnish all Jews, than what is Apartheid, racism really all about?

The Campaign to Delegitimize Israel with the False Charge of Apartheidby R Sabel – 2009 Israel is not an Apartheid state….Arab citizens of Israel can vote and ….. 4 Benjamin Pogrund, “Why They Depict Israel as a Chamber Benjamin Pogrund: (Benjamin Pogrund is well equipped to write about apartheid and Israel. He was born in South Africa, where a leader in the fight against apartheid and outspoken proponent of equality as editor of the Rand Daily Mail.) Israel is a democracy in which Arabs vote – Not an apartheid state
branding it as such. is to de-legitimize it
Israel and the apartheid lie

Michael Kinsley – It’s Not Apartheid – washingtonpost.com11 Dec 2006 … Jimmy Carter’s comparison of Israel to South Africa’s former racist … with a new best-selling book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.

Israel Is Not An Apartheid State Even before the State of Israel was established, Jewish leaders consciously… the Arab minority are full citizens with voting rights and representation in the government. Under apartheid black South Africans could not vote and were not citizens of the country in which they are the overwhelming majority of the population.

The poisonous myth of ‘Israeli apartheid’

Milk & Honey Press – Israel has had waves of immigration from all over the globe– from India, Africa, Europe, North America, … like the new boys in this story, from Russia, and Ethiopia. … Israel is a “multi-cultural” and “multi-racial” society. … very beautiful with open vistas and, in the mornings and evenings, glowing colors. …

The Situation in Israel How much does modern-day Israeli society mirror this dismal record of legalized race-based repression and discrimination? One soon finds that even a superficial glance at the respective situations shows the comparison to be self-evidently absurd. In reality Israel, one of the most multi-racial societies in the world, goes to extraordinary lengths to ensure both tolerance and equality before the law. Its very founding Declaration of Independence specifically mandates complete equality of social and political rights to all inhabitants irrespective of religion, race, or gender. Jews and non-Jews in Israel attend the same public schools, vote and stand for election together, live side by side in the same residential areas, enjoy the same freedom of movement and job opportunities, make use in equal measure of public amenities such as beaches and parks and can marry or live together with one another as they choose.

Israel’s immigration policies encourage rather than impede the influx of diverse racial groups. Amongst other things, it has facilitated the immigration of some 70,000 Ethiopian Jews and plans to absorb 30,000 more. The vast majority of the Indian and Ethiopian Jewish communities today live in Israel, as do a majority of Jews from Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and other North African and Middle East countries. All, including Circassian, Druze, Kurds, Armenians, Beduin, and other non-Jewish citizens of the Jewish State, enjoy equal rights.

What kind of ‘Apartheid State’ actively seeks to increase its black population (and I don’t mean by importing slaves, either)? As Israeli academic Alex Yacobson points out, there has never been even a Western majority community that has been as willing to accept non-western immigrants to the extent that Israel has. Given that Israel has absorbed nearly a million Jews from Arab countries—who in terms of their ethnicity are essentially Arabs of the Jewish faith—one sees further that Israel has been the most generous of countries with regard to Arab immigration worldwide.1 All this has taken place under the framework of the supposedly ‘racist’ Zionist ideology.

While a measure of discrimination still exists in certain areas, this is in no way comparable to the kind of oppression that existed in South Africa. In any case this is being constantly confronted and eroded through the Israeli courts, in the Knesset, and by both Jewish and Arab NGOs. To compare the inequalities within Israel to those experienced by non-whites in South Africa both unjustly exaggerates Israel’s faults and subtly belittles the iniquities of apartheid. As such, it is a cynical ploy to piggyback on the suffering of others for propaganda purposes.

…Racist attitudes, however, are found to some degree in all countries. The real question that has to be asked is whether that racism is legally sanctioned. That is certainly not the case in Israel.
In apartheid South Africa, by contrast, racism was not merely legally sanctioned but indeed was mandatory. Even whites opposed to such racist policies had no choice but to comply with them. Courts had to enforce apartheid legislation, no matter what the personal feelings of the judges might have been, universities had no choice but to base their admissions policies on racial criteria and businesses could not employ qualified blacks in senior positions.

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Who are the Palestinians and who is occupying what?

February 2, 2010

Palestines, Philistines, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Jews, Muslims

Who are the Palestinians and who is occupying what?

By David Rushton – Sunday, January 24, 2010

Muslims constantly scream and whine about Israel occupying Muslim lands in Israel. Newspapers and T.V. newscasts talk about Judea and Samaria being “occupied” by Israel. The U.S. State Department and other government entities refer to parts of Israel as “Israeli Settlements.” So the question must be, “Is Israel occupying part of Palestine or are the Muslims occupying part of Israel”?

The Torah portion for last week included the following passage (A Torah Portion is a weekly section of the Torah studied by Jews which enables them to read and understand all of the first five books of the Bible in one year. Marcia and I study it every week along with the commentaries).

Exodus 6

1 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: Because of my mighty hand he will let them go; because of my mighty hand he will drive them out of his country.”

2 God also said to Moses, “I am the LORD. 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them. 4 I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, where they lived as aliens. 5 Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant.

6 “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. 7 I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD.’ ”

The Bible proves that God gave the Land of Canaan to His Chosen People Israel. The above is, of course, only one of many references to this historical and biblical fact.

Historical Proof that Israel is Jewish

About six years ago Marcia and I visited the community of Gush Etzion near Hevron (Hebron). As part of our tour we went along an old road and saw several Mikvot (plural for Mikva, the ceremonial pool used for ritual cleansing) that dated back about 2,500 years. This is just one of the thousands of proofs that Israel was continually inhabited by Jews for more than 3000 years.

A recent discovery in Israel sheds new light on the period of King David and proves once again (as if more proof were needed) that Israel existed as a nation more than 3000 years ago.

In an article on the Arutz Sheva website, Avi Yellin reports that a pottery shard was discovered a little over a year ago at excavations that were carried out near the Elah valley, south of Jerusalem. But until recently, archeologists were unable to confirm that the language on the shard was actually Hebrew rather than some other Semitic language.

Now a professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered the inscription and proved that it is the earliest known example of Hebrew writing and that it was written during the reign of King David.

You can read more about professor Galil’s research elsewhere, but two examples should be enough to show why he authenticated this discovery. The verb “asah” used in the text means to do and the verb “avad” means to work and each of these verbs are used only in Hebrew. In modern day Hebrew and Arabic there are many similarities because they both come from Semitic language roots. But 3000 years ago there were no other languages that used the same verb forms as are found on this piece of Hebrew inscribed pottery. The Arabs were not there. They were in Arabia.

It is also interesting to note that other cultures at the time referred to multiple gods while the Hebrews were the only people who believed in the One God. This fragment of text on the pottery parallels passages in the Bible in which Jews are called upon to support the weaker members of society including widows and those who are strangers living in the Commonwealth of Israel at the time.

This new evidence proves once again that the Biblical account is true. Israel existed as a State over 3000 years ago. Those who claim that Israel is occupying Arab lands haven’t a leg to stand on. Muslims have absolutely no reason to be in the Land of Israel other than that the Israelis tolerate them and allow them to live there.

Where did the name Palestine come from?

To cut a long story short, the name Palestine is derived from Philistine which is a translation of the Biblical “Plesheth”. Translations and mis-translations cause much confusion. An amusing example of this occurred when President Carter in a speech said that he loved the Polish people. The interpreter translated it as “I lust after the Polish people.” I hear that the translator is now working as a dishwasher in Warsaw and so should some of those who translated the Bible into English.

The word plesheth meant migratory referring to the migration of the Philistines into the sea coast of Israel. So the Palestinians of 3000 years ago were, in fact, the Philistines. The Philistines were not native to Israel, in fact, as their name implies, they came from somewhere else. Most scholars agree that they came from the Greek Islands, most likely Crete. Obviously, they did not speak Arabic and they were not Semitic like the Jews and Arabs. The Arabs came from guess where?—Arabia.

From the fifth century BCE, the Greeks called the eastern coast of the Mediterranean “Philistine Syria” using the Greek language form of the name. In the year135, after putting down the Bar Kochba revolt, the second major Jewish revolt against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian wanted to wipe out the name of the Roman “Provincia Judaea” and so renamed it “Provincia Syria Palaestina”,

The name “Falastin” is the Arab pronunciation of the Roman “Palaestina”. Golda Meir the Chicago schoolteacher who became the Prime Minister of Israel said,

“The British chose to call the land they mandated Palestine, and the Arabs picked it up as their nation’s supposed ancient name, though they couldn’t even pronounce it correctly and turned it into Falastin.”

So the Philistines occupied part of the Land of Canaan at one time and they came into conflict with Israel. But there are no Philistines left today. The so-called Palestinian people have absolutely no connection to the Philistines and, therefore, no connection to the Land. Yet the world continues to call the area “Palestine” because the rulers of this world have no regard for God.

At the end of the first essay in this series I remarked that I was ready for an onslaught of hateful mail from Muslims and others who do not believe in God. Well, there were no letters from Muslims and, I think, only one from an atheist. The overwhelming majority of the comments came from people who agreed with and applauded the article. Many were thankful to me for explaining the truth about Israel. One of those readers, however, went a step further and commented on the second, as yet not published, article in the series. He reminded me of a little know fact from World War II that is quite interesting.

Kenneth Tremble from Australia said that During WW II there was a Jewish Brigade fighting alongside the British Forces against the Germans. They were known as The Palestinian Brigade. He correctly accuses the U.S. State Department, with Hilary Clinton in charge, of being corrupt in refusing to acknowledge that the Jews are the Palestinians, NOT anybody else. He also states that Hilary will be accountable to God for her treatment of Israel.

Right on Kenneth, thanks for the contribution.

And let us not forget that the Germans had their allies too. They were the Muslims who wore German Uniforms and fought against the allies.

So where did these so called “Palestinians” come from?

At one time, before Yasi Arafat came on the scene, I had many Arab friends in Israel. That was before Arafat infected so many of them with such a hatred for the Israelis. I remember on one occasion asking one of them where the Palestinians came from. He told me that his father was from Syria and his mother from Saudi Arabia. Curious, I asked another of my friends and he told me his family was from Iraq. Another said his mother was Lebanese and his father was Egyptian. Not one of their families was native to Israel. Incredulous, I asked if they knew any families who had lived in Israel for a long time. They mentioned the Kourie family who had lived in Jerusalem for three of four generations. But it did not amount to much more than that. So, how is it possible that the United States government has been fooled into thinking that Israel has occupied Palestinian lands if there has never been a country called Palestine with an Arab government, parliament, flag and official borders and there are only a handful of families who have actually lived there for more than a few generations?

Perhaps we should ask a member of the P.L.O about this. After all, it was the P.L.O. who first championed the so called Palestinian rights and brought these people to the attention of the world by hijacking aircraft and murdering passengers.

On March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with P.L.O. executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. In which he said he said:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”

It is true that some Muslims have lived in Israel ever since the Muslim invasion of the seventh century but, most of the time; it was only a handful of them. Frankly, they did not want the land because it was largely barren after the Romans sought to purge the Land of Jews between 70 and 73 following the destruction of the Temple in the year 70. Some Jews escaped and stayed in Jerusalem and nearby towns guarding their God-given right to the Holy Land and the Holy City.

A few Arab nomadic shepherds and traders crossed the land moving in and out with their sheep and camels and trading with the Jews. Some of the Arabs actually settled in the Jewish villages and were welcomed as a part of the community. But there were always Jews living in the Land and there was always a steady stream of Jews coming back from the Diaspora drawn by the magnet of Jerusalem.

Those of you who would like more detail of the continuous Jewish presence in the Land can see a wonderful essay with many maps on the website

What does the Khoran say about the Land?

Well, believe it or not the Khoran states emphatically that the Land belongs to the Jews.

The Khoran is actually a collection of writings by many people and the teachings of Mohammed. It also includes some works of science and parts of the mystic writings of eastern religions known in the seventh century. Many people would be surprised to learn that it also contains verses from the Bible and reveres some biblical prophets as prophets of Islam. However the following verses will come as a real shocker to most people.

Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel].”

There is an amazing Imam living in Italy and actually he is head of the Italian Islamic Union. I say he is amazing because he fully believes in and teaches Zionism and absolutely believes that the Jews are the rightful heirs to the Promised Land. The only mystery is how he has lived this long with such profoundly pro-Jewish statements. To see his thesis on “What the Qur’an really says” (Qur’an is just another translation of Khoran or Koran) please go to this website because he can say it far better than I.

And to see a video of him in Hevron visit

Can the Muslims claim the land through Ishmael?

Some people including many Muslims stake a claim for the Arabs through the line of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and his wife’s Egyptian servant Hagaar. The thinking is that if God promised Abraham that his family would be a blessing to the whole earth and that anyone who blessed them would be blessed and those who cursed them would be cursed, that must include the children of Ishmael who in fact was Abraham’s first son. That theory does make sense using man’s logic. The truth is that God made an executive decision to separate the children of Yitsak (Isaac) from the Children of Ishmael. It doesn’t sound fair does it? But who are we to question the Wisdom of the Almighty? Take a look at Genesis Chapter 17.

18And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!

19And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

20And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

21But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

So God, Himself, refused to give the Abrahamic Blessing to Ishmael and the Arabs. Instead they received all the oil in the deserts of Arabia. Well, of course, the Muslims have their own story of this covenant. They believe that Ishmael received the Covenant. They also claim that it was Ishmael who was taken and almost sacrificed by Abraham on Mount Moriah, later to be called the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. But remember one thing, the Bible was written hundreds of years before Mohammed was born and he and the other Muslims scribes took the parts of the Bible and other books that they liked and changed the parts they did not like in the seventh and eighth centuries.

If you want to call any group of people “Palestinians” it should be the Israelis.

Next part of the series “Shalom Means Peace.”

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Tel Aviv University Prof rallies to Rescue Islamofascism from the Koran

January 7, 2010

Tel Aviv University Prof rallies to Rescue Islamofascism from the Koran

Thursday, January 07, 2010
Tel Aviv University Prof rallies to Rescue Islamofascism from the Koran
1. Tel Aviv University Pseudo-Historian Rescues Islamofascism from the Koran
by Steven Plaut

Islamist fascism has a problem. It is that traditional Islam, and the Koran in particular, explicitly acknowledge that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. The war of Islamofascism against Israel and its population thus directly contradicts the teachings about Jews and Israel found in the Koran itself. The Islamofascists, however, have found a solution to this dilemma. And they are being provided with this “solution” by a notorious Jewish anti-Semite.

Let me explain.

The Koran itself is extraordinarily clear about the status of the Land of Israel in Islam. While in general criticizing Jews for their supposed sinfulness, something the Jewish Bible does quite a lot of also, the Koran relates in Sura 5:21, that Moses (a revered teacher in Islam) tells the Jews to “enter into the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you.” Moses adds to his people, according the Koran: “O my people! Remember the bounty of God upon you when He bestowed prophets upon you , and made you kings and gave you that which had not been given to anyone before you amongst the nations. O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers.” Elsewhere (Sura 17, 104) the Koran proclaims: “And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.'” The founder of modern Zionism, Theodore Herzl, could not have said it better!

The legitimacy of Jewish claims to the Land of Israel is repeated in Sura 10:93-94: “We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place (Israel)…If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee.” The Koran also explicitly documents the existence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Sura 17:7 records the destruction of the First Jewish Temple by Babylon and the Second Temple by Rome, and Mohammed never contests the Bible’s claim that the Temples were in Jerusalem. Indeed, the return of the Jews to their homeland after centuries of exile can be seen as the fulfillment of Islamic prophecy. Sura 17:104 of the Koran says: ‘And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, “Go live into this land (Israel). When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group.’

As noted by Prof. Khaleel Mohammed, from the Department of Religious Studies at San Diego State University, the medieval exegetes of the Koran – roughly analogous to the Talmud for Judaism – recognize Israel as belonging to the Jews, as their birthright given to them by God. Two of Islam’s most famous exegetes explained thus:’Ibn Kathir said: “That which God has written for you, i.e. that which God has promised to you by the words of your father Israel that it is the inheritance of those among you who believe.” Muhammad al-Shawkani interprets Kataba to mean “that which God has allotted and predestined for you in His primordial knowledge, deeming it as a place of residence for you.”‘

From the above, one would think that Islamofascism faces a theological quandary in its attempts at conscripting Islam for a genocidal jihad against Israel and the Jews. But Islamofacsists have invented a solution. They can jihad all they want against Israel and the Jews, Islamic theology notwithstanding, because they claim that the Jews … are not the Jews. If modern Jews are really not Jews at all, then Israel is not a country of Jews, and so Israelis have no rights to sovereignty in their own homeland as promised in the Koran.

So just why are modern Jews not Jews, in the pseudo-theology of the jihadis? Because the Islamofascists are recycling the old mythology about European Jews or “Ashkenazim” being nothing more than converted Khazars. And the new guru of the “Jews-Not-Being-Jews” hoax is none other than Tel Aviv University history professor Shlomo Sand.

To explain this mind-numbing development, let’s take a few steps back. Yes, there was indeed a Kingdom of Turkic peoples living north of the Black Sea in the Dark Ages called the Khazars, and – yes – its ruling family and part of its population did convert to Judaism. The Khazar kingdom was largely destroyed by the expanding Russian kingdom in the tenth century, and anything remaining was destroyed in the Mongol invasions. What actually became of the Jewish Khazars is unknown. Some may have integrated themselves into other Jewish communities in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe.

Later a myth was created about the Khazars being an important component of European Jewry. This myth was to a large extent the invention of the 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler, a writer better known for his lifelong battles against totalitarianism in all its forms. Koestler wrote his book largely in order to create interest and sympathy for Jews and Israel, believing the Khazar story would serve as a basis for respect and fascination with Jewish history. In reality, there is very little evidence of any type, from genetic markers to family and place names, that there is any significant Khazar “blood” among Western or Ashkenazi Jews.

Meanwhile, Koestler’s public relations ploy backfired. In recent years, the Khazar myth has been hijacked by Neo-Nazis and Islamofascists to invent a racialist argument against Jews being entitled to self-determination, independence, or a homeland in the Land of Israel. If Jews are nothing more than converted Khazars, or so goes the argument of the anti-Semitic racialists, then they are foreign interlopers in the Levant and have no right to statehood there.

Now, as a matter of fact, even if the Khazar myth were true, and Ashkenazi Jews were descendent from converted Khazars (and – we repeat – the myth is NOT true!), it still would not make the slightest difference. Jews never defined themselves in genetic or racial terms. They always saw themselves as an ethnic group marked off by religion, tradition, and language. Converts are just as Jewish as are those born to a Jewish mother and just as entitled to participate in Jewish self-determination. And, to top it all off, most Israeli Jews are not even Ashkenazi Jews.
Meanwhile, the popularity of the Khazar myth among anti-Semites represents a return of modern anti-Jewish bigotry to the racialism of the 1930’s and earlier.
Nearly every anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi website denounces Zionists and Israelis as “Khazars.” Web chat lists in which Jews defending Israel are dismissed as “Khazar usurpers” are too numerous to count.

The racialism once again in vogue holds that Jews would only have legitimate claims to the right of self-determination in their homeland if they were appropriately Semitic from a racial point of view. Palestine is part of the Semitic racial lebensraum and those who do not possess the correct pure racial markings have no business being there. Racial purity is suddenly the new basis for national rights.

If we take the racialist argument to its illogical conclusions, Palestinian Arabs have the right to exercise all claims to sovereignty in Israel due to their being true racial Jews, while Zionists are non-Jewish Khazars – racial imposters and usurpers. But to make things even sillier, Arabs themselves are, of course, a mix of racial strains, with a particularly large Caucasian component thanks to Arab intermixing with Spanish and Italian Europeans, Caucasian Berbers, Vandals, Goths, and even some Vikings.

Lest the world dismiss “Khazar Zionist” nonsense as something as pathetic as the conspiracist “911-Truth” form of mental illness, along comes an anti-Semitic pseudo-academic from Tel Aviv University itself to lead the racialist charge against the Israeli “Khazars” and against Jewish self-determination. Professor Shlomo Sand is a hard-core Stalinist and Jewish anti-Semite. He was active for a while in the 1960s and 1970s in a tiny Israeli Maoist splinter named Matzpen. From its ranks emerged an espionage ring of Israeli Jewish and Arab communists, who trained as terrorists in Syria and were jailed by Israel in the 1970s. Writing mainly in French, Sand has built much of his “academic” career on churning out Marxist boilerplate diatribes. He is a fanatic anti-Zionist and makes no attempt to hide his desire to see his own country obliterated.

Sand last year recruited himself to the aid of the Islamists seeking to annihilate Israel. So the Koran says the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews? In that case, Sand himself, a professor at Tel Aviv University, will recycle Neo-Nazi mythology about Israeli Jews being converted Khazar interlopers. The result was Sand’s book, The Invention of the Jewish People, a pseudo-history published in English by Verso Books, a publishing house set up by “New Left Review,” specializing in communist and Bash-Israel “books.”

Sand’s book about Jews being a fraudulent “invention” is amazingly un-original. If submitted as a student paper I suspect it would be rejected as plagiarism of the contents of anti-Jewish web sites. Sand’s book has been hailed as ground-breaking scholarship by Neo-Nazis, jihadists, terrorist web sites, anti-Semites and communists of all stripes. Serious historians have dismissed it as pseudo-academic poppycock, as fraud, and as little more than a comic book recycling of Neo-Nazi myths about Jews being Khazars. Sand’s conclusions from the imaginary “evidence” about the Khazar roots of Israelis resemble those of his jihadi groupies, namely, that Israel has no right to exist and that Jews are not Jews at all, certainly not any sort of a people. Tel Aviv University has won for itself the dubious honor of serving as home base for arguably the world’s worst “academic” anti-Semite, and has raised questions all over the globe about the academic standards it has obviously abandoned.

Meanwhile, we have grown accustomed in our 21st century to the bizarre collaboration between Islamist fundamentalists and far-leftists. Even so, one cannot help marvelling at the spectacle of an Israeli Stalinist professor devoting himself so passionately to prolierating the myths required by Islamofascist fundamentalists, and by so doing grant them the means for ignoring the Koran itself.

[A shorter version of this appears here: ]

2. Israel’s Loony Left:

3. The Cup of Benjamin:

4. Another Jew for a Second Holocaust:

5. The Reform getting even goofier:

6. You don’t need a Weatherman to be a foul anti-Semite:

# posted by Steven Plaut : 2:12 AM


The “twin fascisms” – that dominate the Arab world – Islamism & pan-Arabism

March 4, 2009

The “twin fascisms” – that dominate the Arab world – Islamism & pan-Arabism
frontpagemag ^ | 10, 2007

All minorities living within the Arab world are under siege. Tunisian human rights activist Muhammad Bechri has traced this to the “twin fascisms” – his term – that dominate the Arab world, Islamism and pan-Arabism. The first promotes murderous intolerance of religious minorities. It helps explain why Christians are under siege across the Arab world and why Sudan enjoyed broad Arab support as it killed some two million non-Muslim blacks in the south of the country. Pan-Arabism translates into endorsement of murderous policies toward Muslim but non-Arab groups and accounts for Arab support for Saddam Hussein as he slaughtered 200,000 Kurds in northern Iraq, as well as backing for Sudanese policies toward the Muslim but black population of Darfur.

The Arab world is not about to make an exception for the Jews. This broad intolerance of minorities is further evidence of how unlikely it is the Arab world will accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state in its midst any time soon.


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Monstrous Syria

October 28, 2008

Syria, Iran harboring terrorists – Jul. 21, 2003

A NATION AT WAR: INTELLIGENCE REPORTS; Syria Harbors Iraqis and Grants Transit to Hezbollah, U.S. Asserts… a major terrorist threat to American and Israeli interests around the world. … [Published: April 15, 2003]

Syria: A 101 Course in Mideast Dictatorships – SPIEGEL ONLINE …When his powerful father died in 2000, Bashar al-Assad promised the end of political repression in Syria. But … [2005],1518,343242,00.html

Cleric’s Slaying a Rallying Cry for Kurds in Syria – Los Angeles Times The death of the mild-mannered sheik robbed Syria’s Kurds of a … He called for rights; he spoke out against the imprisonment and torture of Kurds. …

The ascent of radical Islam is, perhaps, the natural culmination of a century’s worth of failed political systems in Muslim countries that were driven by morally bankrupt ideologies, led by cruel dictators, or both.In the 1930s, German-style fascism appealed to Arabs in Palestine and Egypt. Soviet-style communism had sympathetic governments in Afghanistan, Algeria and Yemen. Baathism took hold in Syria and Iraq. The secular Egyptian dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser promised a new pan-Arabism that would do away with colonial borders that divided the “the Arab nation.” Then there is the more pragmatic authoritarianism that survives in Muammar el-Qaddafi’s Libya or in the petrol-monarchies in the Gulf.Radical Islam may be as totalitarian and as morally bankrupt as any of these past or mostly defunct “isms,” but its current appeal isn’t hard to figure out. Unlike fascism or communism, radical Islam is locally grown, and not plagued by charges of foreign contamination. Indeed, Islamists claim to wage jihad against the modernism and globlization of the outside, mostly Westernized world. Such a message resonates in stagnant, impoverished Muslim countries….

Nuclear Weapons Programs – Syria It appears that the Syrian nuclear program came as a surprise to both the … The United States was concerned about Syria’s nuclear R&D [research and …

‘USAF struck Syrian nuclear site’ Middle East Jerusalem Post Nov 2, 2007 … By JPOST.COM STAFF … The September 6 raid over Syria was carried out by the US Air Force, …

Report: IDF raid seized nuclear material before Syria air strike

BBC NEWS Americas Bush expands sanctions on Syria Feb 14, 2008 … Syria continues to undermine Lebanon’s sovereignty and democracy… and sponsor and harbour terrorists…

Source: Intel shows N. Korea-Syria nuclear link – US intelligence officials will tell members of Congress on Thursday that North Korea was helping Syria build a nuclear facility

Reports: CIA to brief Congress on nuke ties between Syria, North …Apr 23, 2008 … [they] also will say that though U.S. officials have had concerns for years about ties between North Korea and Syria…

U.S. offers evidence of North Korea-Syria nuclear plant – Los …US intelligence officials showed satellite images, classified photos and other evidence …

Syria planned to supply Iran with nuclear fuel, Israel says …Jun 25, 2008 … Strategic expert says idea was to share plutonium from site bombed by Israel last September.

Barbara Walters: Syrian Dictator ‘Charming,’ ‘Intelligent …Jul 7, 2008

As the president of Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria, an umbrella organization of Syrian Kurds, I admire your efforts on behalf of human rights globally. I must however express my concerns with your views on having dialogues with Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad.
Dear Senator, the Middle East Conflict extends beyond the Arab-Israeli conflict. I would like to bring to your attention the Plight of Kurds in Syria. Senator, we seek your support in resolving the Kurdish question in Syria peacefully and through dialogue. You should know however that President Assad or Assad Regime has consistently and gravely violated the human and the national rights of the Kurdish people of Syria for the last five decades.
The Assad regimes of Hafez and Bashar deliberately Arabized the Kurdish region of Syria as a national policy. The result of Arabization rendered 300,000 Kurds “stateless foreigners” (ajanibin Arabic) and subject to oppression…

September 28, 2008 No. 466 Mass Killings and Human Rights Violations in Syria… policy of oppression, physical aggression, and killing. …

Officials try to deport man with link to Syrian terror groupNational Post, Canada – Sep 30, 2008… officials are trying to deport a London, Ont., adult education teacher because he was once a member of a Syrian political party involved in terrorism. …

Mass Killings and Human Rights Violations in Syria: Report By O …Sep 29, 2008 … Syrian human rights activist George Salim recounts the torture he endured … Kurds in Syria often speak Kurdish in public, unless all those …

OPEC Regimes: The “Change They Need” in US Foreign PolicyHuman Events, DC – [Oct 26, 2008]In the ranking of Human Rights abuses around the world, Angola’s MPLA-controlled government ranks only 157 ahead of Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Libya and Cuba…

Lebanese prime minister alerts US to Syrian terror plot as pretext …DEBKA file, Israel – Oct 6, 2008The prime minister said the tip-off he received uncovered a Syrian conspiracy to stage a major terrorist operation or assassinate a Lebanese figure…

Syria Created It’s Own Terror Problem CBS News [0ct 17, 2008]

Technorati –

The Anti Human ‘Palestinian’ Arabs use of ‘Human rights’ organizations

October 25, 2008

The Anti Human ‘Palestinian’ Arabs use of ‘Human rights’ organizations

The “human rights” propaganda.

One of the propaganda tools the Arab “Palestinians” have been using to further its goals of eradicating the mostly non-Muslim / non-Arab entity Israel, was/is the use of international “human rights” organizations.


The demoization of Israel that dares to fight for its survival as a ‘bad guy’ has been since the 1970’s well oil-ed by Saudi Arabia and other filthy rich Arab tycoons that never seem to have an iota of sympathy for the Arab ‘Palestinian’ brethren and their situation, instead they rather shed its billions to destructive anti Israel propaganda.

Using the image of a “weak” people vs a “mighty” Israel, they have psychologically gained the upper hand, as it looks pretty convincing and even more convenient for an Amnesty or HRW personnel to side with the supposed “victim”.

Even though the real source of Arab ‘Palestinian’ misery, which was always largely due to its 1) mass corruption, 2) oppression, stepping all over human rights of its people & 3) culture of hatred of Israel substituting for all “love” for its own population.

HRW does not disclose its private donors identity, one can only imagine the Arab oil lobby connection here.

Israel as a whole and Israelis are always edgy from Arab attackers, ever since 1920’s massacres on the Jews in Israel/Palestine.

As Israel is and always was under threat upon its existence, it mobilizes force, understandably, to the gullible eye it might look like the goliath is Israel, when it’s never the case in reality.

An inhumane Arab bomber hiding under its kids’ shoulders presents a far greater danger than the restrained Israeli hesitating to fire if a non-combatant is able to get hurt, this explains why the casualties are not in the thousands each time humane Israel conducts an anti terror-war operation.

The famous fact of terrorizing journalists by Arab “Palestinians” have forced all that are in [or all those wishing to gain access to] their area to be biased.

And so, Arabs, as the real Goliath, masked as poor-poor people have been managing the HRW organizations to report in a total Arabist way, condemning Israel based on unreliable sources, hardly condemning the Arabs for their constant real human rights abuse upon it’s kids and on Israeli victims of Arab terror.

Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Watch 2005 Annual Report Israeli-Palestinian Section Lacks Credibility and Reflects Political Bias By NGO Monitor January 15, 2005 …

NGO Monitor’s 2007 Report on HRW: Bias and Double Standards Continue

April 29, 2008

The following analysis demonstrates that HRW’s own activities related to Israel continue to fall short of this basic standard of universality


* Analysis of Human Rights Watch’s use of the rhetoric of international law and other terminology shows continued double standards and misleading or false claims.

* HRW accuses Israel of “collective punishment” of Palestinians in a way that is inconsistent with both international law and past and present usage of the term by HRW itself.

* HRW’s focus on Israel in 2007 dropped to 2005 levels after 2006 marked a return to the extreme bias of the 2000-2004 period. The change in 2007 allowed more resources to be focused on countries committing major human rights violations.

* However, disproportionate emphasis on Israel continued, with major reports covering 400 pages in 2007, using the same methodologies as in 2006 that lack credibility.

* This contrasts with the limited attention on human rights violations in Libya, Syria, and other countries in the region.

* Israel was the focus of more multimedia items (audio, video, graphics) than any other country in the region.

* Reports on Israel continue to be based on unverifiable evidence provided by “eyewitnesses,” selected journalists, and other inappropriate sources. In some cases hard evidence has shown this testimony to be blatantly untrue.

* HRW mentioned one or more of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers in a total of only 6 publications. Of these, only two refer to them by name; the other references are in passing.


Terrorists: Amnesty shamnesty! We prefer human slaughterTerrorists: Amnesty shamnesty! We prefer human slaughter … Today, Palestinian Information Minister Riyad al-Maliki told Israel’s Haaretz daily Olmert …


Amnesty International and the Red Cross? With their selective, disgustingly political “commitment” to human rights, Higgins somehow wasn’t worthy of their …

Amnesty is a Travesty

One would have thought that after so many heinous acts, Amnesty International, which claims to be “Protecting Human Rights Around the World”, would have issued 16 reports condemning each and every one of these terrible acts of Palestinian terrorism. In fact, AI issued only one report and even though it pertained to the Park Hotel slaughter, the heading “Deliberate Killing of Civilians is Never Justified” was pretty benign and totally belied the atrocity of this appalling act. The three short paragraphs was almost non-committal. While apparently recognizing the massacre as “a grave breach of the fundamental principle of international humanitarian law”, Amnesty then refuse to call Hamas a terrorist organization, but made a pathetic plea to “armed Palestinian groups” to cease killing civilians.

The only “human rights” the Palestinians want are for their fellow terrorists. … After all, Bush was pushing for the amnesty of three million Mexicans who …

Human Rights Watch’s Credibility


Amnesty International’s Reporting of Human Rights

The report does not make use of the latest research on what happened in Jenin (accepted by the UN, the vast majority of the international press and governments) and does not define its terms when talking about international law. Amnesty secretary-general Irene Khan has been quoted on numerous occasions talking of ‘war crimes’… To sprinkle the vocabulary of ‘war crimes’ in reports is misleading and reveals an ideological bias…

Moreover, there is a disturbing amount of inaccurate and anecdotal evidence used in the report…


UPDATE to The Red Cross Ambulance Incident:

The Human Rights Watch Report

A Point-by-Point Examination of the Document Titled “The ‘Hoax’ That Wasn’t”

On December 19, 2006, the international advocacy organization Human Rights Watch issued a detailed, intensively researched report unequivocally affirming the factuality of an intentional Israeli attack on Red Cross ambulances at Qana on July 23. The report (titled “The ‘Hoax’ That Wasn’t”) by Human Rights Watch was created specifically to counter the claims made in my original essay titled “The Red Cross Ambulance Incident.”

This commentary is a response to Human Rights Watch’s new allegations.

Amnesty International’s Reporting of Human Rights

The report does not make use of the latest research on what happened in Jenin (accepted by the UN, the vast majority of the international press and governments) and does not define its terms when talking about international law. Amnesty secretary-general Irene Khan has been quoted on numerous occasions talking of ‘war crimes’… To sprinkle the vocabulary of ‘war crimes’ in reports is misleading and reveals an ideological bias…

Moreover, there is a disturbing amount of inaccurate and anecdotal evidence used in the report…

Human Rights Watch, Watched Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International both jumped the shark a long time … claims are blatantly untrue and indicative of a strong anti-Israel bias.

August 21, 2006

Human Rights Watch, Watched “Who will guard the guardians?” asked Roman satirist Juvenal. Now we must ask, who is watching Human Rights Watch, one of the world’s best-financed and most influential human rights organizations? It turns out that they cook the books about facts, cheat on interviews, and put out pre-determined conclusions that are driven more by their ideology than by evidence. These are serious accusations, and they are demonstrably true.


Human Rights Watch – Conservapedia Its annual budget is 22 million, ten million behind Amnesty … with the Palestinians and Hezbollah has brought about serious questions of HRW objectivity. …


WATCH OUT for ‘Human Rights Watch’ and ‘Amnesty’ !

Copy of a letter to the New York Sun

from Maurice Ostroff: A critic’s first duty is to get his facts right

To The Editor

September 3, 2006

There couldn’t be a more perfect timeDec 10, 2006 3:18


Today, December 10, marks International Human Rights Day, and the presence in Israel of Irene Khan, head of Amnesty International, highlights the demise of once-lofty goals. Amnesty International is a superpower with an annual budget of almost $200 million, used to promote radical political agendas and photo-ops for its leaders.

Amnesty International Secretary-General Irene Khan, right, tours a house damaged last month by IAF shelling during a visit to Beit Hanun, in the northern Gaza Strip, Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006. Khan is leading a mission to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza to discuss human rights issues.

Photo: AP , AP

As a result, little remains of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in the shadow of the Holocaust. Officials of Amnesty and other non-governmental organizations focus their attacks on democracies attempting to defend against terror, with far fewer resources to oppose totalitarian and genocidal regimes such as Sudan and Iran.

The silence of Khan and other officials regarding the human rights of the Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Palestinians and by Hizbullah, and the human rights of Ron Arad, is damning. Amnesty and HRW (founded as Helsinki Watch) gained their legitimacy by campaigning on behalf of political prisoners, including Natan (then Anatoly) Sharansky. Genuine human rights groups would be leading the campaigns to win the freedom of Israeli prisoners held by terrorists.

THE HYPOCRISY and political bias of these NGOs, in collaboration with the United Nations Human Rights Council, is particularly blatant in the case of Israel. Amnesty, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Christian Aid (UK), and pro-Palestinian partners actively implement the 2001 Durban agenda using the rhetoric of human rights to demonize Israel. Adopting the version of history starting with “Israeli occupation,” these groups advance an ideology that presents Arabs as victims and Israelis as aggressors.

The war between Hizbullah and Israel produced another wave in which defensive actions were automatically condemned as “war crimes,” “collective punishment” or violations of international law. Amnesty and HRW together issued dozens of press releases, almost all of which focused on allegations against Israel. Without providing criteria, Amnesty statements declared that the Israeli strikes in Beirut were “grossly disproportionate,” while acknowledging this was where “Hizbullah had its headquarters,” directing the firing of thousands of rockets against Israel.

No one seemed to notice the logical disconnect.

THE “DISCOVERY” of Hizbullah’s cluster bombs and human shields came weeks or months later. In another surreal statement demonstrating their detachment from reality, Amnesty officials observed that “No investigation into violations of international humanitarian law by Hizbullah is known to have been conducted by Hizbullah commanders….”

The NGOs that dominate the human rights discourse also feed journalists and diplomats with false or unverifiable claims. Their reports are based on “eyewitness testimony,” such as by Palestinians in Gaza and Lebanese in areas controlled by Hizbullah.

During the recent war, HRW and Amnesty claimed to have found no evidence of Hizbullah activities in the areas struck by Israel. There is no reason to conclude that these “researchers” and “military experts” bothered to check the allegiance and credibility of their sources. But HRW’s 49-page report – the largest PR effort during the war – enntitled “Fatal Strikes: Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon,” was headlined without question by journalists around the world.

IN ADDITION, the European Union and its member states fund many groups that also use the language of human rights to promote conflict and demonization of Israel. The grandly named Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) issued a torrent of political statements and one-sided condemnations during the Lebanon War. Other EU-supported “human rights” groups campaign against Israel’s security barrier, with terms such as “apartheid wall” and call for boycotts, sanctions and other measures that are part of the political war.

Some of these NGOs refer to “resistance” and “martyrdom” operations against “Israel Occupation Forces,” meaning terror attacks and suicide bombers that have killed hundreds of Israeli civilians.

In this way, European governments, including Switzerland and Norway, are contributing to the destruction of human rights based on universal principles, and undermining peace efforts they claim to promote.

This moral decay is also evident in the activities of the newly reformed United Nations Human Rights Council, which has focused on gratuitous Israel-bashing. The pseudo-reform process was strongly supported by the NGO network, which criticized the US and Israel for warning that the new UNHRC was no better than the old, discredited version.

IT WAS ONLY after the activities of the new UNHRC brought the use of double-standards to record levels that these human rights NGOs finally began speaking out against the abuse. (HRW’s recent criticism of the Palestinian use of human shields to protect terrorists was attacked by fringe groups seeking to paint this illegal practice as non-violent protest.)

To reverse course, and restore the credibility, universality and substance of human rights the credibility and accountability of groups like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch must also be restored. Ideology and political preferences can no longer dominate their agendas and publications, and human rights cannot use double standards which punish democracies and reward dictatorships.

Ethical norms must be freed from political and ideological agendas, particularly when these are used by those who declare the goal of “wiping Israel off the map.” International Human Rights Day is an appropriate time to start.


Gaza Anomalies Blow PCP’s Circuits: Result – The Sounds of Silence

August 4, 2008

A few friends of mine went to a party in Jerusalem that was primarily made up Anglophone reporters, people who work for NGOs and UN agencies. What amazed them was the pervasive sense of the people they met and spoke with that Israel was the greatest human rights violator in the world and that the dismantling of Israel would be a great step forward for global human rights.

Now the idiocy of this position, the suicidal nature of this strategy to advance human rights is nothing short of breathtaking. Take Israel out of the Middle East and the region becomes nothing but Hama rules… especially when the nastiest people — those who want to destroy Israel — would feel empowered by such a victory. But try and tell that to people who are smart enough to believe they can’t be wrong, and credulous enough to believe the demopaths who pull their chains on a daily basis. And as a result, they are prime targets for a hate campaign against Israel.

The latest news from Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank illustrates all the anomalies involved in this fundamental failure of the “human rights” community to understand what’s going on: black hearts and red spades galore. Melanie Phillips has a superb column which analyzes the current, mind-boggling situation in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with the Fatah “refugees” from Gaza seeking asylum in Israel.

Refugees From Whom?

The Spectator MONDAY, 4TH AUGUST 2008

Melanie Phillips

Extraordinary developments in Gaza have given a new meaning to the term ‘Palestinian refugees’. As the Jerusalem Post reports, fierce fighting in Gaza between Fatah and Hamas over the weekend, in which 11 people died and dozens more were wounded, resulted in 180 Fatah refugees fleeing from what they called a ‘war of genocide’ by Hamas against Fatah supporters. And where did they flee to? Why, to Israel, of course — which allowed them in and proceeded to treat 23 of them (some of whom were wounded by the Israeli army after they approached the crossing into Israel) in Israeli hospitals.

This is one of the most important anomalies for those who follow the current PCP narrative about the Middle East in which Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people explain the ferocious hatred of the Palestinians for the Israelis. According to that version of events — largely the one that liberals have taken over by adopting the Palestinian narrative of suffering — the last place these Palestinian “warriors” would go was Israel, their mortal enemy who is trying to commit genocide against their people. If the Israelis want to wipe out Palestinian civilians, how much the more would they want to kill Palestinian “militants”?

And yet, this is not a new story. When King Hussein, “the moderate,” found himself dealing with a restive Palestinian population in 1970, he slaughtered some 10,000 of them — men, women and children — in “Black September.” The Palestinians fled his tender mercies across the Jordan to Israel where the Israelis, obligingly, shipped them over to Lebanon, where, within five years, they plunged that unhappy land into a seven-year war that killed over 100,000 civilians. When Israel finally put an end to that civil war by invading in 1982, and the Phalanage took advantage of their upper hand to slaughter several hundred Palestinians at Sabra and Shatilla in revenge for Damur, the terrified inhabitants of the camps ran immediately to the Israeli positions outside the camp for protection. Why? Because they knew, despite all the “narratives” that when the chips are down, you can expect more mercy from the Jews than your fellow Arabs.

These are revelatory moments, when you see not the “public transcript” but what people really think. In honor-shame cultures they can be deeply embarrassing, since the public transcript is the “honorable” one, and the revelations that reverse that — like in the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes — are almost by definition shameful. Participants might prefer not to remember these, might even seek to reverse them by insisting still more shrilly on the original “narrative.” But outsiders need to pay close attention, because these rare moments are infinitely more revealing than the “public transcript.”

These refugees say they cannot return to Gaza because they will be killed. How fortunate, therefore, that their own Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas, can give them sanctuary in the West Bank!

But hang on – Abbas won’t let them in. Yup, with the exception of five individuals whom he did allow in, he’s denied them all sanctuary. He says they should go back to Gaza.

Before we get into the explanations proferred, let me make a medievalist’s remark. This is a staggering act of cowardice. Any warlord has to protect his men above all. If he fails to do so, he loses their loyalty. To refuse safety to men who have suffered from their adherence to your banner — unless it was their fault — shows your weakness.

And the invaluable Khaled abu Toameh tells us the reason why:

    PA officials explained that the reason behind their refusal to absorb the new ‘refugees’ was their desire not to encourage other residents of the Gaza Strip to leave. ‘Everyone knows that if we allow people to leave the Gaza Strip, almost all the residents living there would try to cross the border into Israel,’ said a senior PA official.

More… lence/

Technorati –

Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

September 22, 2008

Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack. Ten people were wounded – one seriously, two moderately and seven lightly – on Monday night in a terror attack at a busy Jerusalem intersection. Rescue services said an Arab driver drove his car into a group of people at Zahal Square. The driver was shot and killed by citizens, according to Israel Radio and rescue services. The intersection is near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate.
Oh well, Just another “isolated’ incident of Arabs INSIDE Israel filled with anti Jewish racism out there to murder ANY Jew – man, woman, child, just like the 2 bulldozer terror attack cases, just like all terror attacks by Arab ‘Palestinians” that were ALL assisted by Israeli Arabs racists…

than… these racist savage Arabs will complain how they are “poor, poor second class” because Israeli Jews “dare” be afraid of the Arab Muslim [fake victims’] horrendous crimes against humanity.

So “unfair’ indeed…

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