Posts Tagged ‘Israeli Arabs’

The Racism of Branding Israel’s Security Measures – “racist”

October 31, 2010

The Racism of branding Israel security measures as “racist”

October, 2010

  • Countries – naturally – have the obligatory item: pledge of allegiance and loyalty to the state, before being naturalized, but when Israel demands it, its branded “racist.”

  • When Palestinian Arab TV teaches chidren to kill Jews aho are referred to (in accordance with Jihadi iedeology) as non-humans, as apes and pigs, there’s not one major article in the mainstream media carrying the story (of incitement) which is so fundamental in the “conflict.” Yet, When there’s one questionable case of one extremist loner in a settlement mistreating an Arab after his relative has been hurt by Arab terror… a virtual uproar emerges with speed and all settlers are demonized, again.

  • When countries implement security measures such as checkpoints in airports etc., it’s taken as understandable, when Israel (one of the highest target/victim of Islamic radicals” butchery) does it (in the dangerous militant Arab areas) it’s named “apartheid, racist.”

  • When any other nation investigates suspects of terror, it’s defined as safety measures, when Israel does it, it’s shoved at as conducting “racist policies.”

  • When the Arab-Islamic bigoted world – overwhelmingly – can’t seem to “give” Israel the right to exist, no one utters a word, but when someone out of a tiny minority of Israelis object to one more Arab state (“Palestine,” on top of the – already- existing 22 Arab nations) he or she is – immediately and without real explanation – branded as fascist/racist.

  • When Saudi Arabia or Mexico, or any other nation builds a security fence at the border, no one even thinks of condemning it, but when victim Israel erects such a fence which indeed helped to prevent massacres by Arabs, it’s demonized as “apartheid” (Without realizing that it’s sheer propaganda: using so conveniently the visual image of ‘separation’ within a wall, easier to define it as such than as a shield for what it really is. That’s what propaganda is all about, not facts).

  • When 90% of the Middle East (in a 2009 PEW) poll show overwhelimgly anti-Jewish intolerance, there’s not one UN meeting dedicated to such a ‘Goliath’ problem, nor is there any resolution on the cancer of Anti Semitism in the Arab world that includes demonization of Jews in cartoons in slogans, on TV.

    Yet, Islamofascists such Ahmadinejad is, ironically, given a forum on racism. So dopes the UN grant the podium for the racist Arab Lybian regime that treats its 2,000,000 blacks as animals.

  • When Arabs target Jews, because they are Jews, whether inside Israel or outside, including by members of the official ‘moderate’ Fatah PA regime (such as the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade), they are called: freedom fighters or “radicals” at best, never will you hear condemn the racism of anti-Jewish violence. When Israel conducts anti-terror measures and humanely notifies Arabs of a certain area to evacuate in order to minimize casualties, the UN has no more urgent matter (neither the Arab racist genocide in Sudan, nor the international ‘weekly’ massacres by Islamists, nor world hunger has the power to ‘move’ the UN), than to bow to the [well oil-ed] dictating Arab lobby pressure and condemn the ‘Zionist aggression.’ When the entire Middle East is saturated with bigotry against all minorities (real apartheid) and most are even “Judenrein” Jew-free – ethnic cleansed, including Arab-Palestine), no one objects and it’s viewed as “their culture,” thing. The Arab-Islamic lobby’s controlled Amnesty is silent. But when Israel gives equality and full rights for its Arab minority but dares to build housing for Jews in their historic (already shrunk) homeland, its called “judaising” the area (by the Arabs, which in and of itself is an Arab-racist idea) and an/the obstacle to peace.

Now, I couldn’t care less if this twisted ideology is by the racist Arab world, which already in the 1970’s initiated branding Israel as racist, or it is by the disloyal destructive Arab leadership inside Israel inciting its population against Jews, or by those copycats on the fringe radical left who fail to see the real picture (and often fused with misconceptions such as the “brown people” must be the victim and are certainly the “natives,” without realizing that most Israelis are actually “brown” middle easterners, or the historic factual massive Arab immigartion into Palestine 1880-1948), the fact of the matter is that treating Israel like this, in a bigoted matter is racism, intolerance well hidden beneath a cloth of “worry” for Arab-Palestinians.

Such simmering bigotry is at times exposed, such are the outburts at [ISM “Interantional Soldarity Mission” and other] “activism” for Palestine when the shouts of traditionally Islamic anti-Jewish genocide campaign: ‘Itbach Al Yahud’ are heard in the background of “innocent anti-occupation” protests.

More racist Arabs’ attempts to brand multi-racial racially-equal Israel as “racist” – a racism masked as “anti-racism”

April 9, 2010

More racist Arabs’ attempts to brand multi-racial racially-equal Israel as “racist” – a racism masked as “anti-racism”

In recent years, we’ve all witnessed an atrocious trend of anti-Jewish racism, the one rooted in Arab, Muslim bigotry, that seeks to tarnish Israel, especially those worried of Arab violence (which is in it of itself racist to target any Jewish civilian for being Jewish) and categorize fear as “racism.” Each time we see a “report” by a group (Mossawa, Adala, or others) posing as “human rights for Arabs.”

It’s part of Arab-Islamic (at times with help from radical left) to make Israel look bad, (in the UN, in global media), therefore “illegitimate” – therefor justifying the hatred to begin with. This, despite how much Israeli Arabs are treated with favoritism over Israeli Jews, often as first class citizens, in employment, in court, on campus, etc. The following is just an example of the racist Arab fake “reports” of “racism” in Israel .

Israel approves largest-ever Arab economic plan March 22, 2010 JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s Cabinet has approved the largest-ever economic development plan for Israeli Arabs. Nearly $214 million in new money was allocated by the government ministers Sunday for the program, which aims to strengthen the Arab-Israeli economy. The program reportedly includes building and expanding industrial areas, providing professional and academic instruction, increasing tourism, upgrading security and improving transportation and day care.

The program is to start in 12 Arab communities and later will be expanded to more communities. The approval came the same day as the release of a report by the Coalition Against Racism and the Mossawa Center: The Advocacy Center for Arab Palestinian Citizens of Israel that accuses the current government of being the most discriminatory in Israel’s history…, according to their count. A spokesman for the Israeli government did not have immediate comment on the report



World press review, Volume 37 Stanley Foundation – 1990 (page 57)

…the facts… For instance, until quite recently, the Israeli Consul General in Atlanta was an Arab. Racism is totally contrary to the tenets of the Jewish religion and to the unwritten constitution of Israel. How does that compare with Israel’s accusers?… The Arabs have for the most part expelled all Jews from their countries and don’t even allow Jewish visitors. They were the slave masters of yesterday and in some cases are reported to practice slavery even today. They are mercilessly exploiting black Africa and other developing countries by their inflated oil prices. For them to say that Zionism is racism is atravesty and an insult to the intelligence of the world.

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Anti-Jewish racism by Israeli-Arabs – Arabism

May 27, 2009

Anti-Jewish racism by Israeli-Arabs – Arabism

The worrying involvement of Israeli Arabs in terrorist attacks directed against Israeli Jews source, source, Among the brazened ones in 2008 are noted the bulldozer attacks source, “He took the bulldozer, with which he fed his own wife and family, and used it to crush other families to death, simply for being Israeli Jews.”source. Arab Workers Attack, Use Hammer to Injure Jewish Electrician (Jul 24, 2008) source, On July 7, 2008 a writer in Israel’s lefty paper Haaretz asks: If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I’d like to know what is. source.

Israeli-Arab leadership, Arab MK Ahmed Tibi: (the entire area) ‘Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews’ source, on January 2008 Islamic Movement head in Israel was charged with incitement to racism, violence source and on August 2008 Police shut down offices of Islamic Movement branch suspected of aiding Hamas, He was later in court with incitement to violence and racism, over a fiery speech he gave in the Wadi Joz neighborhood, in which he accused Jews of using children’s blood to bake bread. source.

A writer in Israel’s lefty Ha’aretz (on the left’s unfair demonizing of Avigdor Lieberman) on the subject of who is the racist, and on the hypocrisy of Israeli Arabs, especially Arab MK (member of Knesset /parliament) enjoying equality and lying about Israel’s pluralistic democracy at the same time: What’s racist is denying the Jewish people a state of their own. Certain Arab Knesset members talk incessantly about the Palestinian people’s rights, including their own state. But in the same breath they refuse to acknowledge Israel as the state of the Jewish people and deny the very existence of a Jewish people as a nation with national rights. The person who deserves the racist epithet is MK Jamal Zahalka, who attended the conference of hate in Geneva and called himself “a victim of Israel’s racist apartheid” while serving as a member of the Israeli parliament.

It has bee noted for a while that Arab Knesset members such as Ahmed Tibi have turned racists against Jews source.

In face of radical Arabs’ in Israel, such as Azmi Bishara toward terrorism, forming alliances with those attempting to annihilate Israel, a new term was coined: ‘Bish-Arabism’ , it could be defined as a radical and rapid shift among Israeli Arabs – especially their representatives in the Knesset – from relative moderation

In Oct 2008, on Yom Kippur, an Arab driver drove dangerously wild into Jewish neighbourhoods causing clashes, Arabs heading back to their neighborhoods ran riot through Jewish areas of the city. Calling “Death to the Jews” and Allah hu akbar (“Allah is great”), the rioters vandalized hundreds of Jewish-owned shops and vehicles, and threw rocks at people on their way to or from Yom Kippur prayers.

On March 30, 2009, Arab MK “complained” of: ‘Too Many Jews in Galilee,’ Taleb A-Sana of the United Arab List (Ra’am Ta’al) accused the government of “Judaizing the Galilee and the Negev” by encouraging Jews to move to those areas. A-Sana called on the government to encourage Arab life in those areas

From a May 2009 poll: ‘Bad Numbers Among Israeli Arabs,’: 40 Percent of Israel’s Arab Citizens Deny Holocaust
source, they believe Holocaust never happened source and only 41% of Israeli Arabs support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state,
source this racist trend is on the rise from a 2007 poll that showed “only” ‘28% of Israel’s Arabs deny Holocaust’ – statistics on Holocaust denial “reflect the situation in the Arab elite source, worth mentioning the transparant hatred of this, less of convinced “disbelief”, as the Israeli Arabs, and their groups like “Adala” (also known for calling Israelis’ fears as racism), etc. know when to remind the Holocaust when trying to exaggerate lost battles with Israel’s war on terror, comparing Arabs’ failure to “victims of the Holocaust” (as YNet elaborates on “Who is the real fascist?”) source

The War on the War on Islamic terror – False racialization of fear of terror

May 20, 2009

The War on the War on Islamic terror – False racialization of fear of terror

A writer elaborates on: Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Anti-Arabism: The False Link [1], In the wake of 9/11, opponents of profiling have shifted away from arguing against it because it is “racist”, but experts argue that Racial profiling: A matter of survival [2], the Arab world and some of the Arabists (inside and outside Israel) have categorized many Israelis’ genuine concern for their saftey and saftey of their children as “racism”. [3], at the UN’s Durban 2 conference, in on going major attempt to categorize ‘counter-terrorism’ as ‘Islamophobia’, Pakistan’s Islamic group wanted to include even more language to equate counter-terrorism with racism. Pakistan, Algeria, and Iran also wanted the words, “Islamophobia” and “anti-Arabism” to remain in the document. [4]

In democratic Israel, Arabs, Muslims are often first class citizens over Jews

May 8, 2009

Israeli Arabs Muslims, often First class citizens above Jews – preferential treatment for Arabs over Jews

Introduction: Critics point out to the reversed unevenness, some have summed it up in one phrase: “If Arabs Can Live in Jewish Neighborhoods, Why Can’t Jews Live in Arab Neighborhoods?” [1], In fact, many have raised the issue of Arabs not only being equal citizens as Jews in Israel, but often as first class citizens, Arabs, Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens [2] [3]

Land issues: an example: Israeli Police evict Jews from Jewish-owned Hebron home as applauding Palestinian Arabs looked on [4], there are complaints of Jews who proclaim that they are sick and tired of being second-class citizens, while all Arabs in Judea and Samaria are treated like first-class citizens. [5], in another case An Israeli Supreme Court ruling did not deny that the land was Jewish-owned, but ordered the Jews to be moved out. [6] In another case, a lawyer for Y. Herskovitz, owner of property in Jerusalem, said his client will sue Jerusalem police for failing to execute court orders to evict Arab squatters from his property. [7]

In court (broader issues), the Israelis routinely decide in favor of the Palestinians against their own government, applauded by U.S. Justice Brennan,[8] preferential treatments to Israeli Arabs, Palestinian-Arabs include steps on the expense of security, such as the ‘Democracy in action’ [9], Israel’s Supreme Court took up the grievances of Palestinians and required the government to move the fence in the area near Jerusalem to make things easier for the Palestinians [10] Even the NYTimes acknowledges that at least [11] periodically, Israeli courts rule in favor of Palestinians (instead of security/government officials).

Voting: the Arab minority are full citizens who enjoy equal rights despite not being required to serve in Israel’s army . [12] and decry: Israel is the only country in the world that endows a community of its citizens with full voting rights on both local and national levels without also requiring them to serve in the army, adding that Israeli Arabs even refuse the alternative National Service. They even refuse a national service in their own communities and exercise intimidation against members of their community that raise the subject. [13]

Employment: Israel has enacted affirmative action policies to help its minority citizens achieve full social and economic equality. [14] [15], in an example: if an Arab candidate received the same number of points as the Jewish candidate, the Arab doctor was preferable, in keeping with the policy of affirmative action in government ministries. [16]

In academia: a professor has written about Israel’s “affirmative action”, quotas and preferences for Arabs [17] Israeli universities… instituting programs that discriminate in favor of Arabs and against Jews [18] and that Israel already has a system in place whereby Jews are often treated as second-class citizens. [19]

Checkpoints: From May 2009, All Israeli citizens – including Jews – must now show their ID cards at the large Tarkumiyeh checkpoint, at the same time, life is being made easier for Arabs in the region – despite the several murders that have been perpetrated by Arabs. The IDF explained that the decision was made to “reward” the Arabs for not rioting or attacking during the recent Israeli offensive in Gaza. [20]

Media freedom: while the Arabs have unlimited freedom of broadcast [21] and the Hebrew radio stations like Kol Yisrael and Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio) systematically broadcast from an Arab point of view, yet the Arutz Sheva radio station, often called “Free Israel Radio” (because it is the only independent news network in the Middle East) [22], has seen restricting steps from the Israeli government. [23] [24]

Access to holy sites, often Israeli police closes the Temple Mount to non-Muslims Like: Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims on election eve – was closed to Jews today in response to Muslim threats of violence [25] and on more occasions. [26]

Lieberman is no racist (The Israeli ARABS are the racists)

April 27, 2009

Lieberman is no racist  (The Israeli ARABS are the racists)
By Yehuda Ben-Meir 
Last update – 11:01 26/04/2009    

I did not vote for Avigdor Lieberman and never will. I do not agree with some of his political positions and do not accept his framing of certain issues. But I am appalled by the left’s delegitimizing of Lieberman and anyone connected with him. I do not believe that Israel’s Arab citizens must be required to declare their loyalty to the Jewish state. What must be demanded of them and of all Israeli citizens, whether Jewish, Druze or other, is unflinching loyalty to the State of Israel and its laws. But even if one can, and sometimes should, disagree with Lieberman on his approach and statements on this sensitive issue, he’s still not a racist. Lieberman is neither a racist nor a fascist, and depicting him as such does an injustice to his voters and harm to Israel.

What’s racist is denying the Jewish people a state of their own. Certain Arab Knesset members talk incessantly about the Palestinian people’s rights, including their own state. But in the same breath they refuse to acknowledge Israel as the state of the Jewish people and deny the very existence of a Jewish people as a nation with national rights. The person who deserves the racist epithet is MK Jamal Zahalka, who attended the conference of hate in Geneva and called himself “a victim of Israel’s racist apartheid” while serving as a member of the Israeli parliament.

The left’s tendency to delegitimize and demonize people with whom they disagree is no less reprehensible than similar tactics by the right. Just as we must condemn right wingers’ attempts to cast doubt over the patriotism of Yossi Beilin and his fellow subscribers to the Geneva Initiative – provocative as this plan might be to most Israelis – we must condemn the left’s lamentable habit of denigrating Lieberman.
The idea to change the state’s borders in a peace agreement may not be practical or implementable in our circumstances, but we cannot deny its legitimacy and sense. And in any case, it has nothing to do with racism. Lieberman has said publicly that he supports the principle of establishing a Palestinian state. The media attacked Lieberman for his comments on Annapolis, but his statement on Israel’s commitment to the road map is of infinitely greater importance. It’s a fact that the Annapolis process did not mature into an agreement, and the road map enjoys widespread international recognition. Incidentally, it’s interesting to note that no such assurances of Israel’s commitment to the road map have come from Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s time that both the left and right learn to engage in debates over issues, not individuals, and stop delegitimizing and demonizing once and for all.

[Arab] Bus driver to Ethiopian: Drink milk and you’ll be white – Arab racism inside Israel

April 5, 2009

[Arab] Bus driver to Ethiopian: Drink milk and you’ll be white
Racist remark costs Jerusalem driver his job. Egged bus company spokesman: We denounce such disgraceful behavior, which puts all of our professional drivers to shame
Yifat Reuven (Feb. 2009)
A bus driver of Arab descent was fired this week after making a racist remark at an Ethiopian security guard at the entrance to the Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus.
“Perhaps you should drink milk and be white like me,” the driver told the guard, who later filed a complaint with the Egged bus company.,2506,L-3673580,00.html

Egged Fires Arab Bus Driver Over Racist Comment. February 18, 2009. eged.jpg Egged has fired an Arab bus driver after he told a member of the Ethiopian community “drink milk and you can be white like me”. .


December 7, 2008


(Dec 2008)

Israeli Police evict Jews from Jewish-owned Hebron home
As applauding Palestinian Arabs looked on, hundreds of Israeli police forced their way into a Jewish-owned home in the ancient Jewish city of Hebron Thursday and evicted the Jewish families living there.

Israel’s Arabs, Muslims have more rights than Israeli Jews!

Arab racism against Jews inside Israel: Arabs’ rampage in Acre

October 23, 2008

Arab racism against Jews inside Israel: Arabs’ rampage in Acre

[Oct 2008]…

the violence continued as Arabs heading back to their neighborhoods ran riot through Jewish areas of the city. Calling “Death to the Jews” and Allah hu akbar (“Allah is great”), the rioters vandalized hundreds of Jewish-owned shops and vehicles, and threw rocks at people on their way to or from Yom Kippur prayers.

Police arrest Acre Yom Kippur driver… Police on Monday arrested 48 year-old Jamal Taufik, the driver who entered Jewish east Acre on the evening of Yom Kippur and who is blamed by police for sparking a provocation that deteriorated into several nights of racial violence and rioting.

Technorati –

Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

September 22, 2008

Another Arab racist attack by Israeli Arabs against Israeli Jews… 10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack [Arab drives vehicle into crowd]

10 wounded in Jerusalem terror attack. Ten people were wounded – one seriously, two moderately and seven lightly – on Monday night in a terror attack at a busy Jerusalem intersection. Rescue services said an Arab driver drove his car into a group of people at Zahal Square. The driver was shot and killed by citizens, according to Israel Radio and rescue services. The intersection is near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate.
Oh well, Just another “isolated’ incident of Arabs INSIDE Israel filled with anti Jewish racism out there to murder ANY Jew – man, woman, child, just like the 2 bulldozer terror attack cases, just like all terror attacks by Arab ‘Palestinians” that were ALL assisted by Israeli Arabs racists…

than… these racist savage Arabs will complain how they are “poor, poor second class” because Israeli Jews “dare” be afraid of the Arab Muslim [fake victims’] horrendous crimes against humanity.

So “unfair’ indeed…

Technorati –