Posts Tagged ‘Hizballah’

Islamic Iran’s Hezbollah thugs lose in Lebanon’s elections

June 9, 2009

Islamic Iran’s Hezbollah thugs lose in Lebanon’s elections

Hezbollah Extremists Lose Lebanon Vote – CBS News 8 Jun 2009 … Militants Fail To Erode Pro-Western Bloc’s Majority In Parliamentary Elections, But Questions Of Gridlock Remain.

[QUOTE] US allies defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon vote‎ – June 8, 2009
BEIRUT (AFP) — A pro-Western bloc inflicted a surprise defeat on Hezbollah and its allies at the ballot box in Lebanon, final results showed, as the winners … [/QUOTE]

Good to see some good news for a change, how the foreign Iranian invader’s arm of Jihad, loses!

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]

May 8, 2009

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world [Racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism]
eretzyisroel ^

Non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world

One key element missing from the discussion is the question of non-Arab and/or non-Muslims in the “Arab” world. The Arab nationalists have succeeded in establishing some 23 non-democratic, ethnically (Arab) and religiously (Islam) defined nation-states in over 1 million square miles of territory, often at the expense of non-Arabs, such as the Kurds (Muslims, non-Arabs), Assyrians (Christians, non-Arabs), Copts (Christians, non-Arabs), southern Sudanese (Christian and pagan non-Arabs), Maronite Lebanese (Christian and mostly identified with their Phoenician ancestors) and Mizrahi Jews. Arab nationalist ideology claims all this territory exclusively as “Arab” despite the legitimate claims of non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims to ancient homelands long ago arabized with the spread of Islam, often through conquest.

I believe that the Arab opposition to the existence of non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel is based on the ideological motivations which led to the persecution of non-Arab minorities. The Assyrians suffered massacre and expulsion by the Arab nationalists of Iraq in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kurds have been persecuted and have suffered terribly for their struggle to establish an independent Kurdistan (at the hands of the Turks and Iranians as well, but that is another story.)

Arab nationalist ideology, and its Islamicist couterpart, cannot and will not tolerate non-Arab and non-Islamic peoples organizing themselves into their own independent nation states. Indeed, I have seen on Islamicist web sites the goal of “regaining” Spain in the name of Islam.

I believe that we need to place Israel’s struggle to survive into this context. Any non-Arab/non-Islamic state in the region must rely on strength (political, moral, spiritual and military) if it wants to survive in the Middle East. In this context can we thus place Israel’s demand for security. It is not security for the sake of security, not seucirty for the sake of oppressing another people, but security for the sake of survival against two racist and exclusivist ideologies (Arabism and Islamicism) which have succeeded in repressing the just struggles for national self-determination of most non-Arab peoples in the Middle East.

To this end, I highly recommend looking at the following web sites:

Assyrian Democratic MovementAssyrian International News Agency


The World Lebanese Organization

Maronite Research Council

Kudistan web

Latest Crimes of Islamic Iran’s Hezbollah thugs – plotting massacres in Egypt

April 14, 2009

Latest Crimes of Islamic Iran’s Hezbollah thugs – plotting massacres in Egypt

Prosecutor accuses Hezbollah of
plotting attacks in Egypt
Monsters and – ‎Apr 8, 2009‎
Cairo accuses Hezbollah of planning Egypt attacks Reuter

Cairo – Egypt’s public prosecutor on Wednesday accused Hezbollah of sending
operatives to Egypt to carry out attacks in the country and to smuggle weapons”>.

Egypt Accuses Hezbollah of Plotting Attacks Voice of America

Egypt ‘hunts Hezbollah suspects’ BBC News

News Analysis: Egypt-Hezbollah standoff dents Egypt-Iran relations

That besides bloody hands in:

US – Mexico border – drug trafficking.

Israel-Hizballah trade reveals much about both sides

July 21, 2008

Israel-Hizballah trade reveals much about both sides


Newsvine What’s this?
It was a ghastly trade, flesh and blood for two boxes of bones. Many criticized it. Some could not bear to watch it. But if anything showed the difference between Israel and Hizballah in last week’s exchange of two dead Israeli soldiers for five live prisoners and 199 corpses, it was not the trade itself.
It was the reaction.

In Israel, where the bodies of Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev arrived in black coffins, the mood was, according to reports, somber and mournful. Candles were lit. Prayers were recited. These two young soldiers, both students and reservists at the time, were captured in a cross-border raid two years ago by Hizballah guerrillas, setting off a small war that left 160 Israelis and 1,000 Lebanese dead.

Because the Israeli military vows to never leave a soldier on the battlefield, negotiations were held to get the two men back, even though most believed they were dead. Hizballah, which captured the two men to use them as bargaining chips, held firm to its demand that Israel free several prisoners, including Samir Kuntar.

Not Kuntar, many Israelis said. He was serving life sentences for murdering three people in 1979: a police officer, a civilian named Danny Haran and Haran’s 4-year-old daughter, whose head Kuntar smashed on rocks and with his rifle butt. Haran’s wife, hiding her other baby from Kuntar, covered her mouth to stop her whimpering. The child suffocated.

Kuntar’s killings were regarded in Israel as the most brutal form of terrorism. The thought of freeing him went against every fiber of justice.

But last week, after almost 30 years behind bars, Kuntar was allowed to go by the Israeli authorities. And on Wednesday, he walked down a red carpet in Beirut and was kissed by the Hizballah leader and cheered like a rock star.

“Samir! Samir!” the crowd reportedly yelled.

This for a man convicted of smashing a child’s head into pieces.

Nothing to celebrate
You can take whatever side you like in the Israeli-Palestinian debate. You can argue who is entitled to land and statehood and borders.

But you cannot defend the frenzied lovefest that took place for Kuntar in Lebanon, as if he were some long-lost statesmen, instead of a common murderer who did the worst thing you can do: take the life of a child. What religion condones that? What holy book says that is a good thing? A banner in Beirut, according to the New York Times, read “God’s Achievement Through Our Hands.”

What God would have a child’s murder on anyone’s hands? How do people celebrate such a killer? Is it because the little girl was Israeli — and Israel is the enemy? Since when does a 4-year-old know of politics or war? Is it because Arab children get killed by Israelis? Yes, children undeniably die in bombings — on both sides. But an Israeli soldier who deliberately smashed a child’s head on a rock should — and likely would — be tried as a criminal, not cheered like a hero.

The total disregard for life of anyone who does not believe what Hizballah believes stands in stark contrast to the value of life — and even of its demise — that Israel demonstrated in bringing those two bodies back. The families of Goldwasser and Regev were able to put their sons in the ground, to say good-bye, to end the wondering. That small act meant something to the government, which voted on the exchange. In the midst of the never-ending conflict Israel faces, that says an awful lot.

Killer vows return
Meanwhile, here is what Kuntar said to the cheering crowd: “I return from Palestine only to go back to Palestine. I promise families in Palestine that we are coming back, me and my brothers in the resistance.”

You’ll note he never says the word “Israel.” To men like Kuntar, Israel does not exist and should never exist. He and the terrorist group that freed him (and you can install Hizballah into all the government seats you want, a terrorist group is still a terrorist group) want a world in which Israel has no place. The Jews should be driven into the sea.

With a philosophy like that, it may be hard to expect remorse. But if you can justify Hizballah calling a national holiday to cheer home a child murderer, there is no talking to you. There is only mourning — as there was over two coffins last week — for a world in which such things and such thinking can take place.