Posts Tagged ‘Arab world’

Arab-Islamic Apartheid VS. Israel’s cosmopolitan beautiful equal-for-all democracy

July 4, 2011



A few simple historic & present facts about wonderful Israel VS Arab nations/Arab-Palestinians

July 4, 2011

A few simple historic & present facts about wonderful Israel VS Arab nations/Arab-Palestinians

From material published in Sun News:

* Israel is a multi-ethnic Jewish democracy, with a thriving Christian population and 20 percent Arab population, all free citizens. Since 9/11, Muslims slaughtered “infidels” in 7,500 deadly, ethnic-cleansing jihad attacks.

Islamic states, China, Iran, Cuba, and Syria, are apartheid, with severe domination over their citizens, torture, beheadings, amputations, honor killings; death to women, homosexuals, apostates, and rioters who oppose dictatorships.

* When Israel became a state in 1948, seven Arab nations attacked for the entire Mandate. 160,000 Arabs who stayed, became Israel’s million citizens. Those who followed Arab orders became political pawns to acquire Israel. Acceptance of peace would have meant two states, no refugees, no Nakba.

* 10,000 Jews became refugees of the Mandate; 950,000 Jews fled Arab persecution, absorbed by Israel and France. No pawns.

* Arabs are still killing Israelis, using its citizens as shields. Israel’s care to target military is confirmed; so is their right to self-defense.

* Israel is first worldwide in rescue missions and humanitarian aid to all nations — Haiti, Turkey, Greece, Ethiopia, etc. Innovations and achievements in science, medicine and literature reap Nobel prizes. Israel leads in humanitarian programs and healthcare to needy countries, and leads in hi-tech and biomedical innovation, research and development. Israel conducts courses annually for emerging nations, helping in desert agriculture, water management, emergency and disaster medicine. The Koran commands Islamic charity to Islamic countries only.

* When Israel administered the “territories,” they became the 4th-fastest growing economy in the 1970s, rising per-capita income, plunged unemployment, plunged infant mortality. Israel ended the “occupation”; the areas are run by terrorist Hamas and Fatah. Israeli “settlements” (housing developments) were built in undeveloped, uninhabited areas and are perfectly legal.

There is no greater ally to the US than Israel, a bulwark for democracy.

Islamists’ Inhumane “Human rights” System

March 9, 2011

Islamists’ Inhumane “Human rights” System

March, 2011

Erdoğan and the ‘Al-Gaddafi Prize
February 28, 2011 12:00 A.M
Everything you need to know about the Turkish prime minister, in one act.

The slogan of the “Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights” is, “As the sun shines for everyone, freedom is a right for everyone.” Lovely, no? Especially at a moment when Qaddafi’s warplanes are raining down death and destruction on his own subject people, and when foreign mercenaries are brutalizing the population?
[…]Past recipients of the prize have included… Louis Farrakhan (1996), Fidel Castro (1998), and Hugo Chávez (2004).

But it’s the current recipient who is the most interesting: none other than the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He accepted the prize in Tripoli, Libya, on Dec. 1, 2010, for his “distinguished service to humanity.” In his acceptance speech, Erdoğan said that the award will further encourage him to fight for human rights and that “Islamophobia” is a crime against humanity.

Erdogan’s officially IslamoFASCISTIC now, allied w/ Omar Al-Bashir, Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Qaddafi

With such wonderful buddies, How can this suversive type of “human rights” system go wrong? Whatever is a crime against humanity is magically turned into “pro-human rights.” By the same token, real Human rights of non-Arab non-Muslim minority (Israel) to survive against “Palestinian / Iranian jihadi genocide are completely denied, automatically.

Minorities? Don’t deserve anything, just shut up about it

When was the last time you heard or read about the racial discrimination against minorities in Turkey such as Kurds?
The very same “reason” you never hear about the cry of all non-Islamic non-Persian minorities (Dhimmis) in oppressive intolerant Islamic Republic of Iran – Erdogan’s ally. [heck, the prison state called Iran’s has -among other things- invented a fairly “original” idea to subdue protest by “accusing” any opponent of “spying.”]

“Peace” means war!

Erdogan as in the radical Islamic IHH “Flotilla” ship the “Go back to Auchwitz” genocidal “peace” boat, headed to Gaza to attack…

2,000,000 killed by Arab Islamic fanaticism is “not an issue.”

Just as the victims of the most horrific post-WW2 [Arab-Islamic] genocide in Sudan is categorized of as some “minor misunderstanding,” a silent case, where the Arab lobby hijacked UN can’t seem to find the time of day to take issue with. Worse, That’s right, our Erdogan embraces al-Bashir, the convicted of Arab racist genocide and crimes against humanity.

Racism as “anti racism”

Just as the ‘racist apartheid Arab world’ (against the non-Arabs, especially against Jews) cries “racism” in Durban upon the very victim of Arab racism, namely Israel.

The self ‘designed’ death of Arab civilians

Just as the victims of using its own civilian population by Arab Palestinians, especially kids and by Iran’s thugs the Islamic Hezbollah are pinned on Israel and not on the cuilprit Arabs.

A World Upside Down, in all human aspects.

What kind of ‘Change’ – in ‘oppressive apartheid Arab world?’ – would be a good one?

February 8, 2011

What kind of ‘Change’ – in ‘oppressive apartheid Arab world?’ – would be a good one?

What Needs to be done vis-a-vis the ‘turmoil in oppressive apartheid Arab World’

February, 2011


Call for a halt to the massive Islamic apartheid oppression of non-Muslims in the Middle East, including such groups as the Coptic Christians in Egypt (the very indigenous, natives of that ancient land, who have been oppressed by the Arab invaders), Christians under Hamas-tan, even under “Moderate” Fatah, or any non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (prohibition of any non-Islamic practice in S. Arabia, the banning of Jews’ entry into some Arab countries), for starters.
Try and guess, why is it that out of the entire Middle East, Israel is the only country where Christian Arabs flourish, whereas in virtually all Arab countries, that community dwindles down so very quickly?


Stop apologizing for and sugarcoating (more…)

Turmoil in oppressive totalitarian Apartheid ‘Arab world’

January 27, 2011

<strong>Turmoil in oppressive totalitarian Apartheid ‘Arab world’

</strong>If the uprising will lead to more democracy, ledd apartheid, less Arab racism, less apartheid (against non-Arabs or agaisnt non-pure-Arabs), “<em>unifiying the Arab world only by pseudo blaming the west and Zionists for its own fault</em>” and less totalitarianism and less anti-semitism, then, that’s a good thing.<p>However if radical Islam will abuse this ‘breach’ of security to further its ‘Islamic domination’ goal, than, that world sees an even more bleak future. Especially in face of Islamic Republic of Irtan that loves to stir rouble all over the world especially in the M.E. and gained some succcess -recently- in Lebanon cespite anti-Hezbollah pro-freedom protests there</p>