Posts Tagged ‘MB’

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all

July 3, 2011

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all – Ha’aretz – July 1, 2011

By Amos Harel

Arab Spring may be good for Israel after all
Even Arab analysts who witnessed the changes in the region up close recognize that forecasting the future is futile. But that doesn’t mean they don’t see recent events as a cause for elation… as Aluf Benn described in these pages a week ago: a weakening of the radical-Shi’ite axis if the Syrian regime is overthrown, Turkey distancing itself from Iran and Syria, and a continuation of Israel’s decent relations with Egypt.

Israeli Muslim Brotherhood Leader Arrested On Arson Charges – Islamic leader, infamous for inciting racism

March 1, 2011

Israeli Muslim Brotherhood Leader Arrested On Arson Charges

Family Security Matters – ‎Feb 26, 2011‎
Israel media is reporting on the arrest of Israeli Muslim Brotherhood leader Raed Salah on suspicion of setting forest fires in the south of the country. According to one report: Head of the Islamic Movement’s northern branch, Sheikh Raed Salah… In August 2007, Salah was indicted for “inciting racism and violence”

What kind of ‘Change’ – in ‘oppressive apartheid Arab world?’ – would be a good one?

February 8, 2011

What kind of ‘Change’ – in ‘oppressive apartheid Arab world?’ – would be a good one?

What Needs to be done vis-a-vis the ‘turmoil in oppressive apartheid Arab World’

February, 2011


Call for a halt to the massive Islamic apartheid oppression of non-Muslims in the Middle East, including such groups as the Coptic Christians in Egypt (the very indigenous, natives of that ancient land, who have been oppressed by the Arab invaders), Christians under Hamas-tan, even under “Moderate” Fatah, or any non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (prohibition of any non-Islamic practice in S. Arabia, the banning of Jews’ entry into some Arab countries), for starters.
Try and guess, why is it that out of the entire Middle East, Israel is the only country where Christian Arabs flourish, whereas in virtually all Arab countries, that community dwindles down so very quickly?


Stop apologizing for and sugarcoating (more…)